
Beyond limits of life

Stab! Stabbing for the last time , antagonist smirk contentedly at her "so called best friend" and spat mockingly at her miserable condition ,which is ofcourse result of her disgusting grudge. ……" Honey ! Honey! There is no place for a 'Damsel in distress ' like you in this filthy world . That's why I set you free, now just wait and soon you will be dispatched to heaven ;perfect place for your innocent soul." Hahaaaaaaaa……… Miserable female protagonist laying on the cold concrete couldn't help but to recall all previous memories of her past with the sting pain in her heart , definitely agonising her more than the stabbing pain . Only one question is hurting her like hell……" Am I going to die this pathetically , without taking my revenge , justice for being naive. Male protagonist 'THE GREAT VAMPIRE LORD' appears at the site of crime out of nowhere ,after all how could he let his bride die so easily. Being ruthless and cold blooded he just couldn't help her for nothing …….. " LITTLE GIRL! NOTHING CALLED FREE LUNCH …...BE MY LIVING BLOOD BANK ! AND I WILL HELP YOU WITH YOU REVENGE! DEAL?" [With his infamous smirk] This one deal apparently upended both of their lives. Leading her to become 'HALF HUMAN HALF VAMPIRE'. A girl with dignity and grace is now under someone else's mercy , the princess of her family compelled to forget her family forever just for the sale of REVENGE. ONLY GOD KNOWS OR MAYBE ' ONLY HER VAMPIRE LORD KNOW HOW FAR SHE HAS TO GO ON THE NAME OF REVENGE.

Ariana_Fortune · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
72 Chs


Alexander's heart sank as the officer delivered the news. The reality of his sister's fate was hitting him hard. He struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation, his mind racing with questions and fears.

The officer continued, his voice filled with empathy, "I'm truly sorry, Mr. Alexander. It appears that the worst has happened. We will continue our investigation to find out who is responsible for this, but I need you to brace yourself for what comes next."

Mr. Alexander felt a wave of grief wash over him, his initial impatience replaced by a heavy sadness. He struggled to find words, his throat tight with emotion.

Alexander's anger boiled over, his hand crashing onto the table with a resounding thud as he rose to his feet, his voice roaring through the office. "What are you saying? Are you even hearing yourself? Don't say anything when you have nothing to prove!"

The officers exchanged uncomfortable glances, taken aback by Alexander's sudden outburst. The room fell silent, tension hanging thick in the air as Alexander's frustration radiated through the space.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Alexander continued, his voice trembling with emotion. "You can't just throw around accusations without solid evidence. My sister's life is at stake here, and you're standing here telling me about bloodstains and DNA matches? That's not good enough! You need to do more, you need to find her!"

His words echoed off the walls of the room, punctuated by the intensity of his gaze. The officers shifted uncomfortably under his glare, realizing the weight of his desperation and the depth of his anguish.

After a moment of silence, the lead officer spoke up, his tone softer now, filled with understanding. "Mr. Alexander, I understand your frustration, and I assure you, we are doing everything in our power to find your sister. We will leave no stone unturned in this investigation, but we need your cooperation and patience."

As the head in charge interrupted the tense atmosphere, pushing an envelope toward Alexander, his heart sank even further. With trembling hands, he reached for the envelope, his mind racing with a mix of dread and disbelief.

"Mr. Alexander, please calm down. First, have a look," the head in charge urged, his voice carrying a somber tone. "We are not here blabbing anything out of the blue without any foundation. Here is the DNA report result and these are the pictures of blood stains on the rod and on the ground."

Alexander's hands shook as he opened the envelope, his eyes scanning the contents with a mixture of horror and grief. The DNA report confirmed what he had feared, and the images of blood stains painted a grim picture of his sister's fate.

"Eventually, after taking everything into consideration, we concluded that your sister is already dead," the head in charge continued, his words heavy with sorrow. "Moreover, it's not the first time a teenage girl has been killed in a brutal way. It's already been almost three months that a psycho killer is executing this heinous crime, including your sister. It's his fifth prey. And the thing which is common in every crime is that those girls' bodies have never been found ever till this date, only the pool of blood stains speaks about his barbarity."

Alexander felt a wave of nausea wash over him as the reality of the situation settled in. His sister, Ariana, was gone, taken by a merciless killer whose identity remained unknown.

"I am sorry for your loss, but this case needs to be closed here," the head in charge concluded, his voice filled with determination. "About that psycho killer, we will definitely inform you once we catch him and definitely make him pay, by the law."

"Enough!" Alexander's voice thundered through the room, his patience worn thin by the officer's words. "Officer, if you fail to solve my sister's case, then just don't bother yourself. Simply tell us clearly that you can't do it anymore, but please, at least don't make any false stories by yourself, which are groundless and nothing but absurd."

The officer attempted to convey calmness, saying, "Mr. Alexander, I can understand your feelings, but this is the fact that she is already dead, and you have to accept it."

