

He is in love with the sister in-law of his cousin. Loving someone is not a problem. But the fact is the woman that he want to be with for the rest of his life is younger than him of twelve years. Along his way of living, he learnt that Adel is also in love with him.

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7 Chs


"That's okay, Adel. But do you think what I'm thinking?"

"I'm not a fortune teller, big brother. What I have in mind is that she will go straight to the mental hospital because she seems to be going crazy."

"That's what I mean, Adel. You just didn't get it right away. Because she is obsessed with Darwin, she's going crazy. She is created her mess."

Adel then leads Reynold Wayne to the place where that crazy woman stays.

"God will forgive us for this but HE will understand us well. By the way, thank you for helping me and my sister to get this mess through."

"There's nothing to say thank you for, Adel. We are now family. Khalid and your sister are a couple."

AFTER a while, they went out together where Khalid Mohammad and Antonette were.

"What are your plans now, children? If you ask us your neighbors, we'd better bury them. We don't know what else the person behind their death can do. Even if we say that she is in your care, the mastermind is still alive," one of their neighbors said.

"I agree with Uncle Anton, Sister. That woman has gone crazy so we better bury them." Adel immediately agreed to what their neighbor suggested.

"Even I agree, hija. Not because your captive has gone crazy, but out of respect for your parents. So while it's still early, let's bury them before they continue to insult you," another neighbor suggested.

Then, Antonette who just came home from Saudi Arabia spoke up.

"What is better for us to do, we will follow. Even if tomorrow, we will bury them. Our parents will understand us," she said.

"Yes, Sister, since they continue to make trouble, let's take them to their final destination first so that their journey will be peaceful." Again, Adel agreed with her elder sister.


"Could you be quiet for now, cousin? Well, we're at a funeral but you seem to be a little girl there who walks around," Khalid whispered to his cousin.

"What can I do if I'm restless? It's like I'm going deaf because of the drum of my heart," RW replied.

He also couldn't understand himself because he was suddenly overcome with nervousness when they were about to enter the cemetery. He thought he was hiding it but he was wrong because his cousin also noticed the disturbance in his personality.

"Just settle down, for now, cousin, since we're in the cemetery. We'll just talk at home later instead of being the ghost we buried," Khalid replied still whispering then simply looked away.

He also feels bad for the surroundings, he just doesn't want to make a scene so he looks at his cousin. This is right because there is nothing wrong if they are observant.

"Mom, Dad, I know it's hard to lose you at the same time, but for your peaceful journey, Ate Tonette and I will release the burden on our hearts. Wherever you are right now, I pray for your eternal happiness with Him, our Redeemer May you live with Him eternally, 'Tay, 'Nay," Adel said then dropped the white rose she was holding.

"Happy journey, Mother, Father. I hope you will still guide Adel and me even though you are far away looking at us. May you dwell with Him, our Almighty Father, and live eternally." Antonette also dropped the rose she was holding.

Among their siblings, she is the eldest, but, she is the one with a soft heart, who easily sympathizes with others. Whereas the youngest has stubbornness. She can't blame her because they are girls but they are especially good at farm work and Adel is easy with their parents.

After the priest gave a prayer, they gave or dropped flowers one by one and said their last words for the corpses.

They were about to close the tomb when they all got confused. Not because those, they were going to bury lived, but three shots in a row rang out. But they got into more trouble because all the bullets hit, Khalid Mohammad. And he almost fell to the ground if only Reynold Wayne grabbed him.

"What a hell! I told you there is something wrong around here! Whoever you are, get ready because I will send you all to hell!" Reynold Wayne's fist was clenched and angry, unable to determine whether he was whispering or hitting someone.

But as fast as the incident is, the young man's behavior is the same. They were just cousins, but the bloody and unconscious Arab was lifted like a piece of paper and taken to the parked car. He didn't care what happened next in the cemetery because what was on his mind was to take his cousin who was his best friend to the hospital.

When that happened, they hurriedly covered the grave where the two coffins were lowered. They don't know what will happen next and what the culprit will do, so they all act in a hurry.

When he (RW) left to take his cousin to the hospital, it started to rain heavily. That's why those who were on the hill eventually found their path. Even the couple Princess Queenie and Wayne quickly took shelter in the tent. Everyone took shelter to avoid the heavy downpour except for the orphaned siblings. Adel and Antonette.

"Sister, let's go now. It seems that it will rain." Adel hugged her stunned sister. She understands her feelings but she does not agree with what she's doing under the rain.

They were both soaked from the rain. But for Antonette, being wet by the rain is nothing compared to the three bullets that hit her boyfriend. His cousin rushed him to the hospital and they did not know what his condition was.

"You go first, Adel."

