
Chapter 4: A Lying Witch a Warden and an Apprentice

It had been seven years since Finn came to live on the boiling isles, ever since that day he worked very hard in all aspects of his life. He trained his body, mind, and magic, he also developed his own style of swordsmanship. He devoted most of his time pushing himself further and further past his limits. To never be like he was, only striving to be the best.

The first step, finding someone who could teach him all types of magic, he knew Hexside was the best school to learn. But he wanted more, knowing that the teachers would never allow this he searched for one, and he found her a infamous witch, Eda Clawthorne the owl lady, his father's ex, and the most wanted criminal on the boiling isles actually became his teacher. He didn't want her to know who he really was in fear she might reject him, so after some bargaining, blackmail, and a few promises to be named later obviously. Sure she was a wild witch, a scammer, rude, narcissistic, stubborn, unfocused, but she wasn't afraid to push past the limits and knowledge of all types of magic. Sure most of her lessons ended up in him either getting chased by coven scouts, or fighting someone who wanted her dead, but it was the experience was all that mattered, or at least that's how she put it. All of this occurred without the anyone knowing, thanks to a little help from illusion magic he conjured a disguise, something he did not want to admit that he learned from the Blight twins Ed and Em, for a favor to be called upon later.

He began his magic experiments again, this time focusing on tweaking the spells he already knew. The results he gained so far, he is able to manipulate the grass blade into different forms, even going so far as a full suit of armor. He discovered his body had unique characteristics, his body has great physical abilities, summoning green flame-like energy around his hands and fire it at his targets, pyrokinesis, he found out that he could exude an aura of death and rot around him, but only when his emotions have gone out of control, his life draining spell has advanced to the point where he is able to breath a black, life-sucking gas, and one of the most deadliest powers of all, the power to control peoples minds, given that their mind is weaker than his own. Training with Lady allowed him to fully unlock her powers, flying at almost the speed of light. If anyone but him with his sturdy body were to try this their entire body would become a pancake. change her form, from a staff into a inconspicuous scarf, that still gave him the ability to fly, intangibility, and invisibility.

His father Raine Whispers, worked his way up to the upper echelons of the bard coven, he is currently off on an assignment for a few months and left Finn in charge of the house, if all went well he would soon be named the new coven head. Finn knowing how important this was to Raine promised to behave and manage the home by himself until he returned. Which worked out for him considering his lessons with Eda, he would be able to train without any interruptions. His pursuit power never ending even with all the abilities he discovers everyday.


Finn was resting comfortably on his bed, blanket completely over his head. Lady Ranicorn, who he just called Lady for short, was sleeping in her own bed at the foot of Finn's. Unknowingly to the two of them the door to the room opened silently, a figure could be seen observing the sleeping Finn and Lady. They slowly tip toed close to the bed carefully avoiding all of the clutter on the floor. They reached for the blanket, and pulled it off in one go yelling."GOOD! MORNING! FINN!" Full of energy.

Shocked Finn snapped his eyes open, sitting up grass sword drawn ready to fight whoever woke him up this early in the morning. Taking a few seconds for his vision to adjust, he saw Skara standing next to him with an ear to ear smile. Annoyed he questioned."Skara, what are you doing in my room?"He then looked at her more clearly."And why are you dressed like you're going to raid a castle."Seeing her dressed in shoulder pads with spikes, fingerless gloves, knee pads, and shoes with horns on the end.

"Oh, it's almost Grudgby season, so Boscha is making the entire team to early morning practice until then." Still having that optimism despite her team captain being a complete psychopath.

"You still didn't answer my first question." Finn annoyed at being woken up this early.

"Don't you remember? Since your dad has important bard coven work, he asked me your best bard buddy, to wake you up so you don't be late for school."She said still full of energy.

Finn stared at her for a second, then layed back down covering himself with the blanket, and put the pillow under his head."Skara you know I like to sleep in, and with Lady flying me at full speed I could be at school before you even blink. So I will calmly ask you this, let me sleep or I will have Lady turn your skin purple with orange polka dots."He threatened trying to go back to sleep.

Amused Skara leaned in close to him, and whispered into his ear."If you don't get up right now, I'll tell everyone at school you love to read those trashy human romance novels."giggling afterwards.

