
Beware of Lady Iris Claester

A girl who was murdered by a random woman, suddenly woke up and found herself in a different world. ' Wait.. My hands is so tiny.. W...hat happened? ' "ahrgg.. Aha... -" "Iris.. /My lady.. /Miss Iris..." Everyone shouted with full of worries "I'm not I...ris.." *** "I'm the Goddess of life... Even if I didn't kill you you'll still die that night. You'll be stabbed to death by an unknown person who had entered you-..." "Do you think that I would believe in your words?" "Ahh... Should I care whether you believe me or not?" *** "Live your life to the fullest until you're satisfied!" The woman said without facing Aira. "W...hat did you sa... Ahhh!" *** A long black wavy hair, a pale white smooth skin, a glittering bluish eyes. I pinch my face and it hurts. It means that I'm not dreaming. 'So... I really did became Iris Claester?' My eyes became teary. The girl who live a miserable life in her previous life had suddenly passed away and woke up inside a novel. Will she be able to live a happy life in her new life? or she'll have miserable life again? Iris Claester the daughter of a Count, the female protagonist was her adopted sister. She was a minor villain? She isn't even consider as one. Isn't she just a pitiful character in the novel who died at the age of 13. A young child who drowned to death by the order of the main antagonist or the main villain in the novel. "Iris Claester." 'That's my new name.'

Jaynie_ortega1 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 7

Walking around and around Iris was so tired she stopped.

"W-where?" She murmured

"My lady, where walking in circle, where is that information guild you want to go to?" Raynold who was standing behind her asked.

"Where?" again she murmured.

"My lady, did you say something?" Raynold asked.

"My lady, are you okay?" Luna who was worried about Iris walk in front of her, and asked.

"Water!" she said, but none of the two heard.

"My lady.. Ack! It hurts. My lady!" Raynold shouted as Iris pulled his hair.

"Water!" Iris shouted.

Iris and raynold was a door standing in front of the door.


"Whaa!" Raynold and Iris shouted, as the door suddenly opened and the both of them was hit by the door.

Luna who was standing in front of them was safe.

An old man came out from the door, tall, mascular, big old man, he's letf eye was closed and a there was a scar on it.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" The old man politely said but he sounded like angry.

Iris who went on her knees along with Raynold after being pushed along with the door, grabbed and pulled the old man's shirt and slowly looked up at his face.

"Water!" she shouted.

The old man got blank, he was startle when Iris shouts.


It turns out that door, was a back door of a pub where the old man works.

"Ahhh!" Iris felt refresh after drinking the juice that the old man served her.

She was sitting in the counter, she was in between Raynold and Luna.

"May I asked..?" the old man who was wiping a glass, asked the three of them.

"What?" Iris seriously asked.

"Why are you wearing a hood? And who are you?" The old man asked.

"Isn't you supposed to asked, 'What are you doing on the backdoor?' hah?" Iris asked while imitating the old man's voice.

"Five hundred shillings!" the old man said.

The three of them was shocked and Iris slam the table.

"Are you ki-!" Raynold who was shouted, stopped as the old man raised his right hand.

The some drunk man behind them stand up while holding some sharp weapons.

"It's supposed to be my brother's wedding today," Iris said while covering his face and pointing out Raynold.

Raynold flinched and pointed himself. The old man frowned.

"It's, it's a political marriage, my b-brother hu! hu! hu!" Iris said and pretend to cry, she pulled Raynold who was sitting on her left side.

"O-our, f-father w-want me to marry his old f-friend. I'm, I already have a lover? But he still want me to marry, she, she's a widow, whaaa!" Raynold said and pretend to burst into tears.

Luna look at the old man who was seriously pitifully looking at Iris and Raynold who's pretending to cry.

"Hm..." Luna sighed and the old man look at her.

Iris and Raynold, the both of them secretly look at Luna, Iris smiled.

"I'm, I'm his lover!" Luna said.

Iris grinning from ear to ear. Raynold blushed and hide his face. The old man look at Luna with a pitiful expression, covers his mouth using his right hand.

