
Billionaire's LAME excuse

BILLIONAIRE'S LAME excuse. This story delves into the real experiences of life, so as you embark on Erica's journey, keep in mind that it will include profound romantic language, and corresponding actions may unford. N.B no rape. Excerpt; He stood up from his chair in his office and advanced towards me,not knowing what his intensions were.positioning himself just a couple of feet away. As he witnessed my perplexed look, he moved closer, I can't think,my feelings made with a jumble of uncertainty. Leaning in, he gently kissed me, leaving me in a state of surprise I flushed my eye lids continuously. With his warm breath brushing against my face, he softly whispered, "Erica, tell me what's going through your mind." I swallowed hard. With a glimmer and curved lips he straightened his eyes with mine " that's right, write what you're feeling in your upcoming chapter." BILLIONAIRE'S LAME excuse, follows the life of a young woman named Erica who starts working at the mansion of a billionaire. But her innocence leads to a romantic involvement with her boss, resulting in her being let go from her job. With endurance Erica embarks on a challenging path to rebuild her life. Through hard work, determination,and with the help of her to be brother in law as a fortunate opportunity, in no time Erica climbed the ladder of success and eventually becomes a self-made billionaire. Erica decides to pursue a career as a writer and eventually reconnects with her former boss. *** This story highlights Erica's capacity to conquer obstacles, reshape her life's story, and discover fulfillment in both her personal and professional aspects. Enjoy reading it.

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Useless Billionaire

You tend to overthink things Erica"

 Chapter four 

I felt as though the earth had opened up beneath me, swallowing me whole. How could he be so nonchalant after what had just transpired?

"Please talk to her, Miss Gilet; she's completely out of place," Miss Shelly interjected before making her exit, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the weight of Mr. Stridha's dismissive words lingering in the air.

With a heavy heart, I reluctantly retrieved the empty cup, my eyes drifting back to the spot where Mr. Stridha and Miss Shelly had been just moments before.

His words echoed in my mind like a haunting refrain: "You tend to over think things too Erica."

But in that moment, plagued by uncertainty and doubt, I couldn't help but wonder: was it really possible to think too much in a place where every action seemed to carry such weight and consequence?

As I approached Miss Gilet, my hands trembled with apprehension, and my heart raced with uncertainty. Why hadn't Mr. Stridha reacted to my presence earlier?

Would he address the situation in some other manner, perhaps through a letter or some indirect means?

Carefully, I handed the cup over to Miss Gilet, bracing myself for the barrage of reprimands I knew awaited me. "Ma'am," I called out softly, steeling myself for her response.

"This is your last warning, Erica." Miss Gilet's voice cut through the air, firm and unwavering.

"Know your place, and never ignore Miss Shelly's question again."

Her words landed like a blow, leaving me reeling with confusion.

What question had I ignored from Miss Shelly? I racked my brain, trying to recall any moments where I may have faltered in my duties.

But try as I might, I couldn't pinpoint any instance where I had deliberately ignored her. The accusation only added to the weight of my already burdened conscience, leaving me questioning my every action and wondering where I had gone wrong.

Miss Gilet's warm warning hit me like a wake-up call, reminding me of the importance of attentiveness and professionalism in my role. Her words echoed in my mind, emphasizing the potential consequences of my actions if I continued to falter.

Reflecting on the interaction with Miss Shelly, I couldn't help but feel a sense of regret.

Perhaps I had indeed missed her question about my well-being earlier, too consumed by my own anxieties to properly acknowledge it.

The realization weighed heavily on me, adding another layer of guilt to an already fraught situation.

With a heavy sigh, I acknowledged the fact that my encounter with Miss Shelly hadn't gone as smoothly as I had hoped. But rather than dwell on past mistakes, I resolved to learn from them, striving to be more attentive and responsive in the future. After all, my job and livelihood depended on it.


The absence of Mr. Stridha for two consecutive nights left an eerie atmosphere hanging over the mansion, leading to an unusually early knock-off time for us maids.

It was during one of these nights that I caught a glimpse of Mr. Muya, the younger Stridha, lounging in the living room and watching TV.

His presence seemed to be a rarity, only appearing when his brother was absent. I couldn't help but wonder about the dynamics between the two brothers and the significance.

The following morning brought another unexpected occurrence as Penny, one of my fellow maids, arrived late and immediately singled me out.

"You!" she called out sharply, causing me to instinctively point at myself in confusion.

"Of course, who else do you see there?" She added sarcastically, her tone cutting through the air like a knife.

