
Chapter 94

We are in silence after that.

“Will it be okay with you if I call over my friends to stay at me at night?” I asked Mrs Green.

I need to get her permission if I want to call over anyone since she takes care of the house. It would be more logical to ask Bryan since it is his house but asking Mrs Green will also since she is the caretaker of this mansion. And I don’t want Amy and Claire to get into any trouble after I am gone. Since I am going to make everyone angry at me after I leave and they might get my share of anger which I don’t want.

“You already invited them over to your room?” Mrs Green asked me.

“I did but I can cancel it if you want me to.” I replied.

“No need. You can call them over. It’s fine.” She said.

“Thank you, Mrs Green!!” I thanked her smiling widely.

“Tell me if you need anything for your late night snacks. I know you girls would like to munch on something while talking.” She said.

“Claire is gonna bake something for us and bring over snacks.” I replied.