
Billionaire's Personal Nurse

Axel a billionaire playboy has always believed that all women are gold diggers but that changed when he meets the beautiful and independent Caramel. Despite his initial skepticism Axel finds himself falling for her, and for the first time in his life he begins to question his beliefs. However, their relationship is not without it's challenges as Caramel struggles to fully trust him because if his past reputation. Will they be doomed by the constraints of their social status?, Can they overcome their difference even when Axel's family disapproves of their relationship?.

Victoria_Owuri · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

The first Day

I woke up to the piercing sound of my alarm, I started to wriggle and stretch within my cosy, warm, haven that's my bed. I realized today is the first day of my job as a personal nurse, I got up from bed said my prayers and went to do my morning business.

After I was done, I went to the kitchen to prepare myself breakfast. I had coffee, some sliced bread and butter. I checked the time and noticed that I had 30 minutes left, I cleaned up the kitchen, picked up my bag and rushed out of my apartment. After making sure that I locked the door, I stopped a taxi and left for work. Normally I would take the bus because it's cheaper but I only have 25 minutes left and I don't want to be late because of being stranded waiting for a bus.

The ride to the address was 15 minutes. Immediately I got there, I paid the taxi man, I got to the address and I saw a black gate. I pressed the the gate call box and then a voice came up, it sounds like a man whom am thinking is the gatekeeper.

"Hello, who are you looking for?" the voice asked

"I am here to see Mrs Black, I am her son's nurse" I replied

I didn't get any response, some minutes later I heard the gate opened.

"Come in" I heard the same person speak

I went inside "Good morning ma'am" the man who am guessing is the one that I spoke with just now greeted

"Good morning to you too" I replied politely, he nodded at me with a smile.

He look like he's in his early 50s, he has black eyes, sharp chiseled jaw, black hair, a good stature. 'He looks quite young and handsome for his age' I internally said.

"You may go inside" he announced smiling at me

"Thank you Mr...."

"Mr Jacob, Jacob Nathan" "But you can call Nathan" he replied

"Caramel Greystone" I introduced

"It's nice meeting you" he said

"It's nice meeting you too" I replied with a smile

The exterior of the house is so beautiful and big, it's painted grey and white, it's very wide and spacious. I could see the parking lot at the corner of the building. It looks like a freaking castle, I wonder how the interior would be.

I got to the door and knocked lightly on it, a young lady answered the door. She's definitely a teenager, she has auburn hair, blue eyes, she was wearing a maid outfit

"Hi, I am...."

"Caramel the personal nurse" she said cutting me off

"Yeah" I replied

"Hi, I am Rose"

"It's nice meeting you Rose"

"It's nice meeting you too" she said with a smile

"Mrs Black already told us that she's expecting you" she

"Oh, ok"

"Please come in" she said stepping aside for me to get in

"Have a sit Mrs Black will be with you shortly"


Wow the interior of the house is beautiful, it's like a freaking castle, the walls and chandeliers are painted golden color, the chairs are black and very beautiful, I am sure that's one of the latest designs. The inside is spacious, the interior looks even more attractive than the exterior. While I was there gawking at the house, I heard someone clearing their throat and immediately I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked at the person and I realized that it's Rose immediately I blushed deep red in embarrassment because she caught me staring, she chuckled at my flushed face

"There's no need to be embarrassed, who wouldn't stare. The house is like a freaking castle" she said and I nodded in response

'see, am not the only one who thinks so' my inner mind said

"Can I offer you anything?" she asked

"No, thanks am good"

"Okay, if you need anything am just one call away. Just call my name" she said

"I will, thanks"

"You're welcome" She said and left

Shortly after, I heard the clicking sound of heels, I turned to the direction of the sound and I saw Mrs Black coming down from the stairs, she's wearing a blue off the shoulder top and black jean trousers with her hair tied in a ponytail

"Good morning ma'am" I stood up and greeted her as a sign of respect

"Morning Caramel, how are you?"

"Am fine ma and you?"

"Am fine" she replied with a bright smile on her face

"Please have your sit" she said gesturing towards a sit for me to sit down


"I just came to check on my son, he's the only one who lives in this house together with the maids" she said

"I am sure you know what to do. If you need anything or run out of medical supplies, I have instructed doctor Ben to supply you with those" she said

Doctor Ben is one of the doctors in the hospital I work at, yeah, I am still working at the hospital but am here temporarily till Mr Axel gets better .

"Okay ma'am"

"I need to get going now" she said standing up

"Rose" Mrs Black called

"Yes ma'am"

"Please make sure you assist Miss Caramel if she needs your help and show her around as well" Mrs Black instructed

"Okay ma'am"

Mrs Black then turned to me and said

"Please take good care of my son"

"I will ma'am" I replied with a smile

"Call me if you need anything because my son is kinda hard to handle" she said with a chuckle

'I feel as if I am a nanny' my inner mind said

'No shit Sherlock' I replied her with an eye roll

"Okay ma'am"

"Thank you so much" she said hugging me

'She's such a hugger' I thought to myself smiling

"You're welcome ma'am"

Mrs Black said pulling away from the hug and started walking towards the door "Bye"

"Bye, stay safe" I replied

I turned and saw Rose looking at us with a smile

"She's likes you" she said

"Yeah, I like her too, she's nice"

"She's a kind woman, she's the one that's sending me to school ever since my dad died" Rise said with a sad smile

"Am so sorry" I said sympathizing with her

"Thanks, but it's in the past now" she said with a shrug

"Miss, can I show you to Mr Axel's room, now?" she asked

"Sure, please call me Caramel"

"Okay" she said

"Hmmm" she said dramatically putting on a thinking face tapping her chin with her finger

"Can I call you Cara instead?" she asked with a cute pout eagerly anticipating my response

"Sure" I replied

"Thank God, I thought you were going to reject it" she said blowing out a sigh of relief

"I like it, it's kinda cute" I said

"Yeah" she smiled

"Umm Rose"


"What did Mrs Black mean by 'her son is difficult to handle'" I asked because I was curious

"He's kinda arrogant but he's a nice person when you get to know him" she said with a smile

"Okay" I think I am really going to have a difficult time, maybe it won't be as hard as I think, right?

"Shall we go milady" Rose said pulling me out of my thoughts, while dramatically lifting up her dress a little bit with her knees bent and head bowed as if she's greeting a royalty.

"Sure" I replied chuckling at her

'I think we're going to be good friends' I said internally.