Eva bit her lip, "I don't have much of a choice now, and I don't have anywhere to go," She replied.
Ariel nodded.
"Please, sit, Eva," Ariel pointed to the couch in front of her.
Eva nodded, "Thank you," She said and went to sit down, feeling out of place.
"Here's the recorder, Ariel," Gregory came forward and handed her the object.
Ariel took it from him, "Thank you, Eva. We wouldn't have gotten it without you," Ahw smiled at her.
Eva glanced at Gregory before looking at Ariel, "You're welcome, I wanted to help out," She replied.
Ariel sighed, "I'll let you get home early today, Greg, since you have someone to settle in, I tell Aiden I asked you to leave." She stood from the sofa and walked toward the stairs.
"Thank you, Ariel," Gregory said as she walked past him.
Ariel paused, "Tomorrow, we'll be going somewhere, Gregory. Bring your girlfriend along, she might want to go too," She informed them.