"Officer, please mind your words!" Alexander interjected, his frustration reaching its peak. "And now when you talk about the facts, then until or unless you don't find her dead body, don't presume that she is already dead. And I believe that she is still alive, so please investigate further. Or if not, then also say it; I will carry out by myself only. I guess I should take my leave now. As I think you don't have much to say instead of making up some baseless false stories. And one more thing, don't you guys dare to close this case until you don't hand me over either alive or dead Ariana."

With that, Alexander turned on his heel and stormed out of the room, his heart heavy with determination. He refused to accept the officer's words as the final truth, clinging to the hope that his sister was still out there somewhere, waiting to be found. And until he had answers, he would not rest, for Ariana's sake.

With a heavy heart, Alexander came back home and threw himself tiredly on the sofa.

Seeing him return, their father rushed towards him, concern etched on his face. "What did the officer say? Did they get any information regarding her whereabouts?"

Burying everything inside, Alexander simply answered, "Officers are still searching for her. They will find her soon, you rest assured and take care of Mother. She is so weak nowadays. Don't be too worked up; everything will go back to its origin. And Father, one more thing: I will leave for the USA after two days. I have already booked the tickets. I want to go there and talk to that senior guy in person about the case and his relationship with her."

Despite his attempts to reassure his father, Alexander's words carried a weight of uncertainty. Deep down, he knew that finding Ariana might not be as simple as the officers made it seem. But he was determined to leave no stone unturned in his quest for answers, even if it meant traveling across the ocean to seek them.

In a weak tone, his father spoke, more likely expressing his hidden, unspoken pain. "Okay, if you wanna go there, you can go as you have already booked the tickets, decided everything in advance. But be safe on your journey, and try to return early. Most importantly, don't do anything wrong over there. Don't get into any fight with him. Your mom and I now don't have the courage to face any more problems. Now you are the only child left with us."

Giving an assuring yet warm squeeze to his dad's hand, Alexander assured him, "Dad, you rest assured. I won't do anything that makes you or Mom regret. Plus, I am only going there just to talk with that guy in person. And Dad, please don't say that I am the only child left with you. She just went missing; nothing has happened to her. And I promise that I will definitely bring her back to our family safe and sound, that also very soon. You guys rest assured."

As he spoke, Alexander's voice carried a mixture of determination and reassurance. He knew the weight of his father's words and the burden of hope that rested on their shoulders. But he was determined to fulfill his promise, to bring Ariana back home where she belonged.

Time skip!

Two days had passed since Alexander left for the USA. The long and tiring journey finally brought him to his destination. Instead of checking into a hotel, the very first thing he did was head to the university where Yangth was enrolled.

As Alexander entered the auditorium, a peon interrupted the class, asking for Yangth. Confused, Yangth acknowledged and left for the auditorium, wondering who could be visiting him so urgently. With permission from the professor, he made his way, pondering the identity of his unexpected visitor.

His pov:...

who could it be ? who came all the way here to visit me just after a week I left our country. I don't remember any of my friends or relatives informing me about it. Whatever, let's go and see who came

As Yangth entered the auditorium, he spotted a man standing by the window, his gaze fixed on something outside. With a slight hesitation, Yangth approached him.

Yangth: Excuse me, sir. Are you looking for me?

The man turned to face Yangth, his expression serious yet strangely familiar.

Alexander: Yes, I am looking for you. If I'm not mistaken, you must be Mr. Yangth. You used to live in "X" city and completed your high schooling from "XYZ" school, am I right?

Yangth was taken aback by the stranger's knowledge of his personal details.

Yangth: Uh, yes. That's correct. But I'm sorry, I don't seem to remember who you are. Can you please introduce yourself?

Alexander: Before I explain further, I need to know if you have ample time right now. This might take a while, and it's important that we speak in private.

Yangth: I'm not sure, it depends upon your identity and What do you need from me?

Yangth's curiosity piqued as he listened intently.

Yangth: What matter? I'm not aware of anything that would require an investigation.

Alexander: It's about your past, Mr. Yangth. There are some questions that need answers, and I believe you might be able to help me with them.

Yangth's mind raced with possibilities, trying to piece together what this could be about.

Alexander heaved a sigh before continuing, his gaze steady but weighted with concern.

"I am Ariana's brother, Alexander," he confessed, his voice laced with a mixture of sadness and determination. "And I came here to discuss something about her missing case."

Yangth's breath caught in his throat at the revelation. Ariana, missing? The name echoed in his mind like a distant bell tolling a warning. He struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation, his thoughts racing with worry for the girl he had admired for so long.

Not believing his ears, Yangth felt a numbness wash over him, a cold dread settling in the pit of his stomach. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined something so serious happening to Ariana.

"Of course, sir," Yangth finally managed to respond, his voice barely above a whisper. "Let's go. I will cooperate, and I will answer all your questions to the best of my knowledge."

With a silent nod, Alexander acknowledged Yangth's willingness to help.

"Okay then, come with me," he said, his tone gentle yet resolute.

Together, they strode away from the auditorium, each step weighted with the gravity of their mission. As they walked, Yangth's mind raced with questions, his heart heavy with worry for Ariana. But amidst the uncertainty, one thing remained clear: he would do whatever it took to unravel the mystery of her disappearance and bring her home safely.