
Beyond the Veil: The Great Shift

"Beyond the Veil: The Great Shift" unfolds as Matthew Mitchell, a 21st-century gentleman, finds himself mysteriously transported to an alternate Victorian-era world fraught with enigma, peril, and looming chaos. As he navigates this realm teeming with both supernatural entities and mortal adversaries, Matthew discovers his newfound ability to unravel the veiled mysteries shrouding the land. Entangled in political intrigue, facing ancient adversaries, and forging alliances with both the living and the spectral, Matthew's journey is a relentless quest for answers amid the shadows of a society gripped by death and secrecy. Each step propels him deeper into a realm where the boundaries between life and the afterlife blur, unraveling a tapestry of fate, death, and the unknown.

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37 Chs

Chapter 13: Unraveling Mysteries Part 2

"Help me defeat the entity who brought you all here. Help me defeat... Azeroth... and in return, you will be rewarded with wealth and a safe passage back home."










The name "Azeroth" echoed in everyone's mind as they watched the Angel of Time coughing and bleeding. Arthur Seraphim raised his hand as they continued to repeat the name internally.

Suddenly, the motionless gray space reappeared and Arthur stood up with Matthew's assistance. He smiled at them and advised against mentioning the name in any world or mental space, referring to it as the interworld. The random sentences only left them more confused, causing Arthur to let out a sigh.

"Do not utter his name anywhere, whether it be in the real world, other realms, or even in your own minds within the innerworld . We can discuss the reasons later," Arthur commanded, his tone more authoritative than anything else.

"In order to assist, I will seal myself inside this small orb. It will naturally release once I have regained my full strength. Until then, you will have to figure things out..."

As he spoke, his white clergyman robes transformed into a small black orb, surrounded by a white piece of cloth. The orb fell and Matthew caught it, examining it carefully.

He couldn't believe that such a powerful being like the Angel of Time could be contained within such a tiny orb.

Matthew handed the orb to Elijah, who also marveled at its containment. Placing the orb in the breast pocket of his suit, they all entered the Cathedral belonging to the Church of the Barren of Knowledge and Insight.


The Cathedral surpassed all of Matthew and Selena's expectations, appearing even more magnificent and grand than they had imagined. Inside, the space was vast and open, adorned with statues of Angels in various shapes and sizes. Positioned in the center was a large cross, with a man standing before it.

Archbishop Aryanna and Daemon approached the man, who was deep in prayer. His chants and prayers echoed throughout the cathedral, filling the air with a solemn and reverent atmosphere.

The man, dressed in white clergyman robes and wearing a white cap, prayed fervently. "To the Barren of the mind; the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge; the ruler of the ethereal realm and its treasures," he prayed. As they drew closer, Matthew and Selena could hear his words clearly.

"I beseech Archbishop Aryanna to vanquish the vile heretics and grant them your divine mercy in death. I pray, oh gracious one, for an end to this tragedy and for the well-being of your devoted followers. My final prayer is for all those unfortunate souls to find solace and warmth in your benevolent heart."

Although either of them could have interrupted the Bishop's prayer, his gentle and faithful words left them awestruck. They stood in silence, deeply moved by his devotion.

When the Bishop finished his prayer, Aryanna cleared her throat, capturing his attention. "Bishop Ambrose..." she began, her voice soft and tender, as if speaking to a child. Bishop Ambrose turned around, his smile gentle and serene. "How are the people in the catacombs?" Aryanna inquired, her concern evident.

"No need to worry, Archbishop Aryanna. They are under the protection of our Lord and his loyal servants," Bishop Ambrose reassured her. Aryanna nodded in response, trusting in his words.

"Continue to keep them safe under the Lord's watch until this crisis is resolved. In the meantime, my comrades and I will make our way to the Twilight Cathedral. I have faith that you know what needs to be done," Aryanna instructed, as the man with black hair and deep gray eyes nodded in understanding.

"Your wish is my command, Archbishop Aryanna. May you and your companions have a blessed trip to Twilight Cathedral." Bishop Ambrose wished faithfully as Archbishop Aryanna nodded in return. "May yours be as well."


The group consisted of the Archbishop herself, her husband Daemon, and his childhood friends Matthew, Elijah, and Selena. With the solo expectation of Augustus Black, who wasn't Daemon's childhood friend.

With exhaustion weighing heavily on their shoulders, they pushed themselves to their limits, running towards the edge of the city. Eldritch Morr, a city that seemed like an island, had three entrances. The first was a sturdy bridge made of mental and brick, spanning across the York River in the south. The second entrance, similar to the first, was an eastern bridge crossing the Loen River. Finally, the third and final official entrance was located in the north, where merchants gathered to sell their wares in the bay.

Yet, it was the Twilight Cathedral in the west that held a special place in Archbishop Aryanna's heart. Stretching across miles of lush forest, it was the second largest cathedral in Eldritch Morr and served as a sanctuary for the outcasts of society. Just a few hundred miles away lay the Town of Vorgas.

The importance of the cathedral went beyond gaining support from the common folk and outcasts. It was a beacon of hope, a place where lives could be saved and the unfortunate could find solace.


As they sprinted through the city, Matthew couldn't help but notice the gradual shift in architectural style. The buildings grew older and older, resembling the magnificent structures of 13th century Europe, but with the unmistakable signs of six centuries of erosion.

But then, everything changed.

The streets were littered with bodies, their flesh gruesomely torn apart. Many of them were unfortunate women who had been trying to make a living. Some were missing their torsos, others their heads, and there were even those with their stomachs brutally cut open.

It was a horrifying sight.

Selena couldn't hold back her disgust and ended up vomiting, while Matthew struggled to keep his composure, gagging uncontrollably. Augustus and Elijah were equally horrified by the scene of death, but managed to keep their stomachs from turning as badly as Selena and Matthew.

Aryanna and Daemon grimaced, but they held themselves together, refusing to let their emotions get the best of them.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to shake violently, as if the very earth was opening up to swallow the city of nightmares. As the tremors intensified, the dark midnight sky started to crumble, replaced by a blinding light that bathed the city in an otherworldly glow.


The word echoed in everyone's mind as the once hidden moon shone brightly, illuminating the city like a blazing beacon. The clouds above began to converge, forming thick masses that crackled with lightning and thunder.

The ground continued to shake, causing glass to shatter around them. Matthew caught Selena just in time to prevent her from falling, as they braced themselves for what was about to happen.

"Cover your eyes!" a male voice commanded in their minds. Without hesitation, they all covered their ears and huddled together.

Suddenly, a deafening roar tore through the sky, accompanied by thunder that shot out from the clouds. "You can uncover your eyes now." As if on cue, the thunder ceased and the roar subsided, prompting them to stand up. The brilliant light that had filled the midnight sky vanished, revealing the beauty of the night once more.

All of them trembled, especially the Earthlings, as they had never encountered such a terrifying situation before. Before anyone could utter a word, the same voice echoed in their minds.

"Not now. But presently, you all face a common predicament - the Nameless Beasts," Elijah felt a slight vibration in his breast pocket, instantly connecting it to the voice in their heads.

Suddenly, it struck Elijah, "Nameless Beasts...?" he innocently inquired, gazing upwards.

In front of the group of six stood eight or nine beasts, their exact number eluding Elijah as his instincts screamed at him not to count.

Each beast was identical, growling menacingly. They were slender yet imposing, their bodies covered in thick fur that concealed their vital organs. Their faces were perfectly round and smooth, as if the divine beings had forgotten to carve out their features, leaving them blank and unmarked.

All of the beasts growled in unison as they lunged towards the group of six, leaving the Earthlings with a single thought echoing in their minds.