Finn got up again then defended."First off those are not trashy its fantasy, second its not romance, its adventurous." Slightly angry that his favorite book series was being slandered. He then grumbled."Why did I let you know about that?"

Stifling her laughter."Alright whatever you say."She then began to bargain."Tell you what, since I'm running late to practice, can you give me a lift to the Grudgby field, and I'll never wake you up this early again.'Until tomorrow'." Mumbling the last part.

Fed up with this conversation."Fine, just let get myself together first. You can wait downstairs for me."Reluctantly giving in to her demands. After watching her leave his room, Finn got out of bed then whistled, out from his closet his uniform floated towards him, then put itself on his body in seconds. Showing how advanced his bard magic has come. He then called out to Lady, who then leaped at him transforming mid air into a staff. Looking around him to make sure he had everything he needed he went to leave for school.


Skara seeing Finn walking down the stairs rushed him."Come on, come on, I'm going to be late for practice." Trying to encourage her friend to move faster.

Rolling his eyes."Fine." He then held out his staff, then got on top."Hop on."He told Skara still half asleep."Alright hold on, let's go!" He said suddenly full of energy. Flying had always been one of the best things Finn loved about having a Palisman, he could go anywhere he wanted, and with Lady his speed was unmatched by anyone or anything on the isles. During the flight Skara almost fell after he made a sharp turn, on reflex he summoned vines made of grass from his back reminding her."I told you to hold on, put your arms around me if you need to." Skara was lucky that he was unable to see her expression the rest of the ride over. He saw the Grudgby field, slowing down he landed to drop Skara off. The rest of the grudgby team saw her with her arms around Finn.

"Hey Skara." Boscha started."I didn't know your boyfriend was dropping you off at practice, wish I had one that cared that much for me."She said teasingly."How long have the two of you been dating?"

Skara blushed embarrassed she stammered, and started to make excuses."Finn is just a friend ok, his dad asked me to wake him up for school, and in return he gave me a ride to practice." Unable to look anyone in the eye the entire time. She then looked towards Finn to see his reaction.

Finn unamused by whatever this was."Ok now that we established who I am, and why I am here right now. Skara do you need me to pick you up after school to take you home?"Wondering if she needed help getting home.

Still embarrassed Skara said."No, no you can just leave on your own, I will be fine really."Blushing, quickly running away after finishing her words. While the whole team gave her a smirk.

Still not understanding anything that just happened Finn just shrugged, put the entire conversation out of his mind. Then flew away, none the wiser to his 'friends' attitude, actions, and her teams comments.


After a few hours of learning the so called proper way of magic Finn tried to leave early, when he stopped noticing someone he wanted to avoid coming down the halls. It was Amity, over the years after they stopped being friends Finn decided to become her rival instead. Competing to be the top student in Hexside, so far Finn had been trailing behind, despite all his efforts. He was clearly superior to her in the physical aspects of magic but not the theoretical. Not wanting to talk to her, he simply looked away and carefully walked past her. But Amity still noticed him despite trying to blend into the background, and said nothing just giving him the usual glare.

Tired of all of this fun school had to offer, he began making his way to the market. When he arrived he ducked into an alley to put on his disguise. He turned his hair blonde, his eyes blue, if anyone could see him now, they wouldn't recognize him. For good reason, he needed to keep all his lessons with Eda a secret, if anyone found out he would be branded a wild witch, and Raine would definitely suffer from it, possibly even facing petrification. After making sure his disguise was perfect he called out to Lady."Lady, scarf mode this time make it look green." Lady then wrapped herself around his neck transforming into a green scarf. Walking out of the alley, he then walked towards Eda's Human Collectables stand.

"Hey Eda."Finn greeted."I'm here to help out like usual." One of the deals Finn had made with her was that he would help with her various businesses in exchange for magic lessons. He looked around at the various human objects on the shelves."So before I begin, you got anything good for sale?" He asked hoping to find what he was looking for.

Eda amused."Oh, you mean more of those trashy human romance novels you love so much."

Quickly Finn retorted."Ok, first of all it is not a romance novel, it is a great fantasy novel!" Angry that he had to have this conversation twice today.