"Sister, you might be the one who gets sick from that. Look, the people have gone home. Grandpa Wayne and Grandma Princess Queennie are downstairs but looking at us. So come on, Sister." Adel begged her older sister again.

"I don't know, Adel, what curse the rainy season has on me. I just patched everything together. When Darwin and I broke up, it was a rainy season. The first time my cousin and I met up was during a rainy season, we met. We were in Riyadh on a rainy day, I went home because of the loss of my father, followed immediately by my mother, it is also a rainy day now that we are taking them to their final destination.

"And my God, Khalid's life is in danger again because of our relationship. What are my sin in the world and all I experience is pain EVERY TIME IT RAINES? Do I not have the right to be happy? Is there no hope of living safely even in the rainy season?" not in his statement?

"Sister, don't talk like that because no one wants all of this to happen in the rainy season. Just think that it's God's test of you. He has a reason why everything happened during the rainy season. Said of a writer's favorite line is IN EVERY RAIN, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A SUNSHINE AT THE END. There's more, Sister, DO YOUR BEST AND GOD WILL DO THE REST. So come on sister before you get sick." She stopped because of her emotion.

But because she turned her back, she didn't see and didn't notice the approach of her boyfriend's ancestors. He was about to inform them that the couple Wayne and Queenie were there but they stopped her so they heard what she said over and over again.

"Hija, come to your grandfather's car. Let's talk at home. Maybe you'll be the next one in the hospital if you don't want to go home. Don't worry about your boyfriend because he's a fighter, so let's go home," she said.

"Your grandma is right, hija. Don't talk like that because no one wants to lose the ones we love in life. About your breaking up with your ex-boyfriend, that's just God's way to bring you and our grandchild together. Your parents, just think that their lives will last until then. So come on, let's go home, Hija." Lolo Wayne added.

Remembering how many bullets hit her boyfriend, Antonette began to sob again and could hardly say what she was saying.

"But three bullets hit Khalid, Grandfather, Grandmother maybe---maybe---" Thinking that the three bullets that hit him would kill her boyfriend, she couldn't finish what she was saying because she started sobbing again.

That's why grandma Queennie hugged her, she didn't care if it got wet too.

"Don't think like that, hija, your boyfriend won't leave you yet. Adel is right, so think of it as a test. Don't worry about Khalid because our family is surrounded by law enforcement. Reynolds Wayne's mommy is a lawyer and his dad is a colonel.

"Even the father of your boyfriend is a colonel in Saudi. If I'm not mistaken, you're lucky to have him. Even both sides of your family and your grandfather are like that, law enforcement officers. So don't worry because Adel and I will help you as much as we can to bring justice to their deaths.

"And if it's about Khalid, Reynold Wayne can handle that. Even if he acts alone or even just orders his younger sister who is also a lawyer, they will catch the culprit. So please, hija, don't think about what if whatever. Let's go home, hija." Grandma Queennie added.

AT hospital where Reynolds Wayne rushed his cousin. If how times he peeked into the emergency room where his cousin was, he couldn't count. The same goes for walking and sitting in. If the floor could talk, it would have complained about the intoxicating effect it was doing.

"Don't let me ever find out that you are the perpetrator of the shooting of my cousin, you are an animal. No matter where you hide in the world, I will find you to pay. You are no different from the Fernandez parents. You are just the same lunatics!" He grimaced between walks, peeking into the emergency room, sitting in front of the ER, and we'll walk again.

He didn't have enough evidence but he took advantage of the opportunity he was alone to spy on person after person after their mortal enemy. So he found out that it was the father of the captive of the brothers. He also found out that the father and son have a temporary restraining order against the Ortega brothers and that whatever their reason is, he doesn't care anymore because what is important to him is his cousin and his best friend.

"Excuse me, did you bring the patient here?" The doctor encouraged him.

"Yes, Doctor. How is my cousin? How is he doing? Is he out of danger?" He asked the doctor one after another that his face could hardly be seen because he was wearing a face mask and scrub suit.

"He will be out of danger if you let me speak, bro, and I mean it. We need four bags of type AB to supply him and we only have two bags in the blood bank so we need two more bags. A lot of blood was lost especially him and most of the bullet hit his back. And I'm sorry about the possibility that we need to operate on him because a bullet is in his spinal cord but for now we need to do a blood transfusion," the doctor explained seriously.

Reynold Wayne wanted to hit the doctor because of what he was saying but he held back for his cousin's sake because he also thought he was the one in need. But even before he could answer, someone spoke or answered the doctor and he even lost the chance to answer because they were like the wind at speed. In an instant, the blood donor and doctor entered the ER so he had nothing to do but walk around right in front of the ER again.