
Beyond The Mystery

The world is ruled by the law of nature, nature is unkind to every human. Is there something greater than nature that nature cannot touch? Not knowing that beyond every path there are some hidden mysteries. the blood, the soul, and the spirit of every human being have been sealed by 90% of its actual power in an enclosed space only the chosen one can unlock. why do we cultivate? what is cultivation? does talent makes you unrivaled. what can rivals talent? Follow Thomas and his sword on how he journey and battle through family, love, rejection, betrayal, and how he reaches the peak beyond humans comprehension. How he unravel the mystery that has been plaque on every human being for a millennium without them knowing. ************** please am a new writer be patient with me. Any errors you please notify me in the comment. I will make adjustments. you can add me on discord Evergreen#6303 ********************** Cover design by Roxanne Jane Black ******************† please support me with a donation https://ko-fi.com/evergreen_smile

_Evergreen · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
160 Chs


Early the next morning, Thomas and Zara were riding two black demon horses, they were ordinary beasts. The black demon horse can travel 10miles per hour, while it was quite expensive, the amazing speed makes people from noble families or cultivators who can afford it pay without having a second thought.

Thomas rode the black demon horse in his snow-white robe with his hair flaunting dazzling while he sat majestically on the horse unnerved by the wind blowing across his face.

Zara sat on her horse, dressed in a puff sleeve cape with an a-line skirt combined with her red cherry lips, which makes her an enchantress. Meanwhile, every little chance she had, she would seize a glance from Thomas.

"I can't have enough of him," she thought while looking at Thomas from the corner of her eyes.

After traveling for three hours, right in front of their sights, there was a massive forest with no end.

Moving closer to the forest, they saw the gigantic forest in its full glory. The forest trees had a height of one hundred meters with a width of twenty meters. The trees had long branches with broad leaves, which serve as shades for beasts living in the NEVER ENDING FOREST.

The boundless forest gave an eerie feeling mere looking at it. Anywhere you lay your eyes on, both from the right and to the left, is filled with the enormous forest.

"Heaven! How are we to find the notorious demon skull bandits!" Zara asked dejectedly?

Thomas who never displayed any expression on his face raised his eyebrow.

"This is going to be troublesome." Thomas thought.

Getting down from the horse, Thomas and Zara entered into the never-ending forest. Walking steadily inside the forest while making no sound. Thomas and Zara raised their guard high with their sword in their hand, ready to defend when necessary,

"The demon skull hideout would probably be at the boundary of the forest" Thomas whispered.

"Hmm, hmm"

"According to the information I received, the leader of the bandits Is in early essence building realm stage 1," Zara said in a low voice.

"I hope so, that would make the mission easier to accomplish"

After walking for a few minutes, Thomas and Zara encountered a rank 1 monster beast. Without further delay, Zara slaughtered the rank 1 monster beast into two with two sword attacks while Thomas stood leisurely by the side.

Meanwhile, the more Thomas and Zara journey into the forest the more they encounter monster beasts while Zara butchers all the monster beasts in two attacks.

Zara's elegance with the posture she carried herself with confidence, depicted her notable improvement. Her visible change can be seen by everyone looking at her. The previous instructor Zara and the present Zara are miles apart.

Seeing Zara killing the last monster beast, Thomas said " We've been walking for two hours, let stop and wait here."

"Wait for what!" Zara questioned while she raised her eyebrows, staring at him confused.

"What do you expect?"

Zara rolled her eyes, not following his train of thought.

"The forest is boundless, how are we going to find the demon skull, hmm. Do you expect us to be roaming about without any specific location?" Thomas questioned while looking straight into her eyes.

Thomas's hair flaunts to and fro in front of his face while his black long eyelashes add to his mesmerizing beauty.

Zara had already been lost in a trance, the charming young man who made her lose her sense every time he looked straight into her eyes, does not know what she is making her undergo every time he does it.

Does he know, but deliberately did it to enchant her heart with no possible escape?


Zara nodded absentmindedly.

Thomas withdraws his gaze while Zara blinks, regaining her composure. She blushed, her cheeks turned red like ripe tomatoes that were ready to burst.

Thomas continued, ignoring her behavior "So if we do that, we will either be lost in the forest or killed by a ferocious monster beast. Is that what you want?" Thomas teased.

Zara shakes her head, having got the general idea of what Thomas was saying.

"But that will not help our situation either if we stood here in the middle of nowhere."

"Sure, but if we wait for them to come to us, won't that be nice?"


The realization dawned on Zara when he realized what Thomas meant. Zara had a beautiful smile on her red mesmerizing lips. She took a glance at him and giggled.

"So we'll wait in this area for one of the bandits to pass-through" she chuckled.

"What a bad boy," she thought.

"But how are you sure one of the bandits will pass through this path. Hmm, Lordmaster?" She asked after giving it another thought.

"That expected, the route we took is the major route into the never-ending forest. So, if the bandits are to enter or depart from the forest, we'll catch a glimpse of their movement"

Zara laughed.

"Lordmaster, you are bad," Zara said jokingly.

"Is that a compliment or insult?" Thomas inquired with an expressionless face while looking at her.

"It's a compliment" Zara quickly replied.

