
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 30: It’s Over….

Even though Gargy has recovered, Fiend would not submit to his will, but rather fight for his life as he's always done. A battle amongst creatures can change in a split second. Fiend's instincts would kick into high gear, knowing this could very well be the end...

With Gargy standing behind him now, Fiend would kick its hind legs into the chest of Gargy in attempts to use it as momentum to gain distance and gather himself.. -Swhaaaap- The blow landed square as it did before, but this time it was different...

Gargy took hold of Fiend's legs simultaneously as Fiend's blow landed, grasping them tightly and squeezing them until... -Ccccccrrrrrrchhhhhhh- Gargy broke both legs with his claws, providing a death grip never seen from a creature...

Fiend was rendered almost helpless, screeching and whimpering but still with his one paw free of injury now swiping and biting all he could at Gargy to release him from this position. Gargy would lift him up and -Thooooooomb- he hit the Hyena in the mid-section of its body, sending him flying across the arena...

The Hyena would tumble into a tree stopping him from going even further. It was a time of despair for the creature. Panting, unable to stand due to three legs now being useless, a hole in its side, and facing an unyielding opponent, there was no way for him to survive this... But...

-Tom-tom-tom-tom-tom- Gargy is making his way toward the wounded creature to finish him. Fiend played coy again, hoping Gargy would repeat the same mistake he made earlier and not consider him a real threat. Gargy reached for the Hyena and Fiend leapt at the opportunity. However, Gargy was not going to be suckered again...

When Fiend leapt, Gargy side stepped and as if time slowed for him, Gargy moved over while gazing in the desperate eyes of his opponent. Again took Fiend's back, but this time Gargy snatched him by his broken hind legs. -Whaaaaabbbbaaaam- And bashed him into a tree, breaking it in half...

Fiend slumped to the ground with not a sound made, but from the looks of it his ribcage was poking out now. This was the end and both creatures knew it. Gargy would look up into the sky at the onlookers of the bout. BlackBlood would shake her head as if giving a sign to him...

-Hhrrrmmm- Gargy snorted loudly, then looked up at his Kin and beat his chest... -Thooomb ssllsh-Thooomb ssllsh- Thoomb ssllsh- With each thump, blood would spew from his wound and slosh on the ground around his feet, and yet he would show no pain, he would show no weakness...

-Tom-Tom-Tom-Tom-Tom- Each step leaving a lasting imprint upon the earth beneath his feet, each breath is getting heavier and heavier, instilling the premonition to Fiend that these are his final moments...

Gargy bent down and grabbed Fiend by the nape of his neck and lifted him up so they were looking face to face, but Fiend was gripping his eyes tightly and refusing to see his own end. Gargy sniffed Fiend up and down sizing up his kill...

Gargy's grip on Fiend's neck got to the point where his Claws were no longer visible, as blood started trickling down his arms due to digging deep into Fiend's flesh in attempts to make the Hyena open its eyes. Fiend whimpered in pain but still wouldn't open them, Gargy's head twisted to the side and now frustration was more visual upon his face than it had ever been...

Gargy's face twisted in disgust and he bellowed out in rage!! -Nnnnnnooooo Mmmmoooooorrrrreee- Nnnnnnnnoooooo Mmmmmooooorrrrreee- Nnnnnnnnnnnooooooooo Mmmmmmooooorrrreeee-

Members of the Circle were gasping and deer-eyed at the spectacle. This was pure domination and control, at one point they were cheering and happy at the possibility of walking out of this alive due to Fiend, and now he's too afraid to even meet his end...

-Baaaaammm- Bbbbbaammm- Bbbaaammmm-

Gargy was downright tyrannical, slamming Fiend's face into the ground screaming "No More!" Time and time again... Until finally Fiend opened his eyes, its face battered and beaten giving what was a final snap at Gargy...

Gargy's eyes lit up with excitement, and as the blood drained down the many bruises and cuts that was scarring the face of Fiend, Gargy licked them in appreciation of the battle, 'Tttthhhaaannnkk Yyyyoooouuu'...

He looked up at the crowd once more, this time BlackBlood nodding at him, and Gargy would grin from the notion. Holding the Hyena by the neck, he would bite off a chunk of his face and start chewing it. He would then take his free hand and lift up Fiend's only good leg and rip off the paw...

Fiend was in so much agony as it was. He barely had the strength to make a sound. Gargy now frothing from the mouth with delight, would get an idea from his surroundings and -Bbbbaaaaaammmmmm- slammed the Hyena into the ground one last time for good measure, before walking over to a group of broken tree trunks and lifting them up one at a time...

He took each one to where the Hyena was laying and bolted them back into the ground with a limb of Fiend underneath each one, staking him to the ground while spreading his body open as if he was getting ready for a dinner meeting...

He stood over the dying Hyena, -Gggggrrrrrrrooooooaaaaaarrrr- Gargy let out a roar that reached the heavens, birds would come out of hiding, and beasts would run in fear in the fields miles away. Even the creatures in the waterways would dive deeper to escape this Gargoyle...

He then slowly got down on all fours and started at the ribs, ripping apart the flesh with one claw, as if opening a package, and once the meaty insides were showing he dove in head first, gnashing and slurping up the entrails of the Hyena, nonstop. Eating through bone and flesh was no problem. Tearing apart cartilages and tendons, rearing his head back to swallow, mouthful after mouthful, blood around his mouth slurping up flesh from his hands, and the Hyena was forced to endure just as all the other creatures they eat in the wild. The Hunter has become the prey...

The battle is over and Gargy is the victor but....

To be Continued...

Next chapter 31...

~Blood Oasis~