

Bingo is a 29-year-old wicked king who rules the Trull kingdom with an iron fist.

Daoist70Zxrs · Fantasi
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1 Chs


Bingo is a 29 years old male wicked king who rules the Trull kingdom with an iron fist. There are many reasons for this; it is just how he is raised; being the firstborn son has been difficult, he knows this very well from his younger brother, he doesn't want to be treated like he isn't capable of taking over; but there are also many others that explain the reason why. He was always taught that no good would come out of a marriage between two brothers unless it was completely legal and that this was the only way it could happen because otherwise they would both die. He knows that, at least for him, getting married would mean certain death because if he died then he'd never get to see what kind of man or woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with; so even though it was something that should have been expected of him, it was something that bothered him greatly. His father, King Haldor of the Trull kingdom, was not happy about this, and he had done everything in his power to make sure that Bingo did not agree to this marriage. The last time that it happened was when he was fifteen and his father had been working really hard on a particularly nasty project;