

"I, Carissa Conan, daughter of Alpha Canon of the Red Moon pack accepts you, Nikolas Eyolf as my mate"

I chuckled as I looked outside the window of the castle where I and my family lived. The moon was beginning to come out in full form. I drew a long breath of peace and love.

"Hmm" I exhaled as the scent of sweet spices and soups mixed with the calming scent of air.

The dripping sounds of the rain on the rooftop made it a more beautiful moment. I walked to the mirror to give myself one last glance and then to rehearse my lines again.

The ball gown I was in made it quite difficult for me to walk but being so joyful, I didn't hesitate to pull it up and then let it all down as I glanced at the perfection in the mirror.

The maids had some a beautiful job on me. My silver hair was pulled together at the nape of my neck.

Little strands were curled together and let down at the sides of my neck as well. I looked like a queen indeed.

My lips spread into a wide curve. The lipstick made my lips even more beautiful. I was indeed lucky.

What more could I have wished for? I was born to a wonderful and well respected Alpha king who in turn got married to a beautiful Luna.

Also, I have just one sister who cares for me and treats me like I am her jewel and now, I was going to be joined to my mate forever.

Although we had just met two months back, it seemed like we had known each other since forever.

He was just a Beta and although Father and Mother had initially stood against me marrying a Beta, they succumbed to my wish. My happiness mattered to them the most.

Thinking about spending the rest of my life with the one whom my heart wanted made me feel like I was on cloud nine.

I couldn't wait for forever to begin. I looked outside the window and yes, the moon was getting bigger and brighter. It was almost the ominous time.

I could feel my heart thump for joy.

The eerie sounds of the owl who flew to my window almost immediately drew my attention. I pretended not to hear it but then, it became louder. Several thoughts began to cross my mind.

No. Today is indeed an happy day for me and there was no way, I would allow an owl rule my thoughts.

"It's just a coincidence. It's just an owl and it means nothing" I tried to calm myself down as I began to have various thoughts.

I began to feel sweaty. No. I wasn't going to let my make up get ruined. It took my maids several hours to make me look that good.

If it gets wiped off or ruined, I would be left with no choice to go with a bare face to face my people.

While still in thoughts, the owls began to increase. At first, it became two and then, another joined and slowly, the others joined as well.

"Shuu!" I tried to chase them off as I stood by the window but they were adamant. What could have gone wrong? I needed to see mother and father as soon as possible.

It was almost the ominous time and I wasn't going to miss it no matter what.

While trying to stick my head in, my door suddenly opened, causing me to hit my head on the window bind.

"Tiara!" I winced as I held my head. It was so painful but no matter what, I wasn't going to cry.

"Nikolas is here, right? I would join you soon" I held my head tightly as I felt so weak. Tiara on the other hand, stood by the door, staring at me.

She didn't make an attempt to take a step towards me. What was wrong? I looked up at her as I wondered why she didn't take a step. Unlike always, there was no smile on her face.

The usual smile on her face had been replaced by… liquids… in her eyes. Pain.. Sadness..

"Oh come on, I am not leaving. I know you are scared my attention might get divided but no, I will be here for you always.

I would get married to Nikolas and then, become the Alpha Queen, the Luna. You would be by my side" I smiled, trying to cheer her up. Perhaps, she was missing me.

",N.. N…." She tried to talk but her words failed her. She could not utter a word. Her facial expression, her ruffled dress, her face, her make up had been washed off and now, more tears were streaming from her eyes.

My heart began to beat even more as the owls refused to stop. "Are you okay? Is something the matter? You know you can always talk to me" I walked closer to her, my face already taking the sadness on her face but she ran off quickly.

"It is my wedding. I do not need to be sad" I informed myself. Everything was in place.

The food had been prepared, the drinks and wines had been gotten and of course, the gifts. It was the ominous time!

I pulled up my gown and opened my door quickly, making for the stairs. Mother had warned me severally to try to be early to my wedding. Well, I had always ended up attending events or meetings late.

Father had tried severally to change that part of me but it seemed to be unchangeable.

I had the intention to surprise mother but then, I turned out to be few minutes late again. Stepping out of the room, in was hit by a dull, cold breeze.

Everywhere suddenly felt cold to me.

"It's all in my head" I assured myself as I strode down the stairs, heading to the living room where the wedding was to take place.

Everyone looked… it was my wedding for goodness' sake, why was there a sad countenance on the maids' face. I ignored and headed to the living room.

The smile on my face suddenly got ripped off. I couldn't believe my eyes. I looked at mother, then father and Tiara. It was impossible. I pinched myself to be sure I wasn't dreaming and yes, my fears were confirmed.

My lover, my mate, Nikolas was lying in the middle of our living room…. Lifeless.