
Billionaire's Blood Bag

Her village was raided, she was mistreated, and sold out to a stranger but finally luck steps in when she bought a young, handsome and powerful billionaire. He seems to have dark secrets lurking in every corner of the villa but why would she care she just wants to survive. What if that secret is a threat to her survival? He is rumored to be a blood-sucking monster, who kills young women for blood to keep him alive and to quench his blood lust. With hundreds of ladies brought alive and taken dead, will she end up like one of them? Is this truly a curse or a blessing? Feel free to check out "The Mafia Boss's Little Trouble Maker" my other novel.

Luv_Freek · perkotaan
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55 Chs


Suddenly, she heard the sound of a door jamming shut. This was weird as people hardly wandered around in this part of the villa. She was curious on who it was so she took a little peep.

She was shocked to see Cole walking out of a strange room, it seemed suspicious as he inspected the area eerily. She wandered what was he doing here?

She never saw Cole behave this suspicious, it was like he didn't want anyone to know he went there. He also looked different. He looked more, she…she couldn't find the words to express.

He locked the door and threw the key in his pocket. He was then back to the natural Cole as he walked away from the door and towards her hiding spot.

She knew she couldn't let him see her there neither did she want to be left in an unknown area. She decided she was going stalk Cole back to safety.

She got out a pocket knife she hid in her bra. Not like she knew she was going to use it, she just carried around for defense, incase another maid tried to attack her like the last time. She cut her thumb with it and stamped it on hidden places so she could find her way back there. She knew this was going to lead her to the answers to her questions.

She stalked Cole from a safe distance till they finally got to the part of the house where was safe. This time she was a bit close to him.

Something weird happened, Cole sniffed the air like a dog.

"Ashley?" he said.

Suddenly he turned to see her standing behind him in a safe distance.

"Ashley, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Umm… I went to get something from the kitchen when I saw you here" she lied.

"Ooh!" he replied.

"Did you get hurt?" he asked.

"Why would I get hurt just by going to the kitchen?" she laughed to ease the tension.

The tension wasn't going down in any way, he looked at her in a way that she translated "that laugh was not necessary." She immediately stopped the fake smile.

"But seriously, are you hurt, do you have any open wounds?" he asked.

Just then she remembered she had just slashed her thumb with a knife. Obviously, she couldn't tell him that.

"No, I don't" she said fisting her hand to hide the wound.

He raised an eyebrow in suspicion and let his eyes scan her from top to bottom then top. He walked circles round her making her feel weird.

She felt this was really eerie and decided to walk out before he could find the bleeding cut. Before she could walk out completely, he held her back by that particular palm.

"Where are you going?" he said.

"Um…to the room" she replied.

Cole was behaving differently and this felt really awkward. He suddenly sniffed the air again and then his palm. There was blood on his palm.

"Oh shoot!" Ashely murmured inaudibly.

She knew her blood stained thumb must had rubbed off on his palm.

To her horror, He licked it off his palm.

"C-Cole, why did you do that?" she said scared of what had suddenly happened to Cole.

He didn't reply her question instead he picked her hand and searched for the wound desperately, like he needed it.

Ashley just watched him in fear, what had happened to her Cole? She thought.

He found the wound, placed her whole thumb in his mouth and sucked it.

"Cole!" she exclaimed in shock and disbelief as she yanked her thumb off his mouth. "What is wrong with you?" she said.

He didn't reply, he just hurriedly walked out on her. Ashley was not okay seeing this new Cole.

Cole was usually really calm and composed but now he seemed like he was impatient, weird and …she didn't know what else to say. She just watched him towards the door leading outside.


"What's the price?" Janet said analyzing a drug.

Janet had decided to take two weeks break from work since her mother was sick. They had been experiencing financial problems ever since her father died leaving little Janet and a newborn with Elena, Janet's mother.

Janet had a fourteen year old sister, Janice who lived with Elena. Once Janet was of the age, she decided to apply for par time jobs so as to join the contribution of income to her family. When she was just eighteen, she moved in with her boyfriend lying to her mother that she was going for a job. Her relationship later turned out to be an abusive one so she ran away, that was when she saw an offer to work in the Hendrix Villa.

She looked into her purse to see a bundle of money which she had already budgeted. All she did was hope that the drug wasn't too expensive.

"It's @50 miss" the cashier at the pharmacy said.

"@50?" she exclaimed. "Isn't that a bit too much?"

"If you can't afford it then maybe you should purchase it in another pharmacy" the cashier said rudely.

Janet sensed her rude attitude but decided to let it go since she didn't have enough money to command respect.

She opened her purse one more time and saw she only had @30 in her budget for drugs and she didn't want to take any money out of the other sections. She decided to plead one more time for a discount.

"Could you at least give me a discount please?" she pleaded.

"How many percent discount?" she asked rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"40%" Janet said knowing it was really unbelievable.

"40 my foot," she replied. "Miss, if you are unable to afford it I advise you leave before I call the guards to throw you out"

"Please, can you give me on credit, I promise to pay you back" she said.

"We don't do credit her miss" she said chewing on her gum in an offensive manner.

Tegan happened to pass by in his car, he was privileged to see the scene from outside through the transparent glass. He recognized her immediately as the girl who turned him down.

She looked helpless as it seemed like they were arguing, he knew at once that she couldn't afford the drugs.

"I'll pay for it" he interrupted the two blabbering woman.

Janet turned to see Tegan, at the door. She was surprised as she only saw him in the mansion, this must had been his first time seeing her in a casual wear. She was always in a maid's outfit. She just stared at him not knowing whether to accept or reject the offer.

Without caring about her opinion Tegan handed @50 to the cashier.

"Is there any other expenses that needs to be paid" he asked.

"No Sir" the cashier replied coyly.

"Miss, you have a very caring and handsome boyfriend" she said kindly to Janet. "I'm sorry for my rude behavior"

Janet felt satisfied that she apologized to her but she still didn't want to be identified as his partner.

"His not my boyfriend, he's just an acquaintance." She said.

"Ouch" Tegan exclaimed while placing his palms on his chest. "So you see me only as an acquaintance?"

He brought his face so close to hers in a romantic way. Romantic enough to make any girl's heart beat faster. His blue eyes were staring right at her but she didn't feel anything she just stared back. Her dark brown eyes were filled with nothing, it was an emotionless stare.

She was getting bored of his antics so she placed her palm on his face and pushed it off hers.

"I'll pay you back when I have the money" she said walking out of the pharmacy.

Tegan was a bit embarrassed at the way she rejected him FOR THE SECOND TIME.

"Sir, I could be your girlfriend" the cashier said shamelessly making him roll his eyes in frustration.

How could this one girl be so difficult to woo? He thought.

By the time he was out of the pharmacy, Janet had already gone far down the road but he was willing to catch up with her.

"Follow that girl" he said to his driver.

Once the car was with beside Janet, the car really slowed down, driving at the same pace she was walking.

"I want to give you a ride" Tegan said from the wind down window.

"No thanks" she said still fixing her gaze on her path.

"Then I'll walk you home" he said.

Janet rolled her eyes on annoyance but still kept a composed form.

Tegan came down from the car then walked side by side with Janet. They were three escorts walking behind the two. Janet hated this attention as everyone in the streets turned to them at intervals.

"What can I do for you to stop following me?" She asked.

"You'll let me drive you home" he said hoping they could have a moment in the car.

She scoffed at his attitude. She really hated play boys.

"Well then…you could keep following me like a homeless guy" she said.

"Okay then" he replied.

Tegan levelled up his game by ordering the escorts to make way. Any where she was to pass by the escorts made way whether it be a car or a person and his car was still driving at her pace.

"Make way, Miss Katz is about to pass by" they said to every vehicle or passerby. This was really embarrassing for Janet.

"Okay, I agree" she exclaimed in defeat.

The ride was really silent though they were the only ones in the car. Every single time Tegan tried to bring up a topic, Janet would ignore him.

"I'm dropping off here" Janet said.

They had stopped at the front of an apartment complex which looked a bit old. Janet knew she had scornful neighbors who were quick to judge. She knew what they would think if they saw her coming out of an expensive car but she really didn't care.

"Don't try to visit my house" she said before walking into the entrance of the complex.

"Geez, she's such a tough nut to crack" Tegan said. "She didn't even say a thank you"

"Sir, weren't you the one who forced her in?" his driver said.

"Who asked you?" he snapped back. "Just mind your own business and keep driving"


1.What do you think is behind that door?

A. A secret portal to another world

B. A hostage

C. A vampire

D. A vampire sustaining object.

E. (State your answer)

2. Why do you think he's behaving like that?

A. He's nervous because she may have seen him.

B. He is a vampire

C. He wanted to tend to her wounds

D. He's not Cole, he's an imposter

E.(State in your answer)

3. Do you ship Tegan and Janet?

A. Heck Yeah!

B. Kinda

C. Not really

D. Hell no!

E.(State your answers)

4. Do you want me to continue the question and answer in the next chapters?

A. Sure

B. Nah!

C. Maybe

D. (State your answers)

Please review if you want to.



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