
The night before, Bierny had a premonitory dream

Epílogo. (7 Creator Games)

"Good gentlemen, with me it will be until another chance," she said, Nalexa. Congratulate the intervention of: DJ Carma Latro, one of the heirs of Doctor Darkman, who allowed to revive the daring of his parents to the enigmatic White Island. You can appreciate the remodeled Yacht "Alone in the Island White" of which DJ Carma Latro, is the current owner; at the end of this second film staging: 'what is behind the scenes' of the documentary that also bears the name "Alone in the Island White". You are invited to the formal opening ceremony of the "Love Returns to the White Island" Cruise, owned by Bierny and Nalexa. Together with my friend, lover, future boyfriend and husband, we will undertake the trip to the White Island, in the Ancash Region, we hope to compensate the past events that affected the entire Bay of Chimbote and therefore all the reefs and corals of the entire world .

(… In another context, on the aforementioned Bierny)

The night before, Bierny had a premonitory dream: Suddenly she woke up in a bed, which was overflowing in deep water and a voice told her:

What material was the bed made of?

Who made it?

Why did that tree have to be cut down?

Berny was falling asleep again; and again: she woke up in the same situation, she seemed to him that these recurring dreams were repetitive and up to seven times; like a loop that she reminded him of the events up to seven times.

—If this was real: Where did it happen? Why did this happen? What happened?

At the seventh cycle of repetitions of the same dream, her voice ended by saying: "The world will end in seven days. And by means of a flood. " Nobody knows why?

(… Going back to the Cinema scene with Nalexa)

—Now he introduced you to Bierny, our host at the Cinema: "Alone in the Island White", for the second presentation of the night. With me it will be until another opportunity. I am Nalexa, Ecological and Environmental Engineer, friend and confidant of Mr. Bierny and with whom I will undertake the challenge that will be described below. We invite you to join us. Thanks. Let's receive Mr. Bierny. (…applause)

-Goodnight! Eastern Europe, "said Bierny." I am Bierny, your host. (applause)

—The first thing I will do, will be to change the name of the cinema, because I call to compensate the facts, we must be men and women with proactive, assertive, and consensus purposes. Bierny clarified.

—The cinema will be called from next spring season: "Love Returns to the White Island", in addition, from this place the entire journey of the cruise will be screened, which bears the same name: "Love Returns to the White Island". Affectionately, Nalexa, explained to them that we are an initial team of two people who love each other. (laughter and applause) And love wins!

—And of course, we need your support, the cruise ship "Love Returns to the White Island" has capacity for a thousand personnel, not counting its executive staff.

—Let's embark on the marine adventure together that will save our future children… improving what our parents did. (Applause…)

—Without further ado, with you, and for 30 minutes, behind the scenes: "Love Returns to the White Island".

(The filming begins, with photographic shots and video clips of the White Island, the narrators speak in the video)

"Hi, I'm Bierny."

"Hi, I'm Nalexa."

—Together we will talk about the challenge: "Love Returns to the White Island".

—There is a lot of unpublished material, which responds to What happened next? —Bierny: asked a question that generated interest in the viewer—: From the first documentary: "Alone in the Island White."

"See for yourself, as we explain." Nalexa said.

"The people who did not participate in the events in the depths of the White Isle or on the reefs or with the Alpins trees," Bierny said:

He began to collect what the tide was throwing onto the beach.

"There are those who collected pieces of leaves and pieces of Alpins fruit." There are even those who took a piece of a branch to graft or replant and of course they did and repopulated the reefs of their interest. I mean Doctor Darkman; Said Bierny. Y:

—Precisely Doctor Darkman, had placed surveillance cameras, daytime and night ... Of course he never had the courage, so to speak, to return, even many of us or our parents, never thought or intends to return to that place, after seeing what was done before or did the protagonists of this documentary.

(Delving into the video exposition ...)

—On a fishermen's excursion to the beaches of the White Island, attracted by the drastic changes that the Island experienced… —after having a vast expanse of coconut trees, bushes and tropical vegetation, in less than seven days it was deserted, without population: all fauna and flora became extinct. This shows the cameras that the fishermen recovered years later among their fishing nets, these cameras were being auctioned as spare parts in a flea market: 'of old and second-hand objects, including antiques from sunken ships, and lost in the world' . —ConcluI finished exposing Bierny. Adding:

—Now we will show you the current photos of the White Island.

Spectacular shots of the area were passed, made by a drone. After half an hour ... all the attendees stood up and applauded without caesar, and chorus: Come on! Go!

Then in order they proceeded to move to the landing stage to appreciate the Cruise: "Love Returns to the White Island." And of course most of them signed up and set aside quotas for the crossing and many others bought presents from the White Island made by the Collective (Chimbote de Pie. Go Go Berly ...)

That night, it was one of the longest and most celebrated in Eastern Europe. And more in the heart of Bierny, of the adventure friend and Nalexa, of DJ Carma Latro and of the global friend: KeiSky.

KeiSky, is the beauty made woman, a native of the Philippines, a cultist of mountain and beach life ... she likes to live away from the big cities ... she loves to photograph nature and investigate marine habitats. It was precisely on one of those trips that DJ Carma Latro undertook to Cebu Island, in the Philippines. The trip in Asia was quite promising. Upon arrival, she needs to orient herself in the city and continue to the mountains in search of the flowers that her mother asked for. And on inquiring, he came across: KeiSky; who gladly provided him with a map of Cebu Island.

Bierny is transmigrated to Vallemar and both (bipolar / human and pro-human characters) fall in love with Nalexa. Nalexa has a sister named Alondra. Alondra falls in love with Xuli Latro who has been adopted by Jack Latro and specialized in Espionage, Hitman, and Finance.

Bierny must mentor Xuli Latro to help him in his relationship with Alondra otherwise he will lose his marriage. There is a cycle of seven days for the change of project of life, character and personality; otherwise they will fall into a cycle of repetitions that the Creator has established for the bad guys; at the end a flood will eliminate everything created:

Who will be saved? (Read: The Creator Of Seven Games)

(English) https://www.webnovel.com/book/7-creator-games_19366455705122805

(Spanish) https://www.webnovel.com/book/el-creador-de-7-juegos_19366871205123905

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