
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

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57 Chs

Destroying a Comet

March 27th, 1998

General POV

"Trey, are you sure you can destroy the comet?" Batman asked, making the final adjustments to his gear.

"Bats, for the last time, I told you I got this. If for some forsaken reason, me and Desmond can't destroy the comet, I'll use our contingency plan. I'll sneak into the white house and have the president fire some nukes at it. Problem solved." Trey replied jokingly. Alfred and Superman sighed the moment he finished speaking. Batman gave Superman a questioning look.

"Fine but hurry we still need to save Kara," Superman said. Bruce nodded before going straight to his computer, making another entry to Trey's file.

"Master Trey, Please refrain from telling Master Bruce any more of your powers. Since you arrived, I've spent many nights pulling him away from his computer. It's starting to affect his sleep." Alfred commented.

"All right, but it's not my fault if he asks me. Honestly, he has nothing to worry about. I won't be turning into a supervillain anytime soon. Anyway, it's time." Trey said, opening the boom tube.


"Remember, the boom tube only has one charge left. So get Kara and immediately come back. Oh and Supes. If you break one of that asshole's ribs I'll give you a million." Trey said with a smirk. Superman smiled and nodded at him before entering the boom tube with Batman, leaving only Trey and Alfred in the cave.

"Good day to you Master Trey. I wish you the best in taking out the comet. I'd hate to see the manor I worked so hard to clean be destroyed." Alfred said walking out of the cave.

Meanwhile, at the white house, the president was having an emergency meeting with his joint chiefs of staff.

"Eric tell me what's going on?" President Clinton asked.

"Mr. President Aria's comet that was expected to pass by the moon this month has become a threat. Last night around midnight, it changed course and is now expected to hit Earth in less than two hours. The comet is currently 600.46 square miles, roughly double New York's size." Eric Clinton's secretary of defense explained.

"What would happen if this comet were to hit us?" President Clinton asked solemnly.

"Sir, at the speed it's coming for us. It would be an extinction-level event worse than the meteor that killed the dinosaurs." Eric said.

"My God. Waller, does Cadmus have anything that can stop this comet?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. President. The only thing from our R&D that could hit the comet is our railgun. That, however, is still in its earliest stages of development. Most of our work has been toward taking down super-powered individuals. Thus, most of our weapons are on a smaller scale." Amanda Waller explained with a sigh.

"Dammit. We have to do something. What about the use of nukes? Or better yet, does anyone have a way to contact Superman?" President Clinton asked in frustration. Just as Amanda was going to suggest Lois Lane might know, another voice answered the President.

"The man of steel is currently off-world." The voice called out from the middle of the meeting room. A figure in all-black tactical assassin gear appeared. He wore a black hood covering most of his face. The secret service immediately took out their guns surrounding him.

"Who the hell are you, and how did you get in here?" Amanda growled at him.

"I'm Zio(Ezio) of the Brotherhood. As for how I got in. I walked right in you however couldn't see me." Ezio explained.

"Tell me what you know about Superman." President Clinton demanded.

"I will, but first, let's do something about these weapons pointed my way." Ezio said as he snapped his fingers. A second later, everyone had lost their guns. All of the firearms were hung from the ceiling by a blue thread(Chakra Thread), along with a man and woman in similar attire to Ezio appearing by his side.

"Thank you Origin(Bayek) and Amunet(Aya). As I was saying, Superman is currently off-world. Fear not, President Clinton. My brother Creed an ex-member of the Brotherhood, is working on destroying the comet with another one of his superhero friends." Ezio revealed.

"Then why are you holding us hostage?" President Clinton questioned. Trying to keep himself calm despite the panic he felt.

"You're not a hostage. We came to stop you and others from using your nukes. The nuclear fallout from multiple bombs could hurt the planet's atmosphere. Call the UN for an emergency meeting and tell the world that the heroes are handling this crisis. Russia, China, and Britain will also support you." Ezio said with a calm smile. Amanda went on even more alert that those countries were probably in the same predicament they were in.

"How can we trust you?" Amanda asked, knowing there was no way out of this situation.