Zara panicked, it is difficult to understand what Thomas was thinking.

"Those bandits thought they were evil, not knowing their nemesis is already at their doorstep." Zara giggles trying to diffuse the awkward atmosphere.

Thomas retracted his gaze,

"You can't say that not until we accomplished the mission before we can put our guard down."

Zara nodded while breathing a sigh of relief.

"That was close," she thought.

"Let hide and wait for the bandits"

Quickly, Thomas climbed the nearby tree with great agility, nimble at each branch of the tree, as he reached the top where it will be difficult to see him while it will be easier for him to see what is transpiring below.

Zara quickly followed Thomas and hid on a nearby tree even though her movement is not as fluid-like Thomas, It can still be called impressive.

In the twinkle of an eye, three hours pass by without any cause for alarm. Just then, two young men dressed in a brown robe walked out from the inner forest not looking exhausted while there weren't any injuries on them.

Thomas raised his eyebrow and narrowed his gaze while waiting for a moment, Thomas climbed down without making a sound while following the two young men.

Even though their cultivation realm is quite low, intermediate bodybuilding realm stage 6. Thomas chooses to follow them silently.

The young men were happy while discussing they had cheerful smiles on their faces.

"The new supplies had arrived yesterday. It early supplies" one of the young men said happily.

"Of course, it will be early. The last mission was a bit difficult but we executed cleanly" the other man said.

"Sure, sure. You are right."

"Let quickly get the wine so that we can return in a jiffy"

They both laughed while they tried to pick up the pace.

"Would you mind telling me what you talking about?" Thomas inquired from their back while he had no expression on his face.

Hearing a voice from their back all of a sudden, they panicked while they quickly took a few steps back while turning to face the voice.

Seeing Thomas in his snow-white robe with his outstanding facial look and well proportional muscle. They have to agree, this young man looks out of the world.

Taking their time to examine Thomas from head to toe, apart from his extraordinary look, they could not detect any cultivation from him.

"Just an ordinary mortal who came to look for rare herbs" they assumed.

One of the two young men said disdainfully "Since you've already heard what we are saying, you better forget leaving here in one piece"

Thomas stared at both of them without uttering a word.

Noticing the silent treatment from Thomas

"You scare! Hmm, give us everything you have and cut your tongue, break one of your and one of your legs. Then, we may consider letting you go" the other young man smirked.

Thomas remains relaxed.

"Kill the one who said I should cripple myself."

Hearing what Thomas said, the two young men were dumbfounded. They looked at each other while seeing the bewildered looks on each other's faces.

Is he nuts?

Ignoring their facial look, Thomas said again "Don't kill him, maim him the way he said I should do myself. However do it in a more gruesome way"

Before they could utter any word, a sword light flashed in an instant. The young man who asks Thomas to cripple himself had his throat cut, even though the cut was not too deep, it only cut it oesophagus while rendering him mute.

The sudden sword light gave them a fright while the young man that decided to cripple Thomas felt something on his throat and placed his hand there.

Seeing blood in his hand, got him confused. He raised his eyebrows with wide eyes, he glanced at his colleague with a questioning look.

What the hell happened!

He wanted to ask. But with what?

Noticing the blood coming out from his friend's throat, the other man panicked. He shivers, his back was quickly filled with cold sweat. Seeing his friend waving his hand to him unable to talk gave him a nightmare. While he was comprehending what was happening to his friend, another sword light appeared while amputating his friend's right arm.

The sudden turn of events makes the other healthy man take a few steps back while trembling. Immediately another sword light appeared and annihilated his friend's left leg.

Looking at his friend's condition, the second young man had the nightmare of his life. He stared at Thomas while looking at him as a demon in white.

Shortly a gush of wind passed through the young man, and there before him, an epitome of beauty stood beside the young devil in white while the enchanting lady had a generous smile on her lips with a slim sword in her hand.

Dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of the pretty lady with a sword. The young man found it difficult to stand straight with all the mental stress he was undergoing.

"Mo gbe!" The young man whispered subconsciously.

"So the beautiful lady is the one that decapitated my friend" the young man murmured.

Thomas ignored the man's behavior.

"Tell me where is your hideout? I wouldn't repeat my self" Thomas said in a cold voice.

"I… I…...wi...ll" the young man stuttered.

"Do you want my help in talking better, hmm?" Zara questioned in a bewitching tone while giving him a wink.

The young man shivers, shaking his head to regain his bearing.

"Please don't kill me, I will take you there," he said slowly in a low voice.

"Better, I know you're a good man, that is why I want to help you talk better." Zara chuckles.

"Lead the way," Thomas said in a cold voice.

The young man leads the way while Thomas and Zara follow. They look around for any strange movement or any suspicious things.

After another an hour, the young man leads Thomas and Zara to the foot of a hill.

In the middle of the hill, there was a small size cafe entrance while at the surrounding foot of the hills, there were many bandits that were roaming or stood as a guard.

There are few slave cages at the front of the hill while most of them are females.

Notice the bandits hideout, Zara chop off the young man's head in one attack while giving him a quick death.

"Now, let the hunting begins"


Author Note.

*Mo gbe - An ancient language that means: Am in trouble.

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