
Chapter 3


A portal opened up in front of the school and Mia stepped out wearing a black gown reaching to her knees with laced black heels and light make up

Mia walked up to the doors of the school when she suddenly stopped and a devilish grin crept up her face she decided on appearing in the middle of the school hall instead of casually walking in. She stepped back a bit and after muttering a few inaudible words a portal opened up and she walked in.

Mia appeared right in the middle of hall frightening a few students Mia smiled at the little commotion she had caused and walked right into her first class using the class times talble that had been sent to her the previous day

She walked into the class completely ignoring the other students and empty seats she walked up to the seat at the back with a devan (A devan is a creature who has abilities like that of a demon but not as powerful,they are usually known as the demons familiar) sitting on it and ordered

"Hey devan go find another seat this one's taken"

"What?, You've gotta be joking this is my seat and I advise YOU go find another seat" he replied emphasizing on the "you".

"Well I asked nicely just like grandma wanted but you insisted on getting your ass kicked but don't worry I'm gonna ask you one more time please move your ass" Mia said smiling like she hadn't just threatened him.

" Hey witch are you deaf or just dumb" the devan growled fury evident on his face

"Well now grandma can't get mad at me I asked nicely" saying that Mia dragged the devan out of the seat and threw him on the floor smirking

"What?, you little bitch I'm gonna rip those arms off" the devan growled

"Oh please I would really love to see you try pussy" Mia said enjoying the fury radiating from his body she knew he was powerful but he didn't stand a chance against her and she would never miss the opportunity for a good fight.

The devan roared with anger and shot three fireball at her , Mia quickly did a back flip, dodging all three fireballs and landing on her feet.

"Really devan that's the best you've got" Mia said taunting him

The devan growled and charged at her using his superspeed he was about to knock her teeth out with his fist when Mia grabbed his fist in the air and twisted it the devan roared in pain while trying to free his hand from Mia's grip but all his strength proved abortive . Soon the devan was on his knees before Mia begging for mercy.All the students had gathered around to see the new girl who had brought a devan to his knees

"Really how interesting?" A deep rich voice sounded through the air forcing Mia to turn her head for the first time since the fight started