
Billionaire's Forced Priced Possessions

Emiliana_Mwainu · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

A horrible 'nightmare'

Calista's POV

Every one walks hand in hand. I cling onto Parker the moment we step inside. The place is crowded to capacity, but in an arranged order. One can tell that it's an organized party. There is a dancing stage, and sitting areas. All the tables already have drinks on them, every type of drink. I am happy I can see a club soda in each table too. The one who organized this party must be so thoughtful. But what is it for anyway?

We take a seat in one of the empty tables. I pick the club soda hurriedly before any of them takes it. Parker offers to open it for me, I let him. I don't want to spoil Jane's mood, she looks so happy with Nicholas. I just hope to find that spark someday, I have never felt it with anyone before, and I swore only to date a person who takes my breath away.

I gulp my soda down as the others embark on sipping their alcoholic drinks while making small talk. The music is so loud for me that I cannot seem to concentrate properly. I just faze out in my thoughts.

"Let's go dancing." Jane says in her intoxicated tone. The drink seems to be kicking in since they are already standing ready to join the others at the dance floor.

"Just go Jane, hand me my phone. I will be seated here." Without hesitation, she opens her purse and hands me my phone. I am so happy that she didn't force me.

I stay seated as I watch them dancing, even Parker joins them and starts to dance with some girl. Not that I care, though. I just get so bored, as I look around the room, I notice a balcony. Thank goodness, I smile as I pick up my drink on one hand and my phone on the other as I walk to the balcony. The fresh air is amazing, I will just stay here, admiring the stars and the view of the city.

"Oh shit! Now I have to go inside, my drink is finished." I say out loud.

"You don't have to." Someone with the deepest voice says, handing me a drink just inches behind me. I take the bottle of soda before turning to thank the person. But I become dumbfounded the moment I set my eyes on him. I just can't even do a thing, my mouth is wide open, and I am standing as a statue. I feel as my heart is dancing weird tunes. My knees become weak, and my palms begin to sweat. I start regretting why I didn't wear any makeup, or why I didn't even comb my hair.

The guy standing before me is a god. He is remarkable in all aspects, his hair, his lips, his eyes, and his physique. Jeez! This is what I meant when I said that I want to fall for a person who takes my breath away. Now I feel like I am not even breathing. I am sure I am drooling because I cannot even seem to close my mouth. It is so heavy right now. I have never seen such a perfect person before. He is so sexy.

"Hey, are you okay?" there goes his voice again, making my heart flutter. I manage to close my mouth now, but my eyes are still glued to him. It's like he has cast a spell on me.

"Here, you need this more." He says, smiling, his mouth curves sideways as he does that. He hands me his glass, I don't even know what it contains. At this point, I can even drink poison just for him. I let go of something to take his glass. I gulp it down in one go. That is when I realize that it's alcohol, I have never drank before.

"You dropped your phone, miss." He says, bending over and picking it. S**t! I am so stupid. I can also tell how much he is enjoying all this. I know he must have this reaction from each girl he meets. This gets me so angry. Good thing I see a waiter passing by, I call out for him, I gulp down all the glasses he has on his tray before sending him away. Now I start feeling more confident.

"That was intense." gorgeous guy says, handing my phone to me.

"You intimidate me." I say, without even realizing it.

"Really, how?" he seems interested in hearing what I want to say. But as I open my mouth to speak, I feel myself getting nauseated and lightheaded.

"I don't feel so good." I say. Oh! no! Why did I have to act so foolishly? Now I have to face the consequences. I feel myself losing balance, but I fall into the strongest arms ever. I feel myself getting lifted off the ground. I feel so happy, at least getting drank paid off. Now I am in the arms of this amazing guy with beautiful hair. I smile as I rest my head on his rock-hard chest. I don't even care what people will say, I don't even care if he is a complete stranger to me. I don't even care if he kidnaps me, I don't mind being in his arms forever. I hope he felt the way I did when our eyes met.

He opens a door and opens another one. I feel so bad when he puts me down. Immediately I notice that it's a bathroom, he is so thoughtful. Before I can even say a thing, the puke I was holding starts coming up my stomach to my throat. He notices how I am struggling, and he opens the toilet seat for me and helps me into a comfortable position. I empty everything in my stomach while he stays patiently holding my hair. After that, he flashes the contents off, he then hands me a towel and tells me to freshen up while he waits outside.

Isn't he an angel? I am so lucky I met my prince charming.

After freshening up, I come out all dressed up. I couldn't get off with a towel.

"There you are, how are you feeling now?" he asks the moment I step into the room.

"I am a bit alright now, thank you for taking care of me." I smile.

"It's fine, now you need this so that you can feel better, then you can go back to the party." He says, handing me a glass of lemonade, I guess. Could he be more thoughtful?

"Thank you." I say, taking the glass from him and sitting as far from him as I possibly can. I don't want him to notice how attracted I am to him. I drink slowly because I don't want this moment to end. I want to stay here speaking to him until morning. As I am about to clear the glass's contents, I see him smiling wickedly. A kind of smile that can send chills running down one's spine. All of a sudden, I feel the same fear gripping me again. I smile as I stand to leave the room. But my head feels awkward all of a sudden, I feel my vision becoming blurry.

"What did…" I try to speak, but I can't. I feel my whole body becoming heavy for me, I feel all my limbs going numb. I start falling, but the same arms catch me. This time they don't make me feel excited and protected, this time around I feel so afraid for my life. I feel helpless. He picks me up and places me on the bed. His wicked smile is the last thing I see before my world goes totally blank.