"I was a maid of his family, his a kind hearted and funny man." Luna said.

What Luna has said, is a script written by Iris before they went to the capital.

Raynold the knight that was assigned as her personal knight. Raynold is the one who was standing outsides Iris door every night so that she can't scape at night.

Raynold fall at first sight at Luna.

The old man burst into tears, along with the drunk person who stands up and pointed weapons at them.

"It's a forbidden love!" one of the old man shouted .

"I feel you! I also fall in love with my mistress, before." another old man shouted.

"I fall in love with my master." someone suddenly shouted.

Everyone was shocked as a man suddenly shouted.

Iris raised her head up, her eyes were a bit red, not because she cried but she continually rub both of her eyes. Raynold was still hiding his face. And Luna just looked normal.

"Can we asked you about an trivial information!" Iris whisper.

The old man smiled and wink at Iris. Iris gave him a odd smile.

"I know everything around our Empire." The old man proudly says and wink. Again Iris smiled at him oddly.

' What are you? The Esterian Empire's Marites?' Iris though.

' I want to die! ' Raynold suddenly though.

' I want to sleep!' Luna though.


Everyone looked at the pub's door when it suddenly opened and a couple of hoodlums came in, they were all armed.

Raynold raised his head and seriously looked at them.

Everyone was silent. The hoodlums walk towards the counter where Iris was.

"What are you doing here?" the old man asked them.

"Were here to have a drink!" L the Leader of the hoodlums said and he stare at Iris who was sitting and looking straight in front of her.

L tap Iris shoulder. Raynold point his sword at L's neck, Luna pointed a knife at L's stomach.

"Back. Off." Raynold whisper to him.

"Hey! oh?" he said and took a step backward ang raise both of his hand, but Raynold and Luna didn't lower their weapons.

Iris turn and look at him. He was shocked at Iris reaction, Iris stare at him straight to his eyes he looked at her eyes.

Her shining beautiful blue like jewel eyes didn't even flinched while looking at him.

He flinched he couldn't believe that a young lady is staring at him straight into his eyes without even flinching.

"It's better if you leave." The old man said.

The drunken man behind stands up and pointed thier weapons at the hoodlums.

"You'll die if you won't leave!" a drunk man shouted.

"We shall return. Someday...." L said and they to leave the pub.

Raynold, Luna, and everyone else put down their weapons.

Iris stands up,

"Give everyone a drink, it's my treat." Iris said and every one shouted in happiness, Iris walk toward the door, Luna put two bag of gold and then, Raynold and she followed Iris.

"Comeback again..." the old man shouted.

"Yeah! Comeback again and treat us again!"the people shouted happily.

Raynold walk outside first, Luna is by the door waiting for Iris to come out.

Iris took a quick glance over her shoulder and smiled. And soon walk out of the pub.

"Please come again, My lady." the old man whispered.

"Hey where's our free alcohol." the old man got pissed as someone shouted.

"Shut up!" the old man shouted back angrily.

"Hurry up, old man!" someone shouted.

"Shut up! You bunch of drunkards!" the old man shouted angrily.

"Hurry up!" They shouted.

"Yes, yes!" the old man shouted.

Sitting in the corner of the pub, three man wearing a black hood and along them was a light pink haired man.

"Sir, that girl!" a man asked, he was wearing a light brown hood.

"Isn't she Iris Claester?" the man wearing a black hood asked.

"Yes sir." A man wearing a brown answered.

"Why is she still alive?" the man wearing a black hood asked.

"For two years I haven't heard any news about her. I thought she was dead!" he added.

"It seems like she becomes healthy?" the man wearing a light brown hood said.

"Why is she here?" the man wearing a black hood asks.

' Why I am here? ' the pink haired man asked and lay his head on the table.

"Here is your free drink." the old man said and put four cup of beer on the top of the table.

"Thank y.." the man wearing a brown hood said, but he was cut off when the pink haired man suddenly drink a one whole cup of the alcohol.
