
Billionaire's First Love Returns From The Dead

Raylen Vale seems to lead a charmed life. He heads multiple multi-million dollar enterprises, is married to a beautiful and dedicated ex-model wife, and has two adorable children. What's more, he's achieved all this before the ripe old age of thirty-five. Unlike most successful CEOs, he's still young and handsome even when standing beside his gorgeous wife. It's no wonder that the media loves to fawn over his picture-perfect family. So why does he return every winter solstice to the abandoned and unvisited grave of one Delaney Sackville-West? And why does he demand the dearly departed to "Look at me living well while you rot into nothingness" as he paces before the tomb? And why, despite his harsh words, does he envy the soil that gets to wrap itself around her body? Trigger warnings: Suicide, eating disorders.

Montgomeryyyy · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
55 Chs

Thwarted Past (Livia)

Raylen laughs again. This time, his emerald eyes are twinkling with mirth and affection. "Darling, you have such a way with words."

"I know I do," Livia replies playfully. For a brief moment, their dynamic is like how it once was.

She notices him raising his hand—probably to ruffle her hair—before letting it fall again.

'Why,' she wonders, 'did you stop yourself?' And then she feels her cheeks heating up as she tries to deny her desire even to herself.

Truth to be told, she does miss and mourn their former relationship even if she knows better than anyone that they cannot return to it.

She is not generous enough to overlook his adultery and share him with other women. And she has a sneaking suspicion that he cannot respect any woman who can bring herself to forgive him for such a betrayal either.