
Beyond limits of life

Stab! Stabbing for the last time , antagonist smirk contentedly at her "so called best friend" and spat mockingly at her miserable condition ,which is ofcourse result of her disgusting grudge. ……" Honey ! Honey! There is no place for a 'Damsel in distress ' like you in this filthy world . That's why I set you free, now just wait and soon you will be dispatched to heaven ;perfect place for your innocent soul." Hahaaaaaaaa……… Miserable female protagonist laying on the cold concrete couldn't help but to recall all previous memories of her past with the sting pain in her heart , definitely agonising her more than the stabbing pain . Only one question is hurting her like hell……" Am I going to die this pathetically , without taking my revenge , justice for being naive. Male protagonist 'THE GREAT VAMPIRE LORD' appears at the site of crime out of nowhere ,after all how could he let his bride die so easily. Being ruthless and cold blooded he just couldn't help her for nothing …….. " LITTLE GIRL! NOTHING CALLED FREE LUNCH …...BE MY LIVING BLOOD BANK ! AND I WILL HELP YOU WITH YOU REVENGE! DEAL?" [With his infamous smirk] This one deal apparently upended both of their lives. Leading her to become 'HALF HUMAN HALF VAMPIRE'. A girl with dignity and grace is now under someone else's mercy , the princess of her family compelled to forget her family forever just for the sale of REVENGE. ONLY GOD KNOWS OR MAYBE ' ONLY HER VAMPIRE LORD KNOW HOW FAR SHE HAS TO GO ON THE NAME OF REVENGE.

Ariana_Fortune · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
72 Chs


Ariana enters the classroom in a rush, making her way to her seat as she's once again arrived late. Spotting Ariana, Tina rushes over, grabbing her hand and dragging her to the canteen, brimming with excitement and anticipation, assuming Ariana must have faced some repercussions from her family, especially her brother, after their orchestrated plan.

"Ariana, are you okay? What happened this morning? No, wait, what happened last night? Is everything alright? What did your family do to you? How did they let you come to school today after last night?" Tina's questions poured out hurriedly, but to her surprise, Ariana responded calmly.

"First, calm down, Tina. I'm fine. Nothing happened to me, except with my brother. No one in my family knows about last night. My brother handles everything pretty well for me," Ariana explained, leaving Tina disappointed as her efforts seemed in vain.

Tina attempted to put on a fake happy expression, but her underlying bitterness prevented her. Her curiosity piqued, she questioned Ariana further, "But Ariana, didn't you always say your brother is scary and you're afraid of him? How did he let you off so easily?"

"Oh, Tina, you've got it wrong. My brother is indeed scary, but only when he's angry, and not towards me, but towards those who harm me. I'm afraid of him because of his excessively protective nature, not because he'd harm me," Ariana clarified innocently, rushing off to class with a smile, leaving Tina seething with resentment.After hearing Ariana's response, Tina's hands clenched into tight fists, her nails digging into her palms. She seethed silently, her mind already plotting her next move.

"Ariana, you got lucky this time," she muttered under her breath, her voice dripping with malice. "But don't think for a second that I'm done. Next time, I won't leave anything to chance. Not even your precious brother will be able to save you. I'll take everything from you, piece by piece, until there's nothing left. Not even him."

Her lips curled into a vindictive sneer as she imagined the downfall of her once-friend, her eyes gleaming with dark determination.

As the days melted into moments, the highly anticipated Farewell day for the seniors finally dawned. With meticulous care, senior Yangth transformed the auditorium into a tapestry of wonder, adorning it with cascading flowers and shimmering lights that danced like stars in the night sky.

"Look at this! It's like a dream," breathed a student, awe shining in their eyes as they took in the breathtaking spectacle.

In the midst of it all, Ariana found herself seated among her peers, her heart aflutter with nervous excitement. Suddenly, a beam of light enveloped her, momentarily stealing her breath and leaving her disoriented.

"What's happening? Why is Ariana in the spotlight?" murmured another student, their curiosity piqued as they turned to watch.

Confusion knitted Ariana's brows as she turned her gaze towards the stage, only to hear her name echo through the microphone, carried on the wings of anticipation.

"Is... is he proposing?" gasped Ariana's friend, their eyes widening with disbelief as they leaned in closer.

With every beat of her heart, Ariana felt the weight of the moment pressing down on her, her pulse quickening, her breath catching in her throat. There, in the spotlight, stood Yangth, his eyes ablaze with emotion as he took a bold step forward.

"Ariana, will you walk this path with me? Will you be my partner, my confidante, my love?" Yangth's voice rang out, each word filled with a depth of feeling that resonated throughout the hushed auditorium.

Ariana's cheeks flushed crimson as she grappled with the swell of emotions threatening to overwhelm her.she ran away from there and hid herself in the gym room to make her mind clear and process everything in a straight direction.

