
Billionaire's Personal Nurse

Axel a billionaire playboy has always believed that all women are gold diggers but that changed when he meets the beautiful and independent Caramel. Despite his initial skepticism Axel finds himself falling for her, and for the first time in his life he begins to question his beliefs. However, their relationship is not without it's challenges as Caramel struggles to fully trust him because if his past reputation. Will they be doomed by the constraints of their social status?, Can they overcome their difference even when Axel's family disapproves of their relationship?.

Victoria_Owuri · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

The Job Offer

I had just began my break, checking my watch I realized that I only have twenty minutes till my break is over. I have been busy at the hospital, I have just finished attending to a patient.

It's been two weeks since the incident. On my way to grab lunch I heard the buzzing sound of my phone, checking the ID of the caller I saw that it's an unknown number. I picked the call,

"Hello" I said

"Good day Caramel" the person at the other end greeted

"This voice sounds familiar" I thought

"Good day to you too" "Who am I speaking with?" I asked

"It's Olivia speaking" the person replied

"Oh, ma'am, I'm sorry I didn't know you were the one"

"It's okay darling" she replied

"How are you?" she asked

"Am fine ma'am, and you?" I responded

"I am also fine" she said

"How's your doing?" I asked with concern

"He's getting better, thanks for asking"

"Can we meet up today?, It's important" she asked

"Okay ma'am"

"Where do you want to meet and what time"

"Khalif's cafe, 5 minutes from now" "Is it okay by you?" she asked

"Yeah, am okay with it" I replied

"Okay then, thanks" she replied

"You're welcome" I responded and the line went dead

I got to the cafe, immediately I entered, Mrs Black spotted me and waved at me to come over. I went to her

"Good afternoon ma'am" I greeted as a sign of respect

"You're two minutes late" she said

"Sorry" I replied, my face burning in embarrassment

"I was just joking" she replied with a chuckle

"Have a seat" she gestured towards a sit opposite her's for me to sit, and I sat down.

"Do you want to order anything?" she asked

"Yeah, actually I haven't had launch yet" I replied

"Okay" she said with a smile

She called the waiter and we both placed our order.

"I called you here to talk about something important" "It's about my son" she completed after a pause

"Why, what happened to him" I asked with concern written all over my face

"He's doing well but he can't walk, the doctor said that his legs are weak. His blood sugar is low and it affected his legs, the doctor said that it's temporary" she said with a sad smile

"Am so sorry" I said.

I held her hand that was on the table, looked at her and said

"It's okay ma'am, it's just temporary and he's going to be fine" I comforted her

"Thank you so much, you're such an angel" she said with a sad smile

"It's nothing" I replied

Our food arrived and we began digging in.

"I want you to work as my son's personal nurse" she suddenly said

I paused and looked at her confused

"Me?, Why?" I asked

"You saved my sons life and Evan though it's not been long since we met, I trust you and I know that you're a good person. You're a good daughter too" she said with a smile

"A good daughter?" I asked confused

"Yeah, I am sorry, I had you investigated" she said with the word "guilty" written all over her face giving me a sheepish smile

"Oh" that was all I could say

"Will you accept the job?" she asked with hopeful eyes

"I am willing to pay you 200 dollars every month" she said

My eyes were practically bulging out if their sockets by now, Mrs Black chuckled at my reaction

"I need the money because I have bills to pay and help my dad" I thought

"Okay" I answered

"Thank you so much" she said with a huge smile on her face

"When should I start?" I asked her

"Next week Monday, you will start by 7am and end 8pm" she replied

"Is it okay with you?" she asked


"That's great" she said, her smile never leaving her face

"See you on Monday" she said, standing up, I stood up as well and she hugged me

"Thank you" she said

"Thank you too" I smiled and nodded at her.

Weekdays flew by quickly, it's already weekend. Most weekends I just sit at home relax, watch movies, talk to my dad and go to the park but today I decided to go shopping.

I got to the mall, I went to the clothing section and tried on some clothes. While looking at myself in the mirror, "Wow, this dress suits you" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around and met with a blond, she has blue eyes, 5'6 tall and her body was that of a model.

"Hi I am Melissa" she introduced

"Hi, I am Caramel" I said

"It's nice meeting you" she replied with a smile

"Likewise" I said with a nod

"I am also looking for a dress for a party but I don't know where to start from" she told me

" Okay, I can help you" I offered

"Thank you so much" she said and hugged me taking me by surprise

"You're welcome" I said returning the hug.

After shopping and finding Melissa a dress, we went to the receptionist and payed.

"Do you have a ride home?" she asked

"No, am taking a cab" I replied

"Let me take you home" she offered

"Okay thanks" I accepted because I was already tired, 'what?, am not a fan of shopping'

I gave her my address and when I arrived home, "Thank you for the ride" I said to her with a smile

"You're welcome"

"Do you want to come in?, so we can have a cup of coffee" I invited her

"No am in a hurry, maybe next time" she replied with a pout


"Can I get your number so we can meet up when am free?" she asked


We exchanged numbers "Thanks again, drive safely"

"I will, bye" she responded


I got to my apartment, opened the door and went to the kitchen to make myself launch. After having launch I called my dad, it's been a while since I spoke to him

He picked after two rings, "Hey dad"

"Princess, how are you"

"Am good dad, how are you?"

"Am fine dear" he responded

"How's work" he asked

"Work is fine and stressful" I replied with a sign

"Don't stress yourself so much"

"It's my job dad" I said with an eye roll, my dad is so protective and worry too much

"I got a job offer" I informed my dad

"A job offer?" he asked

"Yes, as a personal nurse" I said

I then narrated everything that happened before I got the job to my dad and he was proud of me for helping the man. After speaking with my dad, o watched movies and went to bed.