


Orenji having a suspicious look on his face observed the boy for a while, his gaze following him wherever he went. His thoughts seemed to overwhelm his head with the slightest details he witnessed.

"...But how,...I mean...

..how did this guy get so good all of a sudden?!he thought."only a few seconds ago he could bearly hold on to himself but now...now he acts like a total pro on those skates.

....maybe he's just that good"?Another thought ran through his head but he dismissed that as well.

"..if so then that move he did just now. if finding troubles keeping himself and skates pinned to the ground wasn't problematic enough then what more leaping on air and still make a perfectly good landing?!"Orenji couldn't explain it quite well but deep down he knew something was wrong and he needed to find out what.

And so he made a decision and rode his way towards the boy in the yellow hoodie who by now sat near a fountain. His skates moved briskly on the ground than it did back at the track as now he applied much effort

"Hey..he called out before taking a seat next to him..good game! You did really good, well better than I expected anyways.

"Really?!..heh thanks" the boy smiled. A wide smile, a broad smile.

"...so you up for round 2?!" Orenji asked, staring at him.

"Naaaa...thanks but I have to be on my way now" the boy answered, his attention focused on the shoelace he tied and as soon as he finished, he got back up.

Finally he could catch a breather! Unlike those skates that proved too tight and restricted for him, his shoes actually felt relieving for him to be on.

"...Great, I'll come with., Orenji said, taking off his roller skates in the process.."I too need to be somewhere...

...By the way, I didn't get to catch a name, he continued almost as quickly as he got up, his skates completely taken off by now. "...Am orenji, what's yours?!"

"Uhmmmm...the boy muttered. This question felt quite stunning to him. He hadn't even stopped to think about the possibilities, the scenario of someone actually asking of his name.

"...kieru, but wait..no... that's..that's not my name, I mean...i-

"..Dude, it's a simple straight question." Orenji interjected.

....After a brief pause the boy inhaled deeply, holding his breath for a while before slowly exhaling. Answering this now would probably present itself as a problem later on but he didn't care. Just telling someone your name wouldn't matter, right??

"KIEL....he replied

"Uh say what now??"...

"....Call me Kiel"



The pleasant wind was like that of a music of old memories to him.

The glowing sun; a crisp circle illuminated the sky as it dipped below the horizon, making it absolutely stunning to watch. There is something about the sunset that always kept the boy hooked to it. It had been a long time since he had seen one but whenever he watched, he'd feel like everything would be alright. No matter what he goes through, this time of day never failed to give him---

The warmth he'd seek...

The colors he'd missed...

The hope he'd lost...

...And the faith he'd need!

"So Kiel, what are you doing here anyways?"

"Uhmm what?!" Kiel spoke, confused by the sudden question.

"I mean, you said you weren't from here right? So what are you doing all the way here?"

"O-oh right, I uh..he mumbled"..I don't know yet, looking for something I guess"

The boys continued on with their discussion, walking past some passerbys. The town--stonehaven indeed stood out so well as one of the largest and most modern with a population of thousands if not millions. It's maze of narrow winding streets were as complex as the heart with series of interlocking alleyways that acted as the veins...

...And the people -- the blood.

The boy chanced a quick look at various people as he towed along. He saw many of them walking, chatting or laughing wholeheartedly.

All without a care in the world.

He wished to be in their shoes.

.. And somehow, he envied them...

If only they knew how lucky they were. Walking down the road towards an unknown destination, he was indeed free in the world but deep down...he felt he wasn't at all.He still needed to put on a disguise, to be restricted and be deprived of certain things.

He didn't want it this way..to live like this, no one would but i guess that's just how life is. Sometimes life throws rocks at us, you can either choose to turn around and run, giving up or strive forward, taking the hits. Either way, the best thing you can do is face it head on. Inorder to blend in, kiel needed to go through all of that..all of these. He was forced to live the life of an outcast!

Not something anyone would enjoy....

He had gotten pretty lucky too with some of the officers at the game.

He knew it wouldn't happen again...

He knew first hand that sooner or later, luck runs out. It always has, it always will and there's nothing anyone could do to about it.

"..You know, powers, elemental manipulations... hidden techniques, they're everything around here." Orenji broke the silence

"...heh my mom insisted that I learn at the academy for gifted youngsters, you know the one for claives. Even knowing fully well that I don't have powers of my own but she still forces me to apply anyways."

The boy in the hoodie didn't respond but only stared at him

..."Do you know what it's like, to be considered different all because you lack a certain trait others have. That feeling...it sticks with you, ya know. Till one day you feel like you have to prove not just to others...but to yourself that you can indeed fit in...

Down the trail, kiel spotted two officers approaching and without being told, he bent his head down at once. He does so till the officers walk past, again not suspecting a thing!

"....sorry, I shouldn't be bothering you with these problems of mine Orenji continued"...you probably won't understand what am talking about.

"....Trust me.kiel thought to himself, throwing his gaze to the side."...I understand more than you think"

"So...what about your mom?!"

"Uhmm my mom?!" The boy spoke, turning his attention back to orenji

"Yeah...I mean is she like mine? Does she force you into doing something you don't wanna do just because she wants you to do it?!"

"Oh uh..I don't really have a mom. Or a...dad, anymore"kiel stuttered, his eyes showed real sadness.

"Huh? Why?! You lost them? Or worse...did they lose you?"

"No..it's just, I just couldn't get to them in time...that's all." He replied, his voice a turned a sympathetic one."...look it's complicated, okay?

"...Am sorry, I shouldn't have asked"...

"No..no it's okay really, it's fine." Kiel responded"..And umm for all is worth, I think it's great you have a mom who cares so much. I mean sure she may not show it quite clearly in her actions but it's still there"

"Yeah?..and how would you know this?"

"Well for starters, maybe she sent you there so you could learn to protect yourself or even better, to protect others. It's kinda like what my dad used to say....

"Every sunset brings with it the promise of a new Dawn. He stopped to gaze at the sun's beauty."...so..so maybe your mom saw that sunset in you. Just because you're bad and you lack something orenji doesn't mean you can't keep on trying to be good at it. Powers or not, she knew you'd make a great claive either way" A gentle smile graced his lips

"Yeah... yeahh maybe you're right.." orenji replied in astonishment."God I didn't even think of it that way. You're a good guy Kiel....

It had been minutes and now treading on the pedestrian bridge, orenji deemed it best to take a break and get an ice cream. He took two of different colors and offered one to Kiel.

Kiel looked at this strange, brown thing on a cone and humbly accepted,taking it.

he could for sure get a hint of chocolate And just as he put it to his mouth, he took a big chunk out of it.

It felt cold at first, almost like his brain was going to implode right in his head.

No doubt it was only brain freeze

but still...it was worth the bite, it tasted quite creamy. Almost like...

Chocolate -- his favorite!

"C-can I share something with you as well?!" Kiel asked, his gaze sloped downwards in sadness.

"Sure. I mean..that's what friends are for, right?!" Orenji told him

"Friends?!" The thought of that alone changed his expression into that of an amused one.

He had been in this era for a while now and not once had he been called a friend or even had one for that matter. He had met new people, played their game, gazed at the sunset, licked their ice cream and now....now he had a friend.

That alone was enough to brighten his day. Somehow, it felt...he felt... almost human!

"..do you ever feel like you just don't fit in?!..around here? Like you're different from everyone else?"

"What,...you mean from what I told you?!" Orenji asked, staring at him eagerly

"Well kind of like an outsider".kiel answered."...these past few days have been different for me. Different, difficult...Well that and also riskier, stranger." he added softly

"...the thing I need to tell you now is that,

AM A.......


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