
Beyond the Veil: The Great Shift

"Beyond the Veil: The Great Shift" unfolds as Matthew Mitchell, a 21st-century gentleman, finds himself mysteriously transported to an alternate Victorian-era world fraught with enigma, peril, and looming chaos. As he navigates this realm teeming with both supernatural entities and mortal adversaries, Matthew discovers his newfound ability to unravel the veiled mysteries shrouding the land. Entangled in political intrigue, facing ancient adversaries, and forging alliances with both the living and the spectral, Matthew's journey is a relentless quest for answers amid the shadows of a society gripped by death and secrecy. Each step propels him deeper into a realm where the boundaries between life and the afterlife blur, unraveling a tapestry of fate, death, and the unknown.

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37 Chs

Chapter 7: Waking Under Wisteria









To gain a comprehensive understanding of the incidents that occurred in the city of horrors, it is imperative to delve into the narratives of Yves Cassian and Matthew Mitchell.

[07:48:00 P.M]

In the blink of an eye, precisely 10 seconds after the Angel's fingers snapped and vanished from the scene.

Approximately 1 hour and 47 minutes remained until Yves, Atlas, and Auden embarked on their journeys, leading their groups towards the exit of the city of horrors, Eldritch Morr.


Beneath the majestic Royal Wisteria Tree, which held sway over the inhabitants of Eldritch Morr, a serene scene unfolded. A figure reclined peacefully under the enchanting purple leaves.

Beside this figure, a young woman in her teenage years slumbered undisturbed. And on the other side, a young man in his early twenties lay with his arms crossed and a faint frown on his face.

To any observer, it appeared as though three individuals had come together for a tranquil nap, finding solace and respite under the watchful gaze of the Royal Wisteria Tree.

As the minutes ticked by in silence, the man positioned in the center finally stirred. His eyes, an intense shade of deep blue, revealed his frustration as he let out a soft groan. "Late... it's too late to work, Sel…" he mumbled under his breath, abruptly snapping his eyes open.

No sooner had he begun to awaken than a sense of unease gripped him. Something was amiss. The last thing he remembered was peacefully dozing off in bed with the daylight diligently shut out by closed blinds.

This sudden burst of energy also roused the young woman beside him, who echoed his groan and slowly unlatched her eyes. In an instant, a pair of vibrant violet eyes met the man's gaze, sparkling with life.

"Selena…" he murmured, instantly recognizing the familiar face of the young girl. How could he forget? After all, she was his younger half-sister, and it was her duty to rouse him for his late shift, acting as his personal alarm clock.

Selena, the younger sister, opened her eyes wide to meet the gentle blue gaze of her older brother. "Matthew…" she managed to say before springing up from the ground in a hurry. "What is all this?" Matthew, too, rose from the ground and followed Selena's gaze.

His heart raced with excitement as he gazed upon the never-ending metropolis before him. The cobblestone streets echoed with the clip-clop of horses and the rumble of carriages, transporting the city's inhabitants to and fro. The houses, constructed from black limestone and adorned with tinted glass, stood tall and proud, their four stories reaching toward the heavens. But it was the eight grand cathedrals that captured Matthew's attention.

The Eight Cathedrals, like majestic giants, pierced the sky of the bustling metropolis. Their Gothic architecture, a testament to human ingenuity, was a sight to behold. Made from radiant honey-hued limestone, the cathedrals' facades were adorned with intricate carvings, each telling a story of devotion and artistic brilliance. Towering over 360 meters, they demanded respect and admiration from all who laid eyes upon them. Twin bell towers flanked the central entrance, while a tower with a hint of Moorish influence added a touch of exotic beauty to the skyline. As the sun's rays danced upon the meticulously crafted exterior, the cathedrals revealed their true splendor - a harmonious blend of soaring spires, delicate tracery, and the timeless allure of history etched in stone.

"What do you think of this, Matthew?" Selena, Matthew's younger sister, asked eagerly. Matthew, having a master's degree in architecture, couldn't help but be captivated by the sight before him. "This place is unlike anything I've ever seen. The house architecture resembles the Victorian style, and those cathedrals... they remind me of the grandeur of the Seville Cathedral." Selena nodded, her passion for architecture shining through.

