
Beyond The Soul

Have you ever thought of reincarnation? It's a fun thought to entertain, isn't it? What you could've been, who you could've been. Lilith is a young girl who struggles through a lot of things, her only saving grace are her friends. But then comes a boy, a boy who is dark and mysterious, a boy who shows her a whole new world with magic and ancient war only they can stop together, as they go past their differences and learn that together they can do much more than they ever would've thought.

SakiMar · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Meeting you again.

∿ ✦!


Its tough to wake up in the mornings. My eyes simply don't wish to open sometimes. I can hear the alarm blaring through my phone. The noise is nauseating. Up to this point, I didn't need to worry about that. I had renounced myself to hibernating in my bed apart from the times I spent my summer with my dear friend Atticus. Thinking about him might be the only thing making me consider getting out of bed right now.

How sad would be feel if I abandoned him for the first day of school? He'd probably be dramatic of it. His bright azure eyes would stare back at me sadly, those puppy dog eyes he would give me every once in a while.

With that and a slight groan I force myself to sit up on my bed, forcing my eyelids open. My stare moving around my room. One of the maids probably opened up the curtains, as light was shining through it, I could see my balcony. A table was outside and then two chairs on opposite sides. The table was like a little tea table. I absolutely adored it as a kid. I would pretend that there was someone else on the other side sitting there and would talk to me as we drank imaginary tea. What was the name of my imaginary friend? I couldn't remember anymore. I could remember slight features of him. I don't remember why I made him so grim. Maybe it was just representing the sadder part of my life.

I managed to pull myself together by standing up. My eyes moving over to my mirror to look at myself. My hair was a mess, eyebags under my eyes, a perpetuality sleepless state I was always in. My insomnia only seemed to get worse as the days went by. You could tell that in my brown eyes. Eyes I detested with a passion. Both my parents had green eyes, compared to them my eyes seemed boring. What was brown? Mud, and crap. You could say so much about other colored eyes, like blue, it was the color of the sky, the ocean, diamonds… What was brown? It was an ugly color.

I walked over to the bathroom, taking a quick shower, brushing my teeth, my dark hair falling over my shoulders. For a moment I debated whether I should even bother to tie it up in a ponytail. If I didn't there would be consequences from mother. With a long sigh I manage to pull up my hair up into a ponytail, a bow to decorate it. Forcing a smile before it quickly dissipates. I wasn't outside to force myself quite yet. I grabbed onto the sides of the sink. Looking at myself, judgement plastered all over my face. I could point out every single bad thing about my face in a second. Moving my head around to look at every single imperfection. For anyone else this might've been the moment where they started to cry but I just think that I don't have it in me to do that anymore. So, I just made my way towards the dining room.

Headphones blasting music as I made way across hallways which we're decorated with various paintings, expensive vases and trinkets. I could name each one of them too. I had to, just in case a guest asked. I needed to keep up the act of being the perfect daughter, if not I would not be useful anymore. The day I wasn't found useful was a scary thought, that would probably be the day I'd be thrown out. I didn't know if outside was worse or better than in here anymore though.

I opened the dining room, a butler standing in one of the corners. Pausing the music and taking one of the headphones off, a small smile on my face as I greeted him good morning.

—"Will my parents be joining me for breakfast today?" I inquired. Mainly to see if it would be possible to just eat in my room. I did not need to talk to them today. To my luck the butler shook his head.

—"They will not Miss Lilith." A weight seemed to have lifted off my shoulders as my smile lightened and he patted my shoulder with a small smile on his face. "They are busy miss." I simply nodded, and got composed. This butler was named Sebastian, he had been working for my family for as long as I remember and he was always extremely kind, mainly because he was aware of the treatment I had been enduring for as long as I lived.

I made my way towards my chair, even if my parents weren't here, I didn't dare sit anywhere else that wasn't where I was assigned. Breakfast was set, I looked at my plate. It was tough, this was tough. Somehow, I managed to eat a good portion of it before getting out my chair, and hoping the driver was ready so I could just get to school as soon as possible.

I got into the car. All and all, I was hopeful for this year. Like all the years before that, a new school year meant new experiences, and there were rumors that someone would be joining us this year. I didn't pay much attention since it was odd for someone new to come in the last year of school. They usually stayed with their group for those last years but whatever. Be it a new person or not, I couldn't care, I had my group and that wasn't about to change.

Oh how wrong could I have been.

∿ ✦!

I somehow managed to get there pretty early. Therefore, Atticus nor Evelyn were here. And I only really spoke to them. I made my way to what would be my new classroom. This might've been the paranoia for being back in class or something… I was unsure of what it was, but I've been feeling like someone has been watching for around two weeks now. Its stare was familiar though. Like someone I had met when I was a kid. Or maybe even longer? But that didn't make sense. That's why I wrote it off as stupid paranoia.

I got to the classroom, I took a moment to take everything in, closing my eyes, taking a deep breath. It was just something that calmed down and made me feel more grounded. Kind of like meditation you know? I kept going with that little ritual before I actually felt that stare more intense than ever, as if it was right here with me.

—"What are you doing?" A rough low voice asked. Making my eyes open right up, my head turning towards the direction of the sound. There stood a boy, he was much taller than me. He had black hair which was messy, he had his head slightly tilted to the right. He looked serious as his greyish-greenish eyes looked back into mine. For a moment I swore I had seen those eyes before.

But that wasn't the point, that man was drop dead gorgeous. There were many good-looking people in this place. Atticus was a fairly good-looking man but this was different. Something about him was just different, his allure, his aura. It was all so familiar yet foreign at the same time. What was this enigma she was now suddenly faced with?

—"Nothing, are you lost? I don't believe I've seen you before." I managed out a chuckle, a forced smile meeting my lips as I tilted my head with him. Trying to appear as nice as possible. Though it didn't seem to convince him at all.

—"You can drop the nice girl act, I hate liars." He spoke coldly. My mouth ran dry for a moment. Nobody had ever just looked through her mask, and those who had weren't this direct, they just played along.

—"Excuse me?" I tried to play it off. Blinking a couple of times, I had never been faced with a situation like this one. I couldn't quite believe it.

Before he could even respond to what I had said, Atticus and Evelyn walked in, they seemed like they had been looking for me for a long time as Atticus quickly came in and hugged me. Though I couldn't part my eyes from the person infront of me.

—"Lilith! We've been looking all over for you! Who's this?" Hearing Atticus speak broke me out of whatever trance I was in, glancing over at him, a soft smile appearing on my face. I missed his overly chaotic energy truly.

—"Oh yes, you must be the new student, it's a pleasure. You must be the owner of that business, right?" Evelyn spoke towards him. Wait what did she just say? That guy was in our grade right? And he owned a business? I need to get up with whatever gossip was going around.

—"I am, name's Haden." He would say not sparing a smile or a glance at Evelyn. As he seemed to be just as fixated on me as I was on him. The tension was palpable in the air. It was almost hard to breathe in the room due to it.

—"Have you two met before?" Inquired Evelyn, I glanced over at her and shook my head, smiling up at her.

—"Not at all, we just met now-… I think." I murmured that last part to myself, he seemed so familiar to me, his eyes, his voice, everything. I simply couldn't place it anywhere.

I could tell this school year was going to get weird really quick. Just a small hunch I had.

This is my actual first time writing a book so if you liked it please like it! I would also love to hear critisim so don't be scared to also tell me what you thought about it.

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