

-  She is training under big hit for almost 2 years.

- When she met the members for the first time she was amezed at their haight because she is very small

- Her haight is 150cm but she still grows!!!

- she is the youngest member she is 14 years old her birth day is 29th of december

- ALL of the girls act like her mothers the only members who doesn't act like that is Mingxia she acts more like a dad

- Loves to watch kids shows like spongebob with Hee-jin

- Has a habit of forgeting things in the dorm or in the training room and in the car

- Loves sleeping in other members beds and sleeping with them

- Needs an person to tell her that she forgot something

- Her favorite place to sleep is in the car

- Loves to prank the girls

- Her positon on the group is lead rapper and sub vocalist and a dancer

- overall cutie