Suddenly, a deep, soothing voice interrupted their conversation. "Where do you think we are?" Elijah, their half-brother, asked curiously. They didn't need to turn around to know it was him. "We have no idea, Elijah," Selena replied, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Elijah Black, the middle child between Matthew and Selena, was a man of many talents. At 23 years old, he juggled his part-time accounting job with studying for a Law Degree. Selena, on the other hand, was a bright high school student, only 16 years old, but already brimming with inspiration and dreams of becoming an architect. They were children of their shared father's unyielding lust for beautiful women.

The three siblings stood atop the hill that overlooked Eldritch Morr, the bustling city of dreams. As they marveled at the metropolis before them, a voice interrupted their thoughts, causing them to turn around in surprise. "Pardon the intrusion, but might I inquire as to our present whereabouts? A most curious circumstance has befallen me, and the precise location eludes my understanding." To their astonishment, they found themselves face to face with a well-dressed gentleman who seemed utterly perplexed.

After the man finished speaking, his words lingered in the air, leaving the siblings intrigued. Selena, the first to gather her thoughts, politely addressed the man. "I'm afraid we're just as clueless about our current whereabouts, sir." The man scrutinized Selena for a moment before acknowledging her response.

"I understand. Allow me to introduce myself—Augustus Black, at your service." Selena nodded in acknowledgment, gesturing towards Matthew to introduce himself.

With all eyes on him, Matthew let out a soft sigh. "I'm Matthew Mitchell, and this is Selena Delacroix on my right, and Elijah Black on my left. We're half-siblings." Matthew formally introduced each of them to Augustus Black, hoping to establish a sense of trust.

Augustus gazed at them, a smile playing on his lips, before turning his attention to Elijah, a joyful grin spreading across his face. "My fellow Black man," Augustus exclaimed with cheer and delight. The entire hill fell into a hushed silence as Matthew spun around, hastily covering his mouth with his shirt.

Selena clasped her hands over her mouth, but even so, both of them couldn't contain their laughter, releasing hearty chuckles and infectious humor. Elijah cleared his throat loudly, catching everyone's attention, and then fixed his gaze on Augustus.

"It's probably best not to use that term. It might offend some people," Elijah advised Augustus, his tone educational.

Augustus looked perplexed for a moment, but then realization dawned on him. He coughed in embarrassment before nodding in agreement with Elijah. Eventually, both Matthew and Selena managed to regain control over their uncontrollable laughter and refocused on the task at hand.

Noticing that there was no reason to linger on the hill any longer, they decided to make their way across the moat using the thirteen steps. It was during this descent that Matthew almost lost his footing on the eighth step, but luckily Elijah was there to catch him before he could fall. With that little mishap behind them, they continued on their journey. The hill, which could easily be mistaken for a small mountain, exuded a sense of tranquility and beauty with its abundant greenery and the various bird species filling the air.

As they drew nearer to the end, Selena remarked, "I bet this place is a popular spot for lovers." Augustus nodded in agreement as they approached the exit. After a few minutes, they finally crossed the exit and found themselves on the road. The road was made of cobblestone, while the sidewalk boasted a smooth stone surface. Naturally, Augustus chose to walk on the sidewalk, with his half-siblings following him on the cobblestone road.

"Ah, this reminds me of home," Augustus mused, mostly to himself. However, his words caught the attention of the siblings. Elijah squinted his eyes and asked loudly, "Where exactly are you from, Augustus?" Augustus halted in his tracks, looking at them with a perplexed expression.

"I'm from London, England. Born on August 30th, 1880." The three siblings stared at him in disbelief as he revealed his origins. "You must be joking," Matthew was the first to respond.

Augustus shook his head, determined to assure them that he was not jesting. "I assure you, I take these matters seriously," he reaffirmed. However, a question suddenly arose in his mind. "May I inquire about your origins...?"

Matthew let out a soft sigh before disclosing his personal information. "I'm from Tokyo, Japan. Born on December 7th, 1993."

"I, too, am from London, England. However, my birthdate is January 19th, 1997," Elijah Black revealed.

"Sinaloa, Mexico. Born on May 27th, 2003," Selena Delacroix spoke. Augustus felt as if the ground was slipping from beneath him, utterly lost for words. These individuals standing before him were born 123, 117, and 113 years after his birth. In their eyes, he was nothing more than ancient history from the distant past.

"What on earth is happening...?"

More chapters on Monday around 12 to 3 West Coast American Time

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