
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 31:Born Is ThreeScar…

The gnashing, grinding, and swallowing of flesh echoed inside the minds of all the Circle Members, the images of the bout haunting their thoughts, some even had their life's work playing out. The lively chatter was no more, the cheers of longevity now ceased, only feeling left to bask in for the Circle was total Despair...

Gargy moved his body to an angle where he was directly gazing into the eyes of Rigor as he continued to munch away at the belly of the Hyena, showing his discontent for such an unsavory tandem as he slathered his face with innards of the opponent. The light in Rigor's eyes from before was now dull and gray as he watched the gruesome death of his Hyena, a tough pill to swallow...

(Rigor) You've won! We were forced here by you, and you're overwhelming but if you think we won't fight for our lives, you're going to be mistaken!! (Rigor's voice is rumbling and trembling out of Fury!!) Oh yeah, we're going to fight!!!

(Members) Yeah.... We should fight, maybe some of us can escape...

(Murmurs envelope the bunch and now some resistance is rising up from the pit's helplessness)...

(BlackBlood) Escape!?? Don't tell me your hearts are so shaken that you all have forgotten who brought you all here!! Chi.. Chi... Chi... But!!! This isn't over yet. Look your Hyena is just about finished...

Rigor turned in time to see Gargy ripping apart sections of Fiend's body starting with the head, then tossing it into the air and Ogren was the recipient. He snatched the head, nodded down to Gargy and vanished above the clouds...

Gargy then biting at the tendons and muscles of the right shoulder and arm, broke the arm free from under the tree and tossed it into the air, and on the receiving end was none other than Grand Boppa. He too nodded down and vanished into the air above. The cycle went on until all the Gargoyles floating above had received their piece and the only thing left was Fiend's heart...

At this point Rigor and the Circle are stuck in awe of the scene taking place. Like this has gone on for thousands of years before. Each Gargoyle acknowledged Gargy and in return he paid homage by sharing his Greatest Kill with the elders...

Gargy bent over and grabbed the heart, raised it above his head and turned his gaze up into the sky far beyond the clouds and slowly....





Gargy's voice coiled, rumbling up into the heavens and was met with showers of blood...

As the blood rained down upon Gargy he squeezed the heart until all its blood had washed his body mixing with the showers of blood. Then the rain stopped and the clouds instantly cleared, making the Grand Goyles all floating high at the tip of the atmosphere, still in a circle with their portions of Hyena in hand. None of them had taken a bite, but they were drained of blood during the showers, now they were waiting for something...

BlackBlood made her way to Gargy...

(BlackBlood) You shall become whole, no longer will you roam around nameless and weak, for you have Eaten the Weak and proven to the Grand Goyles worthy of your name. I take great pleasure in giving you the name of THREESCAR!!!

-I AM THREESCAR- GGGGGGRRRRRROOOOOAAAAARRR!!! A powerful roar signifying the approval of the name as he shouted up to the Elders. They chanted down THREESCAR!! THREESCAR!!! THREESCAR!!!! Then all holding up their portions of trophy flesh, they tore into it, savoring the flavor with each bite. Threescar completed the ceremony and sealed his name by eating the heart of Fiend.

The Gargoyles came down from the sky to further acknowledge Threescar and speak of his new role within the Grand Goyles, but before Ogren could address Threescar...


-Tatatatatata- Ogren was instantly in the face of the perpetrator who interrupted the closing of the ceremony.

(Ogren) Aaaaggggaaiiiinnnn ssssppppeeeaakkkkiiinggg ooooouuuuutttt oooofff pppplllllaaaccce!!! Yyyyoooouuuu Ccccrrreeeaaatttuuuurrresss ooooffff Gggrreeeddd ooonnnllllyyy Ttthhhiiinnnkkk ooofff Yyyyooouuurrrssseeelllvvveess...

Ogren lifted his finger and all of the Circle Members were forced to the ground... It was as if the weight of a thousand planets pressed down upon them and slammed them into the rock floor, causing full-body indentures into the ground. Ogren was crushing them with his overwhelming power.

(Boppo) Nowww.. Nnnooowww... Calmmmm yourselfff, Ogren. Theyyyy tooo wanttt too liveee.. Whatttt sayy youuu BlackBloodd??? Itttt mattersss nottt too usss howww youuu wanttt themmm too dieee... Buttt dieee theyyy musttt...

(BlackBlood) To honor this challenge will be my pleasure. I will take on all of you at one time and I won't use Blood Prison. We must return to the landmass I teleported with us in order to battle. This is the grounds meant for the Order, not for humanoids...

(Rigor) What tricks are you playing now??!!! Why would you agree to take us all on in open combat instead of using your Blood Prison to cut us down swiftly? And you want to have us fight on our land. No matter how strong you are, do you really believe us to be that weak?? Explain.

(BlackBlood) Chi.. Chi... Chi... You are no threat to me. I promised to take all of your lives, the means in which I do it shouldn't matter. I am the scourge of a nation destroyed by the hands of your predecessors, make no mistake, I will be the last opponent all of you ever face, so I'll let you forfeit your lives to me as warriors instead of the lowly scags you are...

(San'Halo) Well Grada, what's the next move? Neither BlackBlood nor the Gargoyles are aware of our presence, so when and how do we strike her down before she manages to eliminate all our friends and colleagues??

(Grada) San, it's going to be fine. Just do as I tell you and we shall slay this self-righteous wart with ease. What's a few sacrifices in the grand scheme of things? We can always start over, a stronger and more powerful Council and Circle, with you at my side. But I need you to hide me in the Oasis and use yourself as bait, if the timing is right we shall be triumphant...

San nodded and created another rift to move into the Oasis before BlackBlood and the Members could reach it…

To be Continued...

Next chapter 32...

~Blood Oasis~