"Our order has protected the planet since before the days of Alexander the Great. Other species visited this planet well before your country was even founded. Who do you think has protected the world from those threats? Also, My brother fought to protect the planet with your heroes. That should be more than enough for you to trust our word. If that's not enough, here's of live feed of the moon where they're preparing to take down the comet." Ezio finished pulling out a hologram projection.

"Call the UN for an emergency meeting." President Clinton said with a sigh.

Little while later on the moon, Desmond and Trey finished their preparations. Desmond was wearing his Creed armor. Trey, however was decked out in his new Stormcepter suit.

"What about Destiny?" Trey asked as they watched the meteor get closer.

"That's a girl's name. Try something else," Desmond replied.

"How about Omni?" Trey suggested again.

"Well it's better than a girl's name. All right Omni you ready? It's here." Creed said, getting up.

"Let's go!" Omni exclaimed flying into position. Omni flew right in front of the comet. Creed spilt off from him, making seven shadow clones. The original went to the west side of the comet as the clones headed east. All of them took their positions as they waited for Omni to start. As the massive comet came at him Omni was calm as if impending doom wasn't in front of him.

"Install Saber," Omni said softly. His battle suit then morphed into knight armor. He then took a high sword stance with his hands above his head. Weirdly to those watching the feed, no sword was in his hands.

"Sword of promised victory, I envelop you in aura. I empower you in armament. I release five of your thirteenth restraints. The battle must be to defend human order, The battle must not be against Humanity, The battle must be to live, The battle must not be inhumane, and The battle must be to save the world!" Omni said as a golden glow appeared all around him.

"Come forth from Avalon history's sacred sword. Noble Phantasm." Omni continued as the comet was now 10 feet away from him. A golden sword bathed in a massive amount of gold aura appeared in his hands.

"EXCALIBUR!" Omni screamed swinging down on the comet.


The sword created a gigantic sword slash destroying more than half of the comet and splitting it into two smaller halves.

On the Eastside of the comet Creed's seven clones were ready. A loud ringing sound could be heard as four of the clones evaporated. From the two of the remaining clones a small white spinning ball of energy was held above their palms. They both rushed into the piece of the comet unleashing their attacks.

'Wind Release: Rasenshuriken!' They both thought as the attacks exploded creating two big circular wind explosions. As they evaporated the final clone finished weaving his hand signs.

'Fire Style: Dragon Flame Bomb,' He thought before firing a dragon flame that combined with the wind Rasenshurikens.


The combined justus made a flame tornado that destroyed the rest of the comet on this side.

At the same time, the original Creed was trying to handle the other piece of the comet. He had begun by opening some of the eight gates.

"6th Gate. Gate of View Release!" Creed said as a burst of green aura appeared around him and visibly boiling hot steam came from his body.

"Asakujaku!" Creed yelled as his hands turned into flaming fists. Rapidly punching away the rest of the comet.


He continued for a full minute before the rest of the comet was burned into dust. As soon as the power of the gates left him, Creed felt aches all over his body.

'How does Guy and Lee use this all of the time? Even with my healing factor, that mode is painful as hell.' Creed thought as Omni came over, taking them both back to earth.

Four hours later Desmond, Trey, and Alfred were waiting in the Batcave for Superman and company to return. Desmond was able to make a full recovery with Trey healing him.

"What's taking them so long?" Trey wondered. They were an hour late from the deadline they had set for them to come back.

"I'm sure they'll be fine," Alfred said, but Desmond could see he had a look of worry in his eyes.

"If they're not back in the next hour, I'll.." Desmond's thought was cut short as a loud boom was heard.


"HELP! He's injured." Kara Screamed, dragging a bloodied Batman through the portal. Trey rushed to his side and used his byakugan to scan his body. He then spent the next 30 minutes slowly repairing the damage to Batman's body. Once he was done, everyone released a sigh of relief.

"He's stable. What the hell happened over there, and where's Supes?" Desmond said double checking Batman's condition.

"Clark was able to find me but we were stopped for a while dealing with Darkseid's Female Furies. Batman stalled by hacking the hell spores that Darkseid uses to turn planets in his hellscapes. By the time Clark and I arrived they were at the end of their conversation with Batman like this. Clark punched Darkseid out of the room in a rage. We were about to leave together when Darkseid returned. Clark that idiot threw us both into the portal before charging at Darkseid." Kara explained with tears in her eyes. Superman's status was unknown.

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