As Senior Yangth followed Ariana into the gym, he found her hiding, overwhelmed by the proposal and the attention it brought. Gently taking her hand, he pulled her closer, his expression soft and earnest.

"Ariana," he began, his voice filled with sincerity, "I don't know if you like me or not. I don't even know if you liked my way of proposing. But let me tell you, from the moment I first saw you, I knew there was something special about you. For me, this proposal was the best way I could express my feelings."

He paused, giving Ariana a moment to process his words, his eyes searching hers for any hint of her feelings. "Whether you like me or not, it's entirely up to you. I won't force you to accept my love. But whatever your answer, please give it to me by tomorrow. I'm leaving for the USA soon for my further studies. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow at the riverside at 5 pm. Please come, even if it's to deny my proposal."

With that, he gently patted her head before stepping back, leaving Ariana to contemplate his words. She was left dumbfounded, her mind racing with thoughts and emotions, unsure of how to respond.

As Tina watched from the shadows, a malevolent gleam danced in her eyes, her mind swirling with dark thoughts and bitter envy. She couldn't bear to see Ariana basking in the spotlight, her own heart consumed by jealousy and resentment.

After ensuring that senior Yangth had departed for his home, Ariana emerged from the gym room, her steps heavy with the weight of the evening's events. She slipped away from the school grounds, a shadow among the throng of students, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and embarrassment.

But her attempts at a stealthy escape were in vain, as eager classmates descended upon her like a flock of hungry vultures, their questions and cameras flashing in her face. Ariana felt the suffocating weight of unwanted attention bearing down on her, her cheeks burning with shame as she hurriedly fled the scene.

Finally reaching the sanctuary of her home, Ariana collapsed onto her bed, her chest heaving with exertion. Each breath came in ragged gasps, her mind reeling with the whirlwind of emotions that had consumed her.

"God... I can't... handle this..." she muttered between labored breaths, her voice barely above a whisper. "My life... it's like a... romance novel gone wrong..."

With a heavy sigh, Ariana surrendered to the exhaustion that washed over her, her eyelids growing heavy as sleep claimed her weary body. And as she drifted into slumber, her dreams were haunted by the specter of fame and adulation, a nightmare from which she could not escape.

As Ariana prepared for her day, her mind swirled with uncertainty, the events of yesterday still fresh in her thoughts. With each stroke of the toothbrush, she pondered over Yangth's proposal, her heart torn between obligation and hesitation.

"Should I go? What will I say?" she mumbled to herself, the weight of her decision heavy on her mind. "No, no, no..."

Her sudden outburst caught the attention of her mother from outside the room. "What's wrong, dear?" her mother called out, concern lacing her voice.

Ariana quickly composed herself, masking her inner turmoil. "Oh, nothing, Mom. Just thinking about my nails," she replied, her voice strained with forced cheerfulness.

Shaking off her doubts, Ariana resolved to confront Yangth and clarify her feelings. With a sense of determination, she checked the time and hurriedly made her way out, slipping on her sandals as she went.

"Off to meet a friend, Mom. I'll be back before dinner," she called out as she left, the echoes of her mother's well wishes following her.

She is determined to make things crystal clear with yangth ,that she don't see him more than a friend.

As she walked, a sense of unease crept over her, a feeling of being watched. Dismissing it as paranoia, she continued on her way, until she found herself in a deserted alleyway, the darkness closing in around her.

Panic surged through her as a shadowy figure loomed closer, her heart racing with fear. With trembling hands, she clutched her bag tightly, her breaths coming in ragged gasps.

Then, a sudden blow to her head sent her spiraling into darkness, her consciousness slipping away.

When she regained her senses, she found herself surrounded by menacing figures, her heart sinking with dread. With tears streaming down her face, she pleaded for mercy, her voice trembling with fear.

she pleaded to them ..

"please ! let me go ..

please take all my money and let me go..


sob! sob!....(she cries) , curling up in fear.

But then, a familiar voice cut through the darkness, a beacon of hope in the midst of her despair. With a surge of relief, she looked up to see Tina's face, her savior in the darkness.

"Tina, is it really you?" Ariana cried out, her voice trembling with emotion. "Please, get me out of here. I don't want to be here anymore." And with that, she buried her face in Tina's arms, finding solace in her friend's embrace.

Tina gently hushed Ariana's sobs, her voice tinged with an unusual mix of reassurance and a hint of malice. "Shh, Ariana, don't cry," she cooed, her tone belying the sinister intent behind her words. "You don't need to be afraid anymore. Your best friend, Tina, is here."

With a shaky breath, Ariana slowly composed herself, her eyes filled with gratitude and confusion. She rose to her feet, her legs still weak from fear and the aftermath of the attack.

"Come on, Ariana," Tina urged, her voice betraying an unsettling eagerness. "Let's get out of here. I'll take you far away from this place." And with that, she offered Ariana her hand, a deceptive smile playing on her lips as she led her friend away from the darkness and into an uncertain future.

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Ariana_Fortunecreators' thoughts