"Oh, really?" Eda questioned."Because I actually read one of them out of curiosity, and about 90% of it was just some witch talking in a flowery dialogue to impress someone else like a long love letter. If you ask me she should just skip all that nonsense, go up to the person and say 'Hey I like you, you want to go on a date?' You know back when things were simpler." She said smirking.

Rolling his eyes."Let's stop talking about all this love talk shall we? So do you have anything or not?"

"You know I have to ask kid, why do you even buy those books form me? I mean don't get me wrong I am never one to turn down the extra snails, but I think that they have all the books you're looking for at the library. Why not just borrow the books and save yourself some time, trouble, and snails?" Curious about her young apprentices reasons.

"I can't go to the library." Finn said in a grumpy voice."There's someone that works there that I don't want to meet." Clenching his hand into a fist.

Clearly noticing his anger."Oh, I get it, so what's her name, and how long did you two date before she broke up with you?"

Shocked Finn was going to yell, but then just sighed."Forget it, let's just get started selling this junk." Saddened by this conversation more than he should have been.

Regreting her words."Alright kid let's just drop it, and we can't really do anything right now until Owlbert returns from the human realm with the goods." Soon after Owlbert exited the tent with a bag in his mouth."Finally you're back, now let's see what we got here." Eda pulled out a rectangle mirror."Garbage." A ring with a large clear rock on top."Garbage." A glowing metal cup."Garbage." Then she pulled a pair of glasses with eyes attached to springs."Ah, now this, this will make me rich." After that she grabbed a book."Hey kid I found another one of those books you wanted here." She handed him the book.


Luz Noceda was in the principals office retelling the book report presentation she gave in class, holding a live snake in one hand, and a Azura doll in the other."And that's the end."

Her mom standing next to the principal questioned."The end of what?"

"My book report." Said Luz right before the snake attacked the doll in her other hand."I think I knocked it out of the park."

The principal responded."Your book report is why you're in here."Before seeing one student after another running past the door screaming as a snake was biting their heads.

Luz saw this as will."Oh, that's where the back up snakes were."

Her mother Camila then questioned."And what were you going to do with this?"After she pulled out three large fireworks tied together with rope.

Luz looked down."That was for the act three closer."

Camila responded. "Mija, I love your creativity but it's gotten out of hand. Do you remember why you were in the principal's office the last three times?"

She remembered, the first time was Luz at the Romeo & Juliet tryouts."Oh happy dagger, give me death!" She said right before cutting open her costume exposing a chain of hot dogs. Scaring the others at the tryouts. The second time, she was making an art project of a baby griffin, by sewing the head and legs of a pigeon, with the lower body of a squirrel."Now for the final anatomically correct touch, spider breath." She then opened the mouth of the pigeon, where multiple spiders fell out and swarmed the room, causing a panic. The third time, she was at cheer tryouts, right after another girl landed a front flip."You think that's an impressive trick? Take a look at this." She turned her eyelids inside out, blinking them with her fingers."Bleep, bloop, bleep." Were the sounds she made before causing another panic.

Camila continued."We all love that you express yourself, but if you can't learn to separate fantasy from reality you may need to spend the summer here." Handing Luz a brochure that read Reality Check Summer Camp, below it with the caption Think Inside The Box.

"Don't worry mom, I won't let you down, no more weirdness!" Luz said with confidence, before the snake she was holding jumped from her hand and bit the principal in the face."That doesn't count right?" She hoped with all her might.


Standing outside her house looking like it was the end of the world, Luz was waiting for the bus to take her to Reality Check Summer Camp. When her mother Camila came outside."Oh, oh my baby." Giving Luz a hug."Now don't worry, summer camp is only going to be for three months, you will be so busy balancing check books, and learning to appreciate public radio the time will fly by." Trying to make the camp seem remotely interesting to Luz.

Luz responded."But I don't like any of that stuff, I like editing anime clips to music, and reading fantasy books with convoluted back stories." Pulling out a book from her bag. She then pulled the bookmark from inside, it was an old photo of her and Jack. She looked at it and thought.'I could really use a friend right about now.' With a sad expression.

