
The Assessment Array [2 of 2]

"It's begun."

Gris stood upright like an immovable mountain, unwilling to not set a new record for himself. Last month, Elder Gulab had lent him his personal Core Guiding Advanced manual. Having studied it day and night, practicing the motions, he felt he had improved greatly, thus immediately heading to the practice grounds when he returned from Winterville.


Scratching his head, Enzo looked on with confusion. Even though Gris explained what was happening and he read the slate by the entrance, Enzo still didn't understand what was so hard about this.

"He's just standing there…"

How could standing on a platform for 5 minutes be difficult?

"Wait! Gris did say something about an array, what was an array again?"

Enzo stood by the sidelines with his finger to his chin in deep thought.

"I shouldn't stress about the complexities...hmm how long as it been?"

Thinking back, Gris should be nearing the 4 minutes mark.

"This means he's already passed the Core Consciousness assessment!" Looking over at all the other platforms, those that had gotten on the platform around the same time as Gris had all either jumped off on their own accord or were sapped of all their strength and fell off unwillingly.

Seeing that, something in Enzo's mind finally clicked and he understood.

"I see how this could be difficult."

Before, he was preoccupied with reading the slate and talking to Gris that his entire knowledge of the assessment was limited to 'stand on a platform for a set amount of time and you'll be eligible for an advancement' that he wasn't sure of where the other layer of difficulty lied.

"These rock platforms are capable of draining my strength, and the time measurement relates to how much reserve one possesses. Since the higher my level of training equals more energy, that explains how the assessment operates!"

Perhaps it was because of boredom from standing around, but Enzo had inadvertently overthought the simplicity of the entire assessment array.

Suddenly, up on the rock platform, Gris could be seen visibly shaking.

Brows furrowed and hands clenched, one could see he was putting his all into this assessment.

Enzo nodded his head in approval.

"He's almost to 5 minutes!"

As soon as those words left Enzo's mouth, Gris leapt off the rock platform, kneeling with heavy exhaustion.

However it wasn't long before he recollected himself and gave a thumbs up to Enzo.

"Looks like he beat his previous time!"

With a smile, Enzo stepped up onto the walkway and made his way to the where Gris previously stood.

In an instant Enzo felt an intense vibration coming from beneath him, radiating upwards from within the stone.


"This is just the 30 second preparation phase!?"

He wasn't used to this new sensation seemingly crawling throughout his body. It was basically coaxing the disciples to jump off the platform!

Enzo didn't know how to make use of the preparation phase, so he stood there a little lost. Soon there was only five seconds left, and by that time Gris had already returned to the walkway entrance and was watching Enzo.

"To enter the School means there's something special about him. I wonder if he'll last 2 minutes."

When Gris first met Enzo after watching Kung's show, there were two reasons why he walked Enzo to the assessment array. One being how young he was, and two out of goodwill.

"For someone this young to enter the school, just how did he get his token?" Gris mused this notion.

Soon Enzo's body abruptly jolted and his knees bent. A muffled grunt could be heard escape his mouth.

"It's started." Gris looked on curiously.

Barely one minute in and Enzo already looked like how Gris looked 4 minutes in.

"This isn't looking good."

He immediately saw the struggle on Enzo's face.

Is there really nothing too him?

Gris was a strong believer in superstitions. He figured since Enzo was so young and he was able to enter the School despite that, he must have come across a fortuitous encounter. Then there was also that strange sensation he got whenever he was around him. It was almost like he was constantly radiating an aura. It felt neither good nor bad, however it was there, and Gris didn't know what to think of it.

"This…." Enzo's teeth were tightly clenched as he fought to suppress his rapid energy depletion.

"I feel….All my energy disappearing!" Enzo had passed the one minute mark which meant he had already exceeded the limits of an average human. However, his energy was reaching its end.

"I can't hold on much longer!" Feeling the immense fatigue, even continuing to stand would soon pose to be an impossible task.

Suddenly, right when Enzo's energy was about to be sapped completely dry, a blue mist quickly flew out from within the deepest recesses of Enzo's core. It exited the confines and encapsulated itself around the outside of his core, forcefully terminating the connection between the assessment array and Enzo.

The blue mist fluctuated, releasing a powerful azure radiance, recovering Enzo's lost energy.

"My energy!?" regaining all of his strength, Enzo had a look of astonishment and confusion. He looked down and saw that the test hadn't ended yet and the time was still going.

Gris quickly noticed Enzo's complexion had gotten more lively and he furrowed his brows.

What just happened?

He had been watching the whole time, not daring to look away for a second, how had he gotten all of his energy back?

Enzo was just as confused, however he soon wondered if it had something to do with that entity he met who helped him learn about the mysteries surrounding one's core?

Is there something residing within me?

If that was truly the case, than he definitely held an invaluable advantage!

I'll have to research what exactly it is that is living inside me, perhaps it could help me get stronger!


Without having to worry about his energy being drained, the assessment posed no difficulty at all to Enzo. He only wondered how long he should stay up here without seeming suspicious. As the slate read, the time you stayed on the platform equated to the level you've reached, and if one reached a new achievement they could record their time down using their token and report it to the Promotional Plaza for immediate advancement.

How long should I stay? I really want to use a guiding art like Gris, should I stay for 4 minutes? What if I stayed for longer, then I could gain access to the three star library and get an even stronger art than what Gris has!

Looking over at Gris, Enzo made up his mind.

I'll stay up here for 6 minutes and enter the 3 star library!

Gris noticed the peculiar look in Enzo's eyes and was at a loss for what he was thinking.

"It's been almost 3 minutes, I can't believe he's reached Core Guiding Advanced stage at such a young age…." Looking on, Gris's astonishment hadn't ceased.

Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone heading over to where Gris stood.

"I thought you left."

"Karn left on his own, I guess he was too embarrassed to show his face here. I couldn't bother heading out after him. I saw you up one the platform, congratulations on your advancement."

Noticing the boy on the platform, she looked at Gris.

"He preparing for his assessment?"

Gris shook his head.

"He's been up there for three and a half minutes."

"What!? That means he's already surpassed me…"

Looking over to the boy on the platform, she simply couldn't believe someone like him had surpassed her.


Gris sighed and stated his doubts.

"Earlier he seemed extremely exhausted at just a minute in, but suddenly out of nowhere he gained a burst of energy, I can't seem to figure out how he did it."

"A burst of energy?"

"It could just be me seeing things, it's just as hard for me to believe as him actually reaching this level at his age."

They both stood in deep thought.

4 minutes in.

4 and a half.

5 minutes.

5 and a half.

More people began to gather around to watch as they noticed the boy who refused to leave the platform. Each and everyone of them carried strong astonishment, disbelief and respect.

"When did someone so young and powerful arrive at the School!?"

"I've never seen him around before, what's his name!?"

"He's definitely without a doubt the next Kase!"

Seeing the bustle happening down below, Enzo had a wry smile on his face as he shook his head.

I knew this would happen, I probably should have gone to the promotional plaza and had one of the elders assess me…"

Enzo wasn't used to having so many eyes on him.

It also felt weird deceiving everyone, as he knew all too well he couldn't stand here this long without the help of the entity inside him.

I'll deal with things as they come….

"He hit 6 minutes!"

"Woah I've only heard of people standing up there that long!"

"Have I finally witnessed my life's desire….!?"

Enzo jumped down from the platform and saw Gris.

He had already come to the lower floor with Thenne and stood amongst the small group of people.

As everyone began discussing the happenings, Enzo walked over towards the both of them.


Gris was at a complete loss for words upon seeing his nonchalance.

"Now I have some questions for you."

"So do I!" Thenne spoke up.

Enzo put his hand up to stop the both of them.

"I can try to answer whatever questions you have later, but for now I want one of you to show me how to record my results down so I can get a promotion."

Gris nodded his head with understanding.

"Deal, follow me to the side of the platform."

Reaching the side, Gris explained.

"Place it against this outline and it'll transfer the results."

Enzo pulled out his token and did just that.

A caretaker's token!?

Seeing the token Enzo had in his possession, Gris couldn't help but view Enzo in a different light.

Just who is this boy and what is he planning?