OC Parahuman with powers influenced by Amy and Victoria Dallon(Panacea and Glory Girl). Uploaded every Tues and Fri at Noon EST What to show your support or read ahead? p*treon.com/ASJ_ASJ All properties belong to their original owners
*Victoria Dallon's POV*
Our patrol around the scheduled route was going as usual, until we were ambushed by lung. He was already in stage two of his development. His development was split into four stages, technically five.
Stage zero is his form when he's not drawing power. This was not an official stage as he was never not drawing power. He achieved this by developing a mindset that life was a battle, which allowed a steady but low drawing of power.
Stage one is the form he was typically in. this form drew a small amount of power. It only provided minimal increase in physical abilities and the only visible change was increased musculature. It also did not provide any pyrokinesis.
Stage two is his initial battle form, it allowed him to take on the wards by himself. It provided a substantial physical ability increase and turned him into a wingless lizardman with durable scales. It also provides him moderate pyrokinesis.
Stage three is the usual peak form he can achieve; it allowed him to take on the local protectorate. It provided an even greater increase in physical ability and turned him into a true dragon with wings and incredibly durable scales. It provided an increase in pyrokinesis.
Stage four is a state he only reached a handful of times: it allowed him to take on the entire upper tier of the national protectorate. It provided a level of physical ability, durability, and pyrokinesis that was almost unmatched by other superhumans.
All of this to say, we were up a creek. It was the only downside to prophetess and dreamer's abilities; they could only see the future when it had been decided upon. Lung was known for unplanned blitz attacks which were unpredictable by both conventional and unconventional means.
"You brats are about to be a lesson for your parents about the dangers of interfering with my business." (Lung)
Oh great, he was extra mad about our parents intercepting that drug shipment. All we can hope for is that our parents reach us in time. We were just lucky that Dreamer and Panacea weren't on this patrol as sometimes happens, so we had no non-combatant members with us. while Amy's healing would have been appreciated, she would have been a weak point we could not afford.
"Everyone. Plan 17B." (Will)
We had many plans each meant to deal with a different situation. Plan 17B was meant to deal, read survive an encounter, with lung in an urban setting, with an ideal lineup, and an uncertain time frame for backup or rescue.
Will and I were the vanguards and defend the rest of the team.
Warren's role was to keep the fires off the weaker members and ensure that the flames didn't take all the oxygen from the area and suffocate us.
Susan was to get hits in where she could and maneuver the members with limited mobility around the battleground.
Gwen was to utilize her gadgets to help where she could.
Layla was to tie him down and keep him on the ground and stationary.
The fight started with a clothesline from Will and I which knocked Lung off balance.
Layla proceeded to tie him up on the ground with Warren keeping Lung's flames away from the vines.
While he couldn't completely stop him from escaping, he could buy us a minute or two.
This allowed all of us besides those two to get some hits in.
We got some good hits in, but he healed even quicker. The vines snapped with no notice and allowed him to get a good hit in on Suzie. While she could take some pretty heavy hits, she couldn't just shrug off a hit from stage two Lung and she didn't heal nearly as quickly as Lung.
The fight didn't not go much better from there. While Lung was not the brightest, he was by no means stupid. He kept his flames small but concentrated to ward off Warren and Layla's abilities. He was also on the lookout for another clothesline.
While Gwen could cover some of us with forcefields and divert some attacks with her tractor beams, it was just not enough to bridge the gap. Lung was by no means professionally trained; he had decades of experience fighting every kind of capes.
He battered us for several minutes and was about to finish it when we were saved by a mysterious cape.