Camilla looked at her daughter heartbroken."Luz I know you miss him, I do too, but it's been seven years now. Even Minerva his own mother has moved on, it's a shame what happened to her after she fought so hard to hang on for so long, but you must move forward. Not only for yourself, but for Jack as well." She paused to see if that encouraged her."Mija, your fantasy world is holding you back do you have any friends? Real ones, not imagined, or drawn, or reptilian. Summer camp is a chance to make some friends, but you have to try can you do that?"

"Yes mom." Was all Luz could say, after putting her Azura book into the garbage.

Camilla checking her phone."Oh I got to go to work."kissing Luz on the forehead."Your bus is coming soon, text me when you get there."Caudate mucho, hijab Mia, que tengas un bien.(Take good care of yourself, my daughter, have a good day.)"

"Bye, mom."Said Luz saddened by the whole ordeal, she then tried to retrieve her book."Where is it, where is it." She then heard the hoot of an owl, seeing a small brown owl holding a bag with her book inside."Tiny trash thief!" She then ran through the woods behind her home, stopping in front of an abandoned cabin. Determined to get her book back she charged forward inside, the door suddenly shut behind her as an ominous glow came from the cabin. The owl escaping pursuit."Stop adorably hoping away you … huh?" Luz suddenly found herself inside a tent filled with random objects, mostly trash."Whoa, I thought I had a lot of weird stuff." Picking up a strange object."This, this is impressive." Suddenly she heard someone in the front of the tent. She saw the owl hop on top of a stick, where a lady turned the owl's body clockwise turning it into a wooden figure. The lady was sorting through all the items that were in the bag, after taking out her book the lady turned to a boy standing next to her, offering the book to him. Panicked Luz rushed outside snatching the book from the lady.


Both Eda, and Finn were surprised by the sudden act."Excuse me sorry that's mine thank you." The girl running back into the tent rushing towards the door, until it closed.

A very rarely seen serious Eda."You're not going anywhere."she said to the mysterious girl.

The girl ran out the back of the tent and stoped in front of the cliff, looking surprised at the scenery."oh no,no,no what's going on."After nearly getting eaten by a fairy, she was pulled back by Eda.'Ah! Please don't eat me, I'm all skin and bones!"

Amused."Eat you? Why would I eat … a potential customer!"spreading her arms out wide emphasizeing her wares."Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes?" Holding what was obviously a broken shoe."Bar of green human candy?" Holding a strange smelling bar with a men written across the container."Oh, oh how about this black shadow box that reflects only sadness?" Holding up a box with one of the sides made of glass.

Finn rolled his eyes thinking to himself.'who would be dumb enough to actually buy this stuff.' He then looked more closely at the girl, realizing what she was, but before he could say anything.

The girl laughed."That's not all it can do, here let me see it." She then took two pieces of human candy from the bowl on the table. Inserted them inside the box, pressed a button, and then it lit up, showing a little man inside doing a strange dance."viola." After that, the sound from the box attracted customers from other stands, offering snails for the box.

Impressed Eda questioned the girl."What did you say your name was?"

The girl smiled, introducing herself."I'm Luz, Luz Noceda." Relived that everything was calming down.

"Well Luz that was pretty clever, for a human" Eda responded while taking the customers money for purchasing her junk. Looking over towards Finn."A lot more than I can say for my so called apprentice over there." A slight anger in her voice.

Finn just shrugged, Luz who just realized someone was standing next to her, then putting an arm around her shoulder."I'm pretty sure she was able to do that, because she's a human."

Luz looked confused."It's kind of a weird thing for another human to say."

"Oh dear child." Eda then removed her head wrap."I'm not like you, I'm Eda the owl lady the most powerful witch on the boiling isles."

Getting another eye roll from Finn.'Here we go again.' He noticed that Luz seemed to start admireing her."I wouldn't take any of her words to heart, she is a known scammer after all."smiling at Eda's expense.

Hearing this."Don't listen to my apprentice kid, he's got brain damage so he doesn't know what he's saying." Annoyed that her own student mocked her.

"For the thousandth time, I. DO. NOT. HAVE. BRAIN. DAMAGE!" After collecting himself he looked at Luz to explain."I actually have amnesia, everything before I was seven, just a complete blank.'though I wish the last seven years were gone too.'" Muttering the last part.

