

After six years apart, successful billionaire Christian Hampson reunites with his first love. He doesn't forget his one-night stand, who doesn't remember him. She is the only daughter of her family and wants to become a flight attendant and travel the world. After a bad day at work, she bumps into a billionaire's Bentley on her way home. She thinks she has met him before and offers to work for his aviation company for free as long as he returns her car. Christian, who has already sold her vehicle, refuses. Will Christabella finally remember Christian or will they make new memories together? Despite all obstacles, will they ever be together? Find out in Billionaire's First Love

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Chapter Twenty

It been two weeks since Bella started working at Hampson Airways and it was finally the day she gets her tag and her FAA certificate.

She woke up early as always and the qualified candidates were informed to come with a family member that would attached the tag on their uniform. Bella's mum followed her to Hampson Airways and she was super proud of her daughter that her daughter would finally fly in an aeroplane. Vera attached the tag to her daughter's uniform with full joy in her heart. She couldn't help the tears in her eyes.

Bella has been trying really hard to avoid Chris since their last outing because she was too scared of might lead to something deeper. Her career was just starting and they had a strict rule at Hampson Airways that new female recruits had to remain single for at least two years after getting their appointment letter.

Bella had a feeling that Chris really like her but she couldn't reciprocate his feelings because of how scared she was.

Her first flight was scheduled to take off in a few hours and she was super proud of herself.

"Everyone knew she'd get hired." One of the senior attendants name Tega looked at Bella with disgust.

"Don't even try to act like you belong here and if you ever report us to your boyfriend you're dead." Another senior attendant with the name Patricia said hitting Bella on her shoulder with hers.

Bella didn't say a word and just headed to the rest room to fix her makeup. Liam and Alexia were assigned to a different flight and Bella was already ready for people like Patricia and Tega. They both had the God given talent of getting under her skin but Bella had promised herself that she'd never stoop so low to their level no matter what.

Bella carried her box and headed to the tarmac to board the flight she was on.

She demonstrated to the passengers in a cheerful and playful manner and all the passengers loved her.

Bella's work schedule grew tighter and tighter by the day but she has been coping really well with the tight schedule.

The twins flight was to arrive in two hours from Ukraine. They were both students of Kharkiv National Medical University. Bella's flight from Scotland got delayed so there was no way she could have arrived in time to pick the twins. Their mum also had a business meeting outside so she couldn't have gone to pick them up. Bella placed a call through to Bianca to please pick up the twins on her behalf.

Bianca got to the airport few minutes before the flight landed. The twins couldn't help but scream immediately they saw her. They were so happy that she had a baby bump.

"Lady B!, You look so beautiful." Jayden squealed

"Pregnancy really suit you sis. Just wow!" Kayden gushed at Bianca's beauty.

"Thanks guys. How was school?" Bianca asked opening the trunk for the twins to put their luggage.

"Really fun sis." Kayden said

"It's really different from high school" Jayden said laughing

"Obviously!" Bianca said opening the door.

"Let me drive Lady B." Kayden said

Bianca didn't even argue with him and just threw the key of her Cavia UX hybrid Lexus to him.  Kayden happily sat in the drivers sir while Bianca sat at the passengers sit and Jayden at the back.

"This your car is really nice." Kayden said focusing on the road

"Yikes." I just got it. Bianca said feeling proud of herself.

"Who is picking Ella up from the airport?" Jayden asked.

"I think she rides in the company's bus." Bianca replied.

"I can't wait to see her." Jayden said

"How's your husband. It's been long since I saw him. I think the last time I saw him was during your wedding." Kayden said

"Austin is fine. Thanks for asking dear" Bianca said

The twins got home few minutes later. They both went upstairs to their room.

"Thanks for dropping us off Lady B." Jayden said

"It's fine guys." Bianca replied with a smile.

"And thanks for letting me drive." Kayden said.

"Oh it's fine as long as it isn't Bella the reckless driver." Bianca replied and everyone busted out into fits of laughter.

"Oppa's!" Raquel squealed coming down from her Dad's car

Vera had informed them that the twins would be back from school today. Raquel was so excited because she really missed the twins so she had her dad pick her up from school.

Raquel ran to hug the twins at the same time because she couldn't hold her excitement at the hugged her back.

"I really missed you guys!" She said almost at the brim of tears.

"We missed you too." Jayden and Kayden answered in unison.

"Good evening sir." Bianca greeted her boss. Bianca works at Anderson Law firm and Mr Anderson got to meet Bella's mum through Bianca. He head over heels in fell in love with Vera after a while of spending time together.

"Lady B!" Mr Anderson greeted jokingly. He was the reason why the twins call Bianca Lady B because that's what he had always called her. She was one of the best lawyer's in his firm and he has so much respect for her.

"Uncle Joe!" Jayden greeted.

"Pa Joe!" Kayden greeted playfully.

" I really missed you guys." Joe said hugging the twins.

"It was always me in the middle of three ladies." Joe said with an eye roll

"It's so good to be back." Kayden said

"It's so good to have you back." Joe replied.

"I have to go now." Bianca said

"Okay Lady B, take care of yourself"

"And our baby." Raquel said smiling

"Alright. I will." Bianca said before getting into the car.

"Bye!" Everyone said in unison before Bianca drove off.

Jayden, Kayden, Joe and Raquel headed into the house.

"Theirs something I want to talk to you guys about." Joe said

"What's that?" Everyone asked curiously

"I can't say it now. Till Bella gets back." Joe replied

"Oooohhhhhh. I hate suspense.! Jayden said

"Ahhhhhhh. The suspense is killing me" Kayden said.

"Dad, just tell us already. We'll tell Bella when she gets back." Raquel said

"No guys. We have to wait." Joe said