
Billionaires Toxic Relationship

KissBlink237 · Fantasi
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25 Chs

chapter14 flash back

The Wilson's Mansion

Brandy's POV

I ran into our large sitting room and found dad watching the news

pictures of Alex kissing me were display on the screen

I see your finally accepting your relationship with Alex Dad said sipping from his glass

Dad good morning I said as i kissed his cheeks

dad has really been everything to me ever since we lost mom in that tragic accident

I placed my Head on his laps and he combed my hair gently

Dad Alex has been cheating on me I said as tears rolled down my cheeks,

there is this girl,

what's her name again,


Dad's eyes widen in suprise when I said her name

you know she looks exactly like me dad,

does Alex love her because she looks exactly like me dad?

I saw this same girl but when I asked Alex he said she was his business associate,

I saw the same striking resemblance between you two but before I could ask her any questions she disappear as if running away from some one

she is his mistress Dad

I saw him carrying her to his car last night,

unable to control my tears I let them roll peacefully

Don't cry dear may be it all a big misunderstanding

I promise to settle this for you,

I will be visiting Alexander later today and we will get to the bottom of all this

ok Dad I need to go and d rest I walked to my room and shut the door behind me

I took out my phone and dialed Huston

he picked at one ring

I heard you are back in town gorgeous his voice came in

yes I came in two days ago

and I called because I want you to help me with something

anything for you beautiful

I rolled my eyes at his words

I will send a picture of a girl to you

I want you to find out everything about her

I want to know the relationship she has with Alex ,

Alex, Alex ,Alex, what is it about this guy that you can't forget,

Brandy you know am so into you

are you helping me or not I said almost hanging up on him

like i said anything for you

ok will be waiting for updates within 6 hours

I hung up and laid on my bed looking at my beautiful babie doll room

I won't let any woman snatched my Alex from me

even if I need to speak to this useless hutson just to get that girl down I will,

nobody messes with what belongs to Brandy

Wilson's POV

I sat at the sitting room staring into thin air

was the girl ib saw at the party really my Gabi or some other person

I have been insearch of them for over 8 years now

I shouldn't have left them for this evil woman

I cleaned the tears from the corner of my eyes

I took out my phone and dialed Alex to get more information from him

Good morning Mr Alexander sorry for disturbing this early

* good morning *

that your business Associate Gabi

please can I get any background information on her

I mean like her name's or her mother's name

* Gabriella Wilson*

my eyes widen in shock when I heard him pronounce the name

* I will call you later I need to sleep*

no please wait

Tut Tut Tut


Is Alex drunk this early in the morning,

he must be drunk because the Alex I know won't give any information concerning his workers out just like that

but thank goodness he is drink If not he wouldn't have given me her last name

is she really my Gabi,

thank you Lord I finally found my family

I will turn this city upside down if I have to just to find them

Gabi's Apartment

Gabi's POV

good morning mom I walked downstairs and found mom in the kitchen

Gabi ....

what are you doing here , when did you come in

she asked with a shocked expression,

I came in last night mom

you were already at sleep so I didn't want to disturb you

she looked at me careful and I tried hiding my puffy eyes

have you been crying Gabi,

what happened to you Dr

she rush towards me and hugged me

did Alex do anything

she asked and I nodded in denial I don't want to add to her troubles

then what happened she asked again almost crying

and dont you dare lie to me

mo.. mom

I ran into Dad last night

you what.....

you mean you saw Wilson last night

she asked and I saw her expression changed from sadness to happiness

my Wilson is Alive

you need to take me to him Gabi,

where did you see him,

mom you need to calm down ok if you stress yourself to much you might fall unconscious

I tried to calm her down

how do I tell her that he left us because he had another family

how will I tell mom that he has a wife and a daughter

the Doc asked me not to let her get too excited or too sad or it going to damage her brain

mom please calm down ok I will take you to see Dad when the time is right

no I want to see him now she burst into fresh tears and I hugged her trying to console her

everything will be ok mom I said as i tapped her back and she sob gently

I need to have a discussion with that man

I won't let him hurt mom again

we have suffer so much for this past ten years

I know he must be trying to figure out who I am by now due to the way he was looked at me

Alex POV

where are you Gabi

I tried taking stady steps to the elevator but keeps ending on the floor after any attempt

how much did I drink last night

put yourself together Alex i stood up again and this time i walked to the elevator and headed to my room i entered the bathroom and dip myself into the cold water and

my vision became clearer

why is Mr Wilson suddenly interested in Gabi

I guest I didn't make a mistake telling him her full names

or maybe he has teamed up with Brandy to attack her

I need to get to her immediately

few minutes later

I walked into Gabi's Apartment

and spotted her at the sitting room with her mom

Gabi i called and she adjusted her mother quietly to the couch before standing up

what are you doing here Alex she said in a low tune

I came to check on my baby i said not locking eyes with her

well your baby is fine you can go now she turn to walk inside but I stopped her

Gabi am sorry ,

please just let me explain everything to you

Brandy is my ex girlfriend

we loved each other since we were kids

our love wasn't reciprocal because I was always the one giving her all the attention in the world

she left the country A year ago

I proposed to her at the airport but she turned down my proposal

Gabi you need to believe

Brandy is my past and you and our baby are my future

please come back home

I will go with you was her shut reply

I breath a sign of relief

that was quick I whispered as she walked upstairs to get her bag

and turn my eyes to Mom who was fast at sleep on the couch

let go she walked in heading towards the door

what about mom won't you tell her you are leaving

she is sleeping I don't want to disturb her she said and got into the car

Gabi POV

I walked into Alex mansion and curse myself for following this man back here

I Dont know if I came back because I wanted to or because I was avoiding mom's questions when she gets up

thank God I texted Nelly to go take care of her when we were on our way here