
Between TV shows (the OC, Gossip Girl, House m.d... )

This is a novel where shows such as the following are mixed together: Gossip Girl, the OC, in the future House, Grey's Anatomy.... Recommend a TV show that you would like to include in the novel, maybe there is one that I could include but I don't know it or I wouldn't have thought of it. You can comment whatever you want, always with respect, I will be attentive, if the novel works well I will continue writing it.

BRIHUA · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 12

August 2007. Over New York. Private Plane.

While reviewing documents and news to make the most of my time in the air, the flight attendant approaches and speaks in a low voice.

"Sir, we land in 20 minutes," she says professionally.

"Thank you, Cassandra. Is the transport ready?" I ask, looking at the blonde stewardess.

"All set, as always," she replies with a smile.

"Perfect, thank you, as always."

We land, and as always, there are people waiting to take me to my next destination—this time, the Waldorf house.

On a call:

"Mrs. Waldorf, I'll be there in half an hour. Thank you again for letting me stay with you," I say gratefully.

"No problem, it's always nice to have you. Let's see if Blair can learn something good from you, even if it's just a quarter of what you know," she comments cheerfully. "By the way, call me Eleanor. We're going to be together a lot, so let's keep it cordial."

"Okay, Eleanor."

< --- >

Going up the elevator leading directly to the Waldorfs' penthouse, carrying two small suitcases, the elevator door opens, and I see Dorota, the family maid.

"Good afternoon, Mr. van der Bilt," she says with a Polish accent.

"Good afternoon to you too, Dorota," I reply in Polish. "And call me Alex, or Alexander, whichever you prefer."

"Oh, you speak Polish! Awesome. Let me take your luggage," she says elated.

"Thank you, but I only have these. I can carry them myself. Is anyone else home?"

"No, Mrs. Waldorf had an unforeseen event, and Blair went shopping this morning and hasn't returned yet," Dorota comments.

"Then lead me to my room, please."

"Follow me."

After arriving at my room, which is connected to Blair's room through a bathroom, I put my things down and start unpacking my clothes, laptop, and documents. The rest would come later, or I would buy more clothes.

"You! What are you doing in my house?" I hear a squeaky voice behind me. I turn around and see Blair, trying to use her purse as a weapon.

"Blair, it's me," I say, raising my arms. "Alex."

"Who?" she asks, confused.

"Alexander van der Bilt, your boyfriend's cousin. You really don't remember me? Besides, your mother must have mentioned something," I comment indignantly.

"Alex? Oh, it's been so long. You've changed so much," she says, giving me a hug.

"It hasn't been that long since we've seen each other," I say, hugging her back.

"But what are you doing here?" she asks.

"My house is under renovation, and Nate's house wasn't available. When your mom found out, she offered to let me stay here," I explain as I continue unpacking.

"But weren't you studying in California?"

"Yes, but I planned to come to St. Jude's School for my senior year. I hope I'm not bothering you. I can find another place," I say, looking her in the eyes.

"Oh, no, it's always good to see you. I just didn't think you were going to stay in New York for so long. It's not like you or your family."

"What can I say? I've gotten bored of it always being hot," I joke.

< --- >

At dinner:

"So, Alex, why have you decided to move to New York?" Eleanor asks.

"Actually, several reasons. I have some deals to close that will take a while, it's closer to two of the best hospitals in the country, which we've bought parts of, and mostly, Orange County was getting boring for me," I comment as I eat some salmon.

"Look at Blair, Alex is your age and already fending for himself," she says incriminatingly.

"Yeah, yeah, mom," Blair responds reluctantly.

"Eleanor, everyone has their time. I've always liked business, but there's no need to rush," I say, trying to defend Blair. "By the way, how is your clothing line coming along? New York Fashion Week is coming up; you must be very busy."

"Yes, everything is going well, thank you. It's nice to have someone at home who cares about my work," she says, looking sideways at Blair.

"And you, Blair? How are you and Nate?" I ask, smiling at her.

"It's going well..." she comments reluctantly.

"I'm glad. And your best friend, what's her name? Serena?

"Ah, she disappeared. She's supposed to be in boarding school."

"Weird," I say.

"Yeah, weird," Eleanor adds.

"Do you want to go with me to New York Fashion Week? They gave me two front row seats, but I didn't want to go," I offer.

"You got front row tickets and don't want to go? Really?"

"Yep, it's no big deal. I get them every year." As I finish the sentence, mother and daughter look at me incredulously. "I guess that's a yes."

< --- >

Weeks went by, and Blair and I usually spent our free time together, sometimes avoiding my not-so-nice cousin, and mostly shopping. She always criticizes my clothes, and now I have three closets full of all kinds of outfits.

"So, what's this Gossip Girl thing?" I ask as I watch Blair look at her phone.

"It's just like it sounds, a person who tells all the biggest secrets and gossip from all over the Upper East Side," she says cheerfully as she shows me a post.

< --- >


Hey, Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here, and I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources, Melanie91, sends us this: 'Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Serena van der Woodsen.' Was it only a year ago our It Girl mysteriously disappeared for 'boarding school,' and just as suddenly she's back. Don't believe me? See for yourselves. Lucky for us, Melanie91 sent proof. Thanks for the photo, Mel.


"Wow, how lame," I say.

"Lame? How dare you?" she says indignantly.

"Yeah, I'm not interested in other people's lives," I say as I adjust my tie. "How do I look?" I ask, showing her my outfit.

"Well, of course, if I have chosen the clothes," she says arrogantly.

At the house, there was a party organized by Eleanor, so I decided to participate. We go downstairs and see Nate with Chuck Bass, someone I personally dislike.

"Nate, here's your date," I say as I introduce Blair.

"Thanks, cousin. This is Chuck Bass; I don't know if you know him," he says, showing me an arrogant Chuck.

"Yeah, I know him," I say, looking at him with a disgusted face and refusing to shake his hand. "No thanks, who knows where those hands have been," I say, looking at him with disdain. Chuck glares at me with hatred.

Before I can do anything else, I head to the open bar. I see Serena enter the house and address her mother. They don't seem to get along very well, and then she heads upstairs with Eleanor, where Blair and Nate had gone.

< --- >

Inside the room, Eleanor knocks on the door.

"Blair, it's Serena!

"Serena?" Nate says.

"Serena is at school. Kiss me," Blair says quickly.

"No, I think I heard your mom say she's here. Don't you wanna go say hi?" Nate replies. He gets out of the bed and starts getting dressed.

"Yeah... totally."

<---------------------------------- >

Author's Note:

Tell me what you want to see in the next chapters, give some ideas.

Comment if there is anything you would like to add now or in the future. Don't be shy ;D