Caught off guard by her accusatory tone, I glanced around, only to realize that I was the sole recipient of her attention.

The question lingered in my mind, leaving me puzzled and unsettled. Why would she single me out like that? Thankfully, before I could dwell on it further, Miss Gilet entered the living room, providing a welcome distraction from the awkward encounter.


As Miss Gilet questioned Penny about her absence from work the previous day and her tardiness today, Penny's response was dismissive, rolling her eyes and stating.

"I had way more important things to do, Miss Gilet."

Miss Gilet's reaction was one of shock as she covered her mouth in disbelief at Penny's audacity.

"Did you just?" Miss Gilet struggled to find the right words to express her incredulity.

Penny quickly cut her off, explaining that she had been engaged in conversation with me when Miss Gilet entered the room.

Miss Gilet's attention then turned to me,

Penny's tone sharp as she demanded, "What's going on with her?" Pointing to at me ,"Do you think you're fit to sit at Mr. Stridha's cultch?"

Feeling the weight of her scrutiny, I stood quietly, unsure of how to respond. Before I could gather my thoughts, the doorbell rang, interrupting the tense atmosphere. One of the servants went to answer the door, and moments later, she turned to call me.

"Erica, it's for you," she announced. 

As the servant announced the arrival of a package addressed to me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and apprehension.

Miss Gilet instructed the man to enter with the package, and shortly after, Miss Shelly made her entrance.

Penny's voice cut through the tension in the room as she questioned why the package was addressed to me, her tone tinged with offense.

Miss Shelly, clearly displeased by Penny's audacity, swiftly reprimanded her.

"And who gave you the audacity to speak in my presence?" Miss Shelly's tone was sharp, and her authority was unquestionable.

Penny's response was tinged with defiance as she defended herself: "I simply asked a question, Miss Shelly. Aren't you curious too?"

Miss Shelly's patience wore thin as she admonished Penny for her perceived insolence.

"Five days at work, and you already grew wings to talk back at me," she remarked icily, her words carrying a warning of consequences for Penny's defiance.

Penny's retort to Miss Shelly only seemed to further aggravate the situation, prompting a stern response from Miss Shelly herself.

"Overconfident already?" Miss Shelly questioned, her tone laced with disdain.

"It's a shame you act as if you've already assessed my man's potential. Keep in mind that I'm the one with the authority to give orders here, Penny. So, you're fired."

The weight of Miss Shelly's words hung heavy in the air, leaving a palpable silence in their wake. I stumbled back, stunned by the sudden turn of events, my heart pounding with uncertainty.

Breaking the silence, the man holding the package addressed me.

"Miss Erica, please sign. I need to head back."

My heart plummeted at his words, the reality of the situation crashing down on me like a ton of bricks. Was it really my turn to face the consequences? I wondered with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Miss Shelly's smile of disbelief only served to intensify my anxiety.

"Erica?" Miss Shelly questioned, her tone dripping with insinuation.

In that moment, I felt a sense of dread wash over me, uncertain of what the future held.

I couldn't help but wonder: would this be the end of my time at the mansion, or was it just the beginning of a new chapter fraught with even greater challenges and uncertainties?

As Miss Shelly inquired about the origin of the package, the man replied,

"The Stridha Empire."

My confusion only deepened. The revelation that it was from the Stridha empire sent a chill down my spine, igniting a flurry of thoughts and fears within me.

"What? the Stridha empire?" Miss Shelly's question hung in the air, laden with implications that sent shivers down my spine.

Was this package somehow connected to Mr. Stridha himself? The mere thought sent a wave of anxiety coursing through me as I grappled with the implications of what this could mean for my life and livelihood.

In a moment of desperation, I found myself silently praying for guidance, pleading with a higher power to spare me from whatever fate awaited me.

The prospect of being entangled in the affairs of the enigmatic Mr. Stridha filled me with a sense of dread and foreboding.

Miss Shelly wasted no time, promptly dialing Mr. Stridha's number on the phone.

As the phone rang, my heart pounded in my chest, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me like a heavy burden. Little did I know that this moment would mark the beginning of a journey into the heart of the Stridha issues, where secrets lurked behind every corner.

"Did you send a package home for Erica, Benjamin?"

The phone was on speaker.

As Miss Shelly confronted him, Mr. Stridha's nonchalant response only added to the tension in the room.

"Why? Is there a problem?"

He asked plainly, seemingly unaware of the gravity of the situation unfolding on the other end of the line.

To be continued...



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