
Bite To Death

It's the zombie apocalypse for about an hour, and then Hibari Kyouya happens. During his terrifyingly efficient takeover of the world, he also deigns to clear out the zombie infestation.

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34 Chs


Kusakabe Tetsuya, the Vice Chairman of the DC, steps up to the podium and clears his throat, instantly gaining the attention of the milling crowd packed into the school's hall. This will be the last group to organise.

"Thank you for being patient," he starts off with. "I know it's been a very long week, and things have been disorganised. I won't take up too much of your time but we all need to be on the same page to work cohesively."

"First of all, the DC have posted evacuation plans all over the school, please take the time to read and memorise them. Secondly, it's true that the school is over populated right now so some people will have to sleep outside. If you are not sick or injured, I'd like to ask that you take the sleeping bags provided and set up near the school walls."

Tetsuya takes a breath and scans the crowd. They're tired and dirty and hungry but the worst is over and those issues can be addressed.

"The next point to address is the supplies. There has already been a successful trip for more hospital supplies, and by the end of the week, new clothes will be brought in and of course food."

A few relieved sighs come from the audience and light chatter starts up.

"Any new information about the rest of Japan and the world will be posted on the main news boards around the cafeteria, but any information you've gathered could be helpful so please don't be afraid to visit the Maths staff room and talk to the people there, as they run the system."

The quiet chatter turns to full blown talking as the people gossip amongst themselves. Tetsuya holds back a sigh and raises his hand. They shut up immediately.

"Thank you. The DC have organised classes for applied first aide and general physical defence from beginner level to expert. If you want to participate or even run a class, please apply to the Science staff room. For those of you with actual job experience like in IT, construction, or whatever field you work in, please offer your experience to the Social Sciences staff room."

A few people look considering, or were even mouthing the staff room names to not forget.

"Lastly, for those of you who want to work with the outside on supply runs or as a guard, head to the Physical Education staff room. There is a certain level of experience needed with regards to such a position, but again, training is available for anyone."

Testsuya leans back from the microphone. "Are there any immediate questions? General ones can be answered in the teachers' lounge."

Hands shoot up and Tetsuya picks a meek looking person first to get into the flow of things.

"Is it true that scouting groups have been sent to the hospital?" he asks in a quiet voice.

"Yes, they have," Testsuya readily admits. "In fact I received word before this meeting that a plan has been organised already. You, with the grey hat."

"What do you mean by plan? Are we getting more supplies or…?"

"The takeover will be complete by Thursday tomorrow, while the lockdown to secure it will take at least until Sunday. So sometime next week the injured will be moved and beds will be open to others as well."

The hall practically erupts into sound, people talking over each other in excitement. Tetsuya keeps his neutral expression but inside he's bemoaning the need to play nice with the people. He wasn't serious when he told the Chairman they needed to be more open with their operations.

Up until now, they've kept everything quiet; the scouting parties, the small Special Forces that actively hunt, and even the supply runs were relatively secret.

It's not like the DC is all that bothered about how society actually runs or what rules there are – they simply accept orders from the Chairman and move to complete them swiftly. But now there are people who actually complain about not being told when groups go out, like the DC are expected to care.

Tetsuya sighs inwardly but decides to keep going because it seems to distract them well enough. "Not only the hospital," he begins in an even tone, which makes them hush to hear any more information. "We're also planning to secure the three main hotels and move people there as the building is more accommodating than this school."

They look like they're about to start up again so Tetsuya rushes the next part out. "The major radio station is also a priority to get information to any other survivors, while the shopping mall is being converted into a more secure supplies storage, but that's a while off."

It's almost dead silent at the gush of information after a week of vague answers. The actual knowledge seems to be a shock as well.

Tetsuya doesn't know why but the adults continuously offer their help with running things or outright demand it, yet for some reason they seem incredulous at the DC's speed or tactics.

Surely this was just common sense, right? Take the main points and then expand. They couldn't just stay in the school forever – the Chairman is getting twitchy already and has resorted to just sleeping in his own home with zombies infested streets outside instead of the rooftop of the high school.

Which says a lot about how accommodating the teenager is being.

Tetsuya wonders when the Chairman will get bored of playing hero and just take off, carried by the wind.

"Thank you for your attention," Tetsuya says politely into the silence and turns to leave the stage. The group of three DC members at his back trail him out, the explosion of noise completely ignored.

As Tetsuya steps out into the sunlight, with people scurrying around on odd jobs to keep the school running, he can't help but glance up to the roof.

A figure stands at the very edge, gazing out over Namimori with a jacket fluttering in the wind.