
Beyond Critical (Multi-Cross DxD, Rosario Vampire, Ikki Tousen, More)

Kaito Evander wasn't anything special. He was smart, athletic and had great aspirations, but there was nothing truly special about him, even his Sacred Gear was a common Twice Critical. That was until the soul of his counterpart in another universe fused with his own and he gained...a second Twice Critical?(Insert)(Multi-cross) (Ikki Tousen, Uzaki-chan Wants To Hang Out, Rosario Vampire, Testament Of New Sister Devil) https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
84 Chs

Supernatural Machinations - 2

Thankfully there, despite it being dragon fire, which was way hotter and more destructive than your typical average fire, there was hardly any magical energy within it so beyond making a scorch mark on his door, he slapped the fire shit in before it did any real damage.

But that was only because, he'd been draining his magic power all night long after his new little self control problem made itself known.

….To be exact, Kaito couldn't currently control his dragon fire and breathed it by accident, quite a bit.

Until he learned to control it, he was going to have to drain his magic power constantly. Lest he be caught literally breathing fire in public.

And that was only the beginning. Because, if he didn't learn to control it and let it build up, his body would start to fully go through dragonification and turn him into a full dragon.

"I didn't know you could breathe fire!" Irina was practically all sparkly eyed though as they sat down at the table with the breakfast, "You should have did that to Satanael last night, would'a sure given him a surprise."

"I couldn't until last night," Kaito shrugged, "After you passed out I knew there was no way I could beat him myself, so I used my Sacred Gear to turn my organs into that of a dragons." he explained.

"Eh?" Irina gave him a confused look, "Sacred Gear's can do that?"

"Only dragon ones I think," he ran a hand through his hair and gave her a small grin, "It's a bit of a pain, but you could say that the blood of the Red Dragon Emperor runs in my veins now, and my organs are made from his flesh and it's why I can breathe fire now."

"It's weird, but totally cool at the same time," she giggled, "It's almost like how devils can turn other races into theirs for their thingie."

"Kind of, though on that topic," Kaito's lips quirked up, "Did you know Satanael's big plan was to heal himself by turning himself into a devil? He boasted it to me last night before I beat him."

"Eh, no way!" she gasped.

From there, as they ate, he explained to the twin tailed girl how things ended up in the end with Satanael and how he defeated him.

"The one thing I don't really get though," Kaito shook his head, "Is how I could wield Arondight. Does that mean I'm a holy sword user or something? Or have some compatibility with it at least? Cuz every time I tried to pick up Excalibur Mimic it zapped me."

With light at that, it stung like a bitch. He'd had to wrap his jacket around it to carry it back.

"Mmm, that's cuz of how it became a Holy-Demonic sword apparently and it's why Satanael could wield it as well from what I got told," Irina pointed her spoon at him after taking a mouthful of cereal as she explained, "Apparently the sword is infected with Lancelot's madness after he betrayed King Arthur and because of that, the sword itself can't even recognise its wielders, so anyone can use it now."


Anyone included him if last night was anything to go by. Which, could be interesting considering what he learned to do last night with his Twice Critical's.

Something to think on later-

For now though, with the more pleasant side of things out in the open, he had one more thing to ask her, "What will you do now?" Kaito asked.

Irina paused as she was about to take another spoonful of cereal, before letting go of the spoon and sighing, "…I don't know to be honest," she replied, giving him a half smile, but there was nothing happy about it, "I can't go to my parents, they're both part of the church, so if I do, they'll get ex-communicated as well, and I don't really have anything but the clothes on my back and well…the swords."

Well, that was really bad. She literally had nowhere to go, huh? And the clothes on her back, were literally a skin tight body suit that had the stomach area burned away.

"I could maybe pay a visit to the Hyoudou's?" she mused lightly, "They were good friends with my parents a long time ago when we lived here and I used to be best friends with Issei-kun."

Kaito grimaced instinctively at the name drop.

Hell to the fucking no.

"Issei Hyoudou, same age as you?" he questioned, even if he already knew, "Brown hair, brown eyes, kinda scrawny?"

"Well it's been a while since I saw him so I wouldn't know how he's built, but he is the same age as me and has brown hair and eyes," she nodded, "Yeah, that's him I guess."

"Then you won't want anything to do with him," Kaito told her bluntly, making her give him a confused look, "I know the guy, he goes to my school. He's a total freak who constantly harasses and peeps on pretty girls, honestly the guy should be on a sex offender list. And on top of that, I'm pretty sure he got recruited by Rias Gremory a few days ago."

"…Oh…" Irina uttered softly, before frowning, "So Issei-kun turned out like that, huh? That's….disappointing."

"I've had to chase the guy and his perverted buddies off from harassing other girls a bunch of times, sorry to disappoint you." he gave her a sympathetic smile.

Was it manipulative of him? Yes? Did he care? No.

There was no way in fucking hell, he was risking his life for a girl, only to send her off into the arms of that fucking perverted retard.

Though on that topic, it did make him remember that there was a certain someone in Rias' peerage, that absolutely hated Holy Swords with a manic passion.

'Great, I'll have to deal with him in the future. Lovely.' he grimaced. Hell, from what he remembered, if he saw an exorcist with a Holy Sword out and about, he'd attack first and ask questions later.

Which would end up with him either murdering Irina to destroy her sword if he came across her. Or her killing him and drawing the rage of the Gremory clan.

Issues upon fucking issues man.

Honestly, there was really only one option here, wasn't there? "You can stay here with me if you want." he offered.

She perked up, "Really?" she lit up, before wilting almost immediately and casting a look around his apartment, "Are you sure?…You're having trouble as it is yourself."

She wasn't wrong.

"I'm sure," Kaito nodded instantly. A man should stand firm on decisions like this, "Besides, I've got some savings packed away."

It wasn't like he wasn't already preparing long in advance before he started to attend Kuoh after all and got paid a stipend and was allowed this apartment due to his scholarship. But, he'd been running odd jobs since he was a kid and even had a part time job all the way through middle school

…And, while he didn't really relish the thought. There were….other alternatives to money when once had become supernaturally powerful and could now move faster than a human eye could track.

Which he now could at his at maximum strength after last night.

"Ah," Irina's smile returned, wholly bashful this time, "Thanks Kaito-kun."

….He only had one problem.

'How the hell will I explain this to Yanagi?' he thought in dread.

Maybe he could sell Satanael's clothes? The shirt and jacket had been ruined, but his pants and shoes were still freaking Armani, he could probably get a good few hundred thousand yen for them.

'No, fuck that!' he decided right then and there. He was going to wear them himself, he was about the same height as Satanael, so they should fit…hopefully.

Hopefully the dead Cadre rotting in his Sacred Gear didn't have tiny feet.

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts