
Billionaires Toxic Relationship

KissBlink237 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
25 Chs

chapter 1 lost in lust

In a few long seconds we frozed in complete silence

i stood staring in the eyes of the stranger i want to lose my virginity to

he slightly tapped my ears with his nose and I could feel shivers running down my spine

observing him i couldn't help but be drawn to him. his beautiful.

as i breath in i took in more and more of his scent, and drifted into fantasy about us.

standing there i imagined how good it will feel to be able to call someone like this my own.

enough of the staring, his husky voice brought me back to reality.

was it that obvious? i whisper as i tried taking steady steps to the bed i felt like the floor beneath my feet was collapsing.

i can't believe I will be having sex for the first time in my life. to make it more fun it with a complete stranger who insist on keeping his identity a secret .

but I careless because all i needed right now was someone to pour my frustration on

i stood still and try heading to the bathroom but

he pushed pass me and I lost my balance closing my eyes and waiting for the pain to come when I hit the floor.

a pair of strong arms wrapped around me,

my eyes widen slightly as i take a deep breath.

the air in the room is thick, cursing my breathing to deepen.

he leans forward, filling my space with his dizzying cologne.

my heart is beating so loud and it blocks out everything else.

he brushes the hair from my face and rest his hands against my cheeks.

i looked down at his muscular chest as it rises and falls.

i bite my bottom lip slightly at the thought of it pressed up against me

i can see a smirk form on his face as he catches the desire in my eyes

are you sure you want to do this he whispered into my ears and I froze instantly

he carried me to the bed and laid me down.

once we start they is no going back he said while taking off my clothes.

i shot my eyes close and my beautiful cheeks turn tomato red out of embarrassment

you don't need to be embarrassed he said you have a beautiful body.

i close my eyes enjoying the pleasure.

his lips were cold as ice cubes place on my body.

i opened my eyes when I couldn't feel his kisses and met his hard gaze on me before I could say any thing his lips had already captured mine i return the kiss and slowly duck my fingers into his thick well comb hair turning it into a total mess.

he unzipped my pant and i felt his warm hands on my dry core he played with the hairs in the area and his lips were doing what I can't explain to my nipples.

i let out a loud moan and he tighten his grip on my left breast while his lips where sucking the right nipples with so much pressure.

i moaned louder begging him not to stop.

he spread my legs wide open and tried sending his middle finger into my pussy.

i felt a sharp pain but it faded away when the finger was completely inside.

i don't know what his doing but I don't want him to stop.

he moved the finger in and out of my pussy and i moaned in pleasure.

he suddenly let go of my nipple and started drilling kissing all over my body before I could understand what was going on his head was already down there.

i felt his tongue struggling to go in and out of my V part.

i couldn't hold on any longer i pulled him up and asked him to dip it in,

are you sure he asked ,

more than ever i replied trying to take off his pant

he took control over my lips and kissed me as if his life depended on it

i return with the same energy and left our tongues to fight dominance

he slowly took my hand and led it to something i don't know but it was very huge and hard i tried caressing it to figure out what it was

boom reality hit me

it his dick. i opened my eyes as wide as i can staring into his.

do you like the size he whispered and his warm breath sent shivers of excitement down my spine

i nodded knowing well it the alcohol in me speaking

are you ready he asked giving me a serious look and I nodded again.

he captured my lips again while trying to fit his brick into my pussy.

i gasped in pain and he stop

are you ok he asked and I nodded.

while distracting me with his eyes he succeeded in putting it all in.

i felt this sharp pain that lasted for more than 40 seconds.

he slowly pulled out and in making me moan louder and louder.

he continued riding me in and out,

he increased the paste when he saw i was adjusting to the pain.

we went on and on

i heard him moan very loud and it felt like he release some watery substances into my body and I felt his hard dick pulling out of me gently.

he collapse on my body and we both drifted to dream land