

Timil is an handsome, hot blooded young man who fell in love with Mirabel a damsel whose beauty causes chaos right from his teens. All efforts to be with her ends in futility, he just couldn't understand why. Even his seemingly loving and supportive mother stood against them. Young love coupled with family issues, life is just not a bed of roses for these love birds. This novel filled with comic relief exposes the ugly side of life while unraveling prevailing love.

Timileyin_Blessing · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


That same afternoon five minutes before detention officially starts, Mirabel noticed ten students basically boys stroll into the class leisurely while chatting noisily. They were talking about how they dealt with someone bustling with energy has their recent feat made them happy, they even chatted with some other members of the class and whatever they said made those ones burst into suppressed laughter. She shakes her head and thought to herself that they are really spoilt brat. Who could blame her opinion has all students in the classroom are all rich young masters looking at them right now, they look nothing like their tittle as they look like bubbling idiotic school boys backing her opinion was their reaction when she entered the classroom. They all looked like a bunch of kids swooning over Ice cream. Anyways their character build up is none of her concern has she stops evaluating them returning her focus to the book in front of her. She can't get distracted, she's here for a purpose! I don't have time for frivolities and she shook away the image of the boy she met in front of the class when she arrived which suddenly surfaced in her mind.

Her real name is Miragel Maximilian age 18 and she's not an ordinary high school student. She had been given the task of finding the golden scrapnel which holds the key to the existence of her kind. The higher ups had tracked it down and foundd out that it was in the mortal world. How it got there is what they don't know. So her mission is to find out every information about the scrapnel and retrieve it as soon as possible. On getting the mission she decided on picking a new name as disguise although it is not necessary. which is Mirabel Maxwell one can laugh at her choice of name as it sounds almost like the original. So much for disguising!!

All through detention her mind is centred on how she. Can get her mission done quick and get the hell out of here. She missed her friends Lola and Rupez already and wondered how they were doing as it's been a while since she's left the Rem. She needs to get the golden scrapnel soon otherwise she fidgets at the thought of what might happen to her friends and loved ones at the Rem.

After the detention which went smoothly under Deawk Eagle gaze( fun Play on words), she left the class and moved swiftly along the hallway towards the locker room ignoring the gawking she received from girls and boys alike "I honestly don't know why they are like that" she mutters as she moves gracefully and determined. Looking around carefully to make sure no one is looking, She slides down the remaining distance between her and the locker room this is no ordinary slide as she closes in in seconds it looks like it was accelerated by something( yea with magic of course). "Where is it" her eyes flickered blue and her hair fluttered gradually turning gold as she felt around the locker room with her will. After a while, her eyes colour returned to normal and her hair gradually turned black. She heaved in disappointment "it's gone".

Mirabel walked out of the empty locker room dejectedly. This mission will take longer than she thought. During recess she had felt an aura similar to that of the scrapnel emanating from the locker room. She couldn't take action because of the crowd present and now that she had the chance, the aura is gone. She walks towards the car waiting for her disappointed not noticing the strange gaze on her.

She entered into the car, her full background came into her mind. Her name is Miragel Maximilian the one and only mixed blood granddaughter of the great Maximilian who was the founder of the Rem . Her ancestors were said to have fallen in love with humans. And as time goes on the magical blood line became dormant as the human blood does not contain enough catalyst to activate it. And then a miracle happened as two mixed blood unknowingly got married to each other and out of one in a million chances, the child inherited both magical blood lines in her parent. with the human blood available to serve as suppressant for side effects and refinery for magic throes, the child was an unbelievable existence.

The child is none other than Mirabel and the two dormant mixed blood were her sweet mother who is seated right in front of the car and her father whom she knew so little of. He was believed to be a famous politician who did not keep his family close for security purpose. So everyone thought she had single parent. The Remians came for her when they found about her existence after her fifth birthday when she almost burnt their house down. The magical wave she created attracted them. Although the incident was penned down as a gas leak incident, The Remians knew better. Thus she was taken to a magical school were she was taught how to use her powers. It was at the school she found out her lineage.

she smiled sweetly at her mother who knew nothing about her. To her mother she's just a sweet loving daughter Mirabel not a Firellete Remian.

"How was school" her mother asked "it was fine"she replied "new friends", "not yet" she replied "don't worry it takes time" her mother says trying to console her and continues about how she changed schools and found it difficult to make friends and then she met her father, how it was a magical moment blah blah blah.. Lol Fathers talk again she smiled and rolled her eyes (🙄) not making friends was the least of her worries right now, she can't even be bothered if it was that not a single person talked to her. the worst case scenario is becoming an outcast and she wouldn't care as she had better things to worry about like the fate of humanity.The car zooms off has she considers the consequences of failing the mission. The human world will fall into utter chaos if she fails!! Not only that Remians will be doomed.

Behind a pillar a figure could be seen standing arms akimbo. The figure has on him the uniform of the special class and States lewdly at Mira as she moves towards the car "Nice curves" he licked and smacked his lips. "I must have her. Investigate her background" "yes young master" another figure replied from the shadows. "How nice would it be to have such a figure wrapped around my arm" He smirked and a devilish grin appears on his face.

Jamil and Maldive were also at another corner chatting when Maldive looked up and spotted mirabel. That's her she pointed Jamil looked at the direction she points at. "Wow, what a juicy beauty no wonder my pal would loose his composure". He said bursting into laughter. Maldive had been filling him with details of the class and the calculus class drama. She vividly painted Timils reaction and gave it the best tag she could think of " Idiotic". Jamil could not help but laugh at the imagination of his best friend the seemingly coolest guy in school drooling over a girl. That must have been a sight to behold. "The girl's totally worth it though, common look at that figure she's gold"!!He exclaimed.( Lol he didn't even get to see her ,face. What if he did). Maldive rolled her eyes but she had to agree that the guys reaction is not exaggerated.

Seriously that babe is a beauty goddess I wonder whose genes merged to create such a perfect work of art. She has jade like skin, pointed small nose that fits perfectly to her face , her mouth closes into a thin line and her jaw line are just perfectly fine. She has sharply sculpted eyes that looks like they stare right into your soul( well thats about right she's a Remian afterall). Her boobs stood firmly on a chest and they put every other girl of her age to shame, are buttocks looks round firm and perky coupled with hips that curved in the shape a bottle base( a robust bottle in mind here)Maldive evaluated with an envious look it' an hour glass figure she finalised. Just then Timil walks out of the school building looking worn out and tired. Looks like someone is done cleaning "come on Maldive" let's catch up with him. "Hey" they both echoed.

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