



Allysia can't believe Mrs Marshall is starting to take Irene's side too.

'She must have enchanted her too' Allysia thought and broke into another round of tears .

She's not as strong as she behaves,she breaks down easily.

"Come with me to the kitchen. Now" Mrs Nola said sternly and Allysia limped after her.

  She was still battling with the shock of Irene talking back at her.

She's so gonna humiliate her brother tomorrow.

"There you are! Limping! But causing trouble all over the house" Mrs Nola obviously in disapproval of Allysia's behavior.

  "Sit down and tell me who the hell told you about Mrs Neave" Mrs Nola said and Allysia reluctantly sat down.

The aroma of the soup she was preparing waft through Allysia's nostrils and she sniffed it,with her eyes closed.

"I'm waiting" Mrs Nola said, resting her back on the kitchen counter,with her arms folded beneath her breasts.