
1603. Legs

'We didn't do anything to the heads,' Noah thought while spitting flames.

The cursed sword had inflicted its drawbacks on Noah's chest, but the dark matter had quickly covered the missing pieces of skin.

The outcome of the exchange didn't bring any positive news. The entirety of Noah's team had attacked the winged lion without leading to decent effects. Breaking two legs and ruining one wing was nothing when it came to the overall power of the creature.

"There are a few frail spots near the base of the legs and necks!" King Elbas shouted right after the exchange. "The heads are the sturdiest parts, but they also contain centers of power. Rip the creature into pieces until you reach those spots!"

King Elbas had taken care of identifying the frailest spots on the winged lion. No one had noticed the weakness at the base of the legs. Noah and the others had mainly focused on the heads, but they understood why they had remained unaffected by the assault now.