
Beyond Abyss

Wil Astral a being way too strong simply put, he can kill gods simply by sneezing and yet he dislikes fighting? why? Acting as a non-fighter in a world of fighters going out of his way to avoid conflict all simply being he doesn't want to fight, but why? Or more importantly how long will he stay that way? How long before he snaps and pulls a trigger? Will he be strong enough to protect his family from... himself?

MythicaI · Fantasi
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3 Chs

History Lesson

Location: USA ruins of the once grand city of Atlanta

Date: February 12 3001

Huge metal and moss giants loomed over a deserted city, the once grand city of Atlanta Georgia now reduced to an yet another abandoned city. Perhaps it's unfair to single out one city however as the whole of the US had long been abandoned.

Abandoned by humans and infested by strange demon esk creatures humans had given them a name, a scientific one that was unused, after all why not call them what they are: man eating demons.

Creatures that don't belong to this world or this galaxy, creatures that belong to an entirely different realm, but humans didn't know this. As far as they knew "their" universe was infested with these aliens and their planet was the exception. As far as the humans were aware they were surounded on all sides, surounded and outmatched.

After all how could humans win against these things if they could defy the basic laws of the world? How could humans win against creatures that had skin harder than steal? How could they win against something that could create flames out of nothing?

The answer, they couldn't. Not unless they too could wield the power of the demons. The demons invaded the entirety of north and south America and claimed it as their own by the year 2746 it was their territory, the following years were anxiety filled as humans where unsure of their safety the demons seamed to avoid the cold and water so one would think humans had nothing to fear. Alas this was not the case as strange portals started appearing around the world and out of them came the demons.

It took no longer than 4 months to confirm what these portals where, they where transport gates, from the Americas to anywhere else in the world. This lead the humans into chaos as the demons had now prove themselves capable of getting to them. This chaos would last for about 4 years, after 4 years some humans realized something. These humans came to the realization of their innate abilities, some could control fire and other air. The militaries of all remaining countries united and stared raises humans capable of "magic" and they worked fast, 10 years later humans where no longer defenseless. But the threat of gates was still very real, it would take another 10 years for humans to obtain the technology needed to predict the appearance of gates and shut them down. 30 years later life for humans finally stabilized, guns weren't dumbed but they were for the most part useless as normal bullets did nothing against most demons.

100 more years passed and atlast humans obtained a new type of weapon, weapons created with the crystal heart every demons left behind after death.

Although bullets could be made from the crystal hearts it was quickly found to be an inefficient use of crystal hearts as one heart could only make 5 bullets all of which would be one time uses and although they packed quite the punch it was better to make sword and knives then bullets. Some even coated the tips of arrows with crystal hearts, for every heart one could make 100 arrows for more efficient than bullets.

As time passed humans created armour that itself was made from the hearts of demons, as it was a rather durable and sturdy resource. The stronger the heart the stronger the armour/weapon.

Another houndred years passed as the lives of humans had changed drastically, when the demons appeared the earth itself seemed to react as land came together until eventually forming 2 major land masses, one being the territory of demons and the other that of humans.

The human territory had throughout the years split up into 4 major countries, one residing in the north, most of it in the north pole, another was in the east as most would lay among the equator as such it would always be hot here, the final to lay in the east and west in between the other 2.

All of that brings us to the present 3001, more than 200 years later the ruins of a city lay most of it had long been taken over by nature yet some still clung to it's metallic life creating a strange atmosphere in the city.

A city that should be long since abandoned by all humans lay resting on it's final leg awaiting the day it would finally be consumed entirely by nature.