
Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

The story of a guy that got separated from reality and is now ‘existing’ in the Nothingness outside any Universe and Multiverse. He occasionally ends up in different Universes and uses these chances to have fun and grow in power. I don´t own anything except my own characters and worlds Tags: Rape, Torture, BDSM, Absolute Evil MC, Pregnancy This is my first book and English isn´t my native language.

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Star Wars 5

I held my sword overhead with one hand, before attacking from the side. Vader who was ready to sidestep my downward attack was forced to block with his saber.

I held back massively but the force of the clash still made him take a step back. Seeing that he would be at a disadvantage if he just defended, decided to take the initiative to attack.

The fact that his lightsaber was deadly from all sides allowed him to make many quick attacks that were just as deadly. My Sword only had two edges, which severely limited my attack range but I enjoyed the challenge nonetheless.

Even with his advantage, I still started to dominate the exchange after a while. This was not only because of my superior talent, which allowed me to adapt to his fighting style, but also because at its core he was still using Jedi combat forms and I knew them better than he did.

After a few minutes, the first blood flowed. I cut of one of his legs causing him to lose balance and allowing me to take his left arm.

Maybe the fact that I was slowly cutting him apart reminded him of Obi-Wan or it was just the pain, whatever it was his anger started to reach new heights and he began to use more powers of the darks side.

This mainly included force lightning which had limited effect on me and by limited, I mean none. Although his anger allowed him to manifest new force powers he didn´t previously know, like Shatterpoint. They all landed on my body without effect, although Shatterpoint did some damage to my Sword, it wasn´t perfect and I knew it but it still made me a bit angry.

And by a bit, I mean I decapitated Vader in the next few seconds.

I didn´t care that I just killed the Emperors strongest and most cherished pawn, I was planning to leave in a few months any way since my body stopped transforming.

Another reason for my decision to leave was the fact that I have been feeling beings trying to watch me ever since I arrived in this reality. These beings weren´t living or I would just have killed them, they were mostly force ghosts, which were incredibly similar to the Eight sense for Saint Seiya, and beings of the force.

These beings were mostly the Ones, the Priestess´, The Mother and the Bendu. They all were made by the force, they could feel that something was wrong but not what.

They all, especially the Ones, were representations of different aspects of the force. For example, the father is the Cosmic force, the origin with no light or dark, the children were representing the living force. There originally wasn´t a light and dark in the living force but because the living being which were producing the living force believes it to be so, it started to change in that way.

They were the physical embodiment of these aspects but they didn´t actually have any power over them.

Well, enough history, time to pack my things and leave.

I didn´t actually have anything to pack so I decided to give them, or better said me, a departure gift. There wasn´t many things I fancied in this reality but the huge spaceships were one of them, even if just for collector value.

I started appearing around the galaxy, gathering all kinds of spaceships. I got my hands on basically every class of star destroyer, from Star Dreadnought to Cruiser and more. I even went as far as to make a trip into the future to get the Supremacy from Snoke and a quick trip to a universe where the Death Star didn´t have a traitor as a designer and so didn´t have its infamous hole.

I now stood in my museum, admiring the row of glass bottles with space ships inside. I had disposed of the crew, shrunken them all down to fit in the bottle and halted time for them to not gather dust and break.

Ah, what a sight. This collection might have cost the Empire a fortune but who cares, time to go back.

The way out was once again uneventful, it did however make it clear just how small the galaxy was in that Star Wars played. How many galaxies were in a universe? Who cares, definitively many.

I repeated the same old game of leaving reality, searching for a new one and enter it. This gave me enough time to play around with my new bionic abilities.

With my new ability to absorb most technology and add it to my body, I obtained several ways to grow. I said most technology because I could only absorb completely technological things like a remote or a phone, so no shooting nukes out of my back or having an inbuild particle accelerator.

For now, all I had integrated was the shielding systems of Zonama Sekot that created a forcefield that both protected and hid me as well as its flight system, which allowed me to fly without magic. It wasn´t perfect but it was a good improvement.