
Chapter 3

Dimitri's arms were wrapped around Aurora and her head was lying on his chest. It was midnight, yet both of them were not feeling sleepy.

Aurora was drawing circles on his chest.

"Dimitri…," Aurora murmured.

"Hmm…..," Dimitri was looking at the ceiling, lost in his own thoughts.

"Are you sad?" she asked a little bit loudly.

Dimitri frowned and angled his head toward her.

"You have been silent since you received Tristan's message," Aurora noticed that usually after dinner he would head to his study and work for an hour or two but today he skipped everything and went to bed early.

"I still regret that I was not there with you when Enzo was born. It would have been hard for you," Dimitri said with a troubled expression.

"Yes it was very painful but when I first held Enzo in my arms nothing else mattered, and everything was replaced with happiness.. Life was hard sometimes, but Enzo was a bundle of joy that made everything easier," Aurora replied.

"I am sorry sweetheart, if I had…", Dimitri's heart ached thinking about a single mother barely making ends meet in a big city.

Aurora placed a finger on his lips, "Shh… let go of the past. Having you here with me and Enzo is enough for us."

Dimitri took Aurora's hand and kissed each of his fingertips. To lighten the mood Aurora started to talk about Enzo.

"When Enzo was born he was so small I was so scared to hold him. Unlike other children he rarely cried, once you got food in his stomach he would sleep for hours. He was a quick learner and was easily able to recite all the rhymes. But he was so possessive, he could not tolerate me being nice to other kids," Aurora was recalling all those sweet memories.

"Of course my son is just like me. We get jealous easily. Children grow so fast now Enzo is already in preschool. He would have been a cute baby, not that he is any less cute now, but I wish I could have held him when he was a toddler," Dimitri sighed.

Aurora was silent for a moment and replied, "You could fulfill all your wishes with our second kid."

"Yes, I could take a few parenting tips from Tristan," Dimitri added.

"Or maybe both of you could learn together ", Aurora beamed.

This time Dimitri was stunned and understood what his wife was implying.

"Sweetheart, I don't want to pressure you. We don't need to follow anyone, we can go at our own pace ", Dimitri felt Aurora was compromising for his sake.

"My master's degree will be completed next month. Enzo is already seven years old, and if there is too much gap between siblings then it's not easy to bond," Aurora always wanted more than one kid.

Growing up in an orphanage she felt too lonely, seeing the caring and protective nature of Nicholas and even though Dimitri is strict with Gabriel, he is genuinely worried about his well being .

She felt it was time to give Enzo a younger brother or sister so that they will have each other while growing up.

Dimitri planned a kiss on Aurora's forehead and promised, "Aurora, this time I will never let you experience any pain. You just need to give birth to the baby and I will take care of him or her."

Next morning the first thing Tristan did was to schedule an appointment with the best gynecologist in the city .

He was waiting in the hospital lobby while Ava was inside the room undergoing various tests. After an hour, the nurse informed Tristan the test results had been released.

"Doctor, is everything fine?" Tristan was a little nervous.

"Mr. Ambrosio, at present both mother and child are good. But Ava is a little underweight and undernourished, so I will give her a diet plan. Make sure she follows it correctly. The first and last trimester of pregnancy are a little risky so you need to be extra attentive to her," the doctor handed him Ava's medicine prescriptions and told them not to miss her monthly checkup and if there is anything else they can contact her.

After going home Tristan ordered a few pregnancy books, since he had no knowledge in this aspect and doctor's instructions were limited he wanted to be well informed on how to treat a pregnant woman.

"Tristan, why are all the dishes so bland?" Ava saw that the whole lunch menu had already changed.

There was tomato soup, two to three types of salads, boiled eggs and a bowl of cut fruits.

Before she usually had red sauce pasta or spicy chinese noodles for lunch. Just by seeing those green leafy vegetables made her lose appetite. Sara being a former model was very much health conscious and very strict about her diet. On the other hand Ava was only concerned about the taste of the food and sometimes skipped meals having just a cup of coffee.

"You need to gain weight, and there are nutrients in these foods," Tristan said strictly leaving no room for arguments.

Ava finished the food with a grumpy face.

She opened all the cabinets in the kitchen but did not find any snacks.

"Where is it? I remember yesterday I kept it here," Ava murmured.

"Little one, are you searching for that junk food?" Tristan asked.

"Yes, help me find it ", Ava replied.

"I threw them all ",Tristan said calmly.

"What? Tristan you cannot do that", Ava screamed turning towards him.

"Oh but I already did it ", Tristan smirked.

Ava angrily came toward him and started to hit his chest with her tiny hands.

Tristan laughed and held both of her hands ,"Okay stop it now, I checked with the doctor and she told me those processed foods are not permitted during this period. She gave me a list of snacks you can eat, I have ordered those , they will get here tomorrow ", Tristan consoled her.

During lunch Ava pacified herself that she can eat some tasty food later but now all her dreams were shattered.