

Hi!!! I'm Ken. Filipino, 16, and just writing for fun. I don't expect to make it big, nor to really push it to the top. I just want to create a simple story where every part is exciting for me.

Honestly, you might say I'm damaging an author's pride by doing something so selfish. I'm really sorry but I really want to do it for my sake. Thank you!

Now onto our main character description.

Name: Isagani (Isagani is a name from Jose Rizal's book El Filibusterismo in which he was one of the annoying characters, though I don't think I have set my MC that way, maybe?)

Age: 16

Height: 5"3 (pretty short huh)

Weight: 63 kilograms

Eyes: Black, large

Nose: Flat

Skin tone: a bit darker than tan

So yeah there's the summary of my mc's face, just use your imagination to make a picture of it.

And so we go to our first chapter