Luz looked at him in astonishment."So let me get this straight, you have amnesia, you're the apprentice of a witch, and you have blonde hair, blue eyes, have pointy ears and wear a scarf!" Luz had a bit of deja vu seeing an overlay of Jack, but she just shook off those feelings."Oh. My. God. All my years of reading manga, watching anime, and playing video games have led me to this moment." She exclaimed beaming with joy and excitement."Please, please, please tell me you also have an amazing weapon, or an adorable animal sidekick, because that would complete my image of the perfect protagonist." Smiling from ear to ear.

Even though he was weirded out he still replied."Um, I do have my grass sword, and Lady, but she's more of a partner than a sidekick."

"Oh man! Tell me what else do yo-" she said to try to get more backstory before she was interrupted.

"Hello I was in the middle of my grand introduction!" Eda continued to introduce herself."I am respected, feared-" before she could continue her usual rant.

"Busted!" A coven scout came up to the stand and smashed the light box. The customers that were swarming the place suddenly flee out of fear. The scout held up a wanted poster with Eda on it. "Eda the owl lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors.

"Whoa, witch criminal." Luz was once again surprised by her.

The coven scout pointed at Eda."you are nearby ordered to come with me to the conformatorium!" Trying to drag her away by the arm.

She responded."would you guy quit following me around, I haven't done squat."

Finn tried so hard not to laugh at that statement. The coven scout noticing him and Luz, grabbed them both."And both of you are coming too, for fraternizing with a criminal."

Luz exclaimed."What? That's not cool."

Eda seeing that the time for talk was over."Alright, alright you win, just let me get my stuff." She then picked up her staff took a swing at the coven scout, and sent him flying backwards, she then cast a spell to collect everything to get away."Whoops, can't for get his." Eda then pressed the eye on the key she was holding, the door with a similar eye turned into a briefcase and flew towards her."Follow me human." Was all she said before leaving Finn alone.

He looked at Eda and Luz run away."Guess this means I can go home early today." Was all he said before turning to the coven scout."Hey, so we cool?" The scout just got up and tried to capture him again, in response Finn just formed a giant arm made of grass, and punched the scout through a wall."Guess this means I need to lay low for awhile." He said to himself, before just walking away whistling.


Since he technically finished early at his job, and not wanting to just go home to an empty house, Finn decided to pick Skara up from Grudgby practice, even thought she said he didn't need too. He always thought since she went out of her way to wake him up, then he could go out of his way to help out a friend. Flying over head he saw the Grudgby team leaving the field when he dropped in."Hey Skara, some things happened and I have some free time to take you home."

Skara was both surprised and happy that Finn was picking her up even though she told him that was not necessary."Oh…ah ok." Was all she could say, trying her hardest not to look excited. She did notice her team all staring at her, all of them had a smirk on their faces. Not wanting to stay here any longer."Ok, bye everyone see you tomorrow!" Getting on the staff."Fly! Fly now!" Dreading knowing that she would have to explain everything about this tomorrow.

The sun had already set, Finn and Skara arrived in front of her house."Well here we are." He said tired after everything he went through today, he was about to leave when.

"Wait" Skara stopped him."I actually wanted to talk to you about something." while fidgeting.

"Sure what is it?" Finn not in a hurry to be anywhere.

"Listen, I just wanted to say that I … that I lo-" Before she could complete her words, fireworks lit up the entire sky.

Both of them were distracted for a few minutes."Oh sorry, what did you want to tell me?" Finn apologized for not hearing her.

Skara looked down unable to look him in the eye."I just wanted to say that you don't have to take me to practice tomorrow, I have to get there super early, so I won't be able to wake you up. Do you think that's ok with you?" Smiling with all her teeth.

"Sure that's ok with me, after all I get to sleep in. Alright see you around." Finn then flew off.

Skara watching him leave mumbled."I should have just told him." Before walking into her house.

Finn returning home, made himself something simple to eat for himself and Lady, then went to his room laid down on his bed, stared at the ceiling thinking.'let's hope nothing crazy happens tomorrow.' Closed his eyes, then went to sleep.

Today was the unknowingly reunion between two best friends, but of course they won't realize this for now.

I know that I have a lack of Adventure Time characters in this story. But I think a more subtle mix of both stories. One world taking priority with the other being supporting.

Ninja_Knight_808creators' thoughts