
Beyond What She Can Keep

Is it possible to be transmigated to your past life? Lean believed that life is a never ending cycle. She believes that everyone has their own past self. For she had a lonely, miserable and poor life, Lean wished that she can live on her past. Drunk and desperate, Lean shouted while kicking the vending machine, "I don't want this freaking life!" not long after she was in another world. Hey??? where am I? What I am a hired killer?? No way I can't even kill a bug!!!

Zie_writes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

1? Lean the Shortie!

Lean Kim. I have a short name with a shorter surname. Just like my super short title, I am also short in money, and just like this, I also have a short introductio-"whaaaa!!!! what the heck!"

I was walking down the old stair of this old wrecked apartment (that's the only apartment that I can afford ok!?) when my shoes, the only decent shoes that I keep for 5 years suddenly tore open. Its sole separated from the shoe itself, looking like an exhausted mouth.

"oh come on really?? really!??"

I, Lean the short in everthing, has also lost her shoe (-_-). I panickly went to the nearest store to buy shoe glue, hoping that it could solve the problem.

"Come on world! just for this moment please bare with me!"

'I think the gods of furtune was not useless at all! look at the store!'

I hurriedly went to the store and looked for the shoe glue and--

"What the hell was wrong with you! you freaking-"

I speak out what's on my mind and the people on the store looked at me like there's a new movie in town. I gave them the 'hey what 'cha looking at? do I look like a clown to you?' look and then they began to turn on whatever they were doing.

Knowing that there's no shoe glue available on the store, my 'overly desperated for money and food' brain thought every plan that I can do.

'right, all glue have the same purpose right? you put then stick it then it will come to place!'

oh well look at me thinking so smart!

I decided to buy any glue that I can buy then hurriedly put it in my shoe.

"Just stick with it for a moment glue, I need to go on time for the interview!"

Yes you heard it right. I am currently preparing for my interview as an office worker. My former company (of course I only work on it I don't own it) was on fire, I mean on a literal fire during my 3 years working for it. As a result my below average but still sustainable job was caught on the fire, gone forever. And now I need to find a job that can sustain my daily life! Luckily (she mean sadly ) I am an orphan, for my parents died in an accident. I am an only child so of course I don't have siblings! my auntie took 'care' of me (you can erase that word) and when I turned 18 I runaway. I'm not a petty little girl who lets everyone bully her!

After putting the 'glue' on her shoes, she run towards the train station.

'oh yeah I still have 1 hour ooh~'

I hummed on myself as I arrive at the train station. It will only take her 20 minutes to arrive at the company so she still have time to prepare herself for the interview. (*Before I forgot, Lean was wearing jeans with a plain white t shirt topped with a coat, I know she don't have the talent for fashion so she look- ah well just imagine her yourelf*)

As blank as her plain brain she was walking freely not noticing the miserable shoes she wear. the sole slowly slip the shoe, poor Lean didn't know that glues have different uses. The one that she use on her shoe was a paper glue!

As the door of the train opens Lean hurriedly enter the train. As she enter the train a lot of people walked out of the train, causing her to move back and wait for them to go. Just as soon as the number of people decreased, Lean walks fast through the train-


Her poor shoe gave up, causing her to slip while the sole of her shoe flew away from her (poor sole, RIP). Time stopped at her. She wants to burry herself, not just because it will cause a lot of commotion but also the sole of her shoe was nowhere to be seen! (*she didn't said this but it's the sole of her right shoe)

Trying to calm herself, she think positively.

'as long as no one seen what happen, and also the sole was nowhere to be found, I'm safe!'

She walk like nothing happened, relying on the black sock she had on her shoe as a temporary 'sole' supporter. The train's doors were already closed preparing for departure. She was looking at the spot where can can sit when suddenly someone tap her shoulder from behind. She looked behind her, which is the best yet the most misfortunate moment of her life. A tall, handsome with Brown hair and shining Hazel eyes was looking at her. But this plain thinker Lean didn't notice that. She was focused on what the man was holding, with a panicked voice she speak,

"MY SOUL!" (she meant her sole)

please know that for the entire novel, the author will interact with the characters since they are too dumb to play and live alone (**) is used as a symbol for the author! ( • 3 <)