
Between love and power

Olivia is a powerful warrior princess of the Lotus Kingdom. The kingdom she lives in is under constant attack by the enemy kingdom, the kingdom of Regia, which has been trying for years to take possession of the Lotus kingdom by killing its rulers, King Octus and Queen Olga, Olivia's parents. Enveloped by the feeling of revenge for the murder of his wife and Queen of Regia, Edna, King Ectos is willing to avenge his wife, using any and all means to do so. However, the princes and princesses of Lotus will not surrender without a fight. Amidst the chaos, Olivia tries to balance her romance with the charming soldier Hero and her attempt to protect her kingdom against the enemy's attacks. However, is love and war worth anything? Romance, magic, supernatural powers, and epic battles await you in this fantasy trilogy with a dash of passion.

bruna_souza · Fantasi
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18 Chs

Neither princess, nor warrior. A warrior princess.

If I could choose how to live my life, I would choose not to be a princess, but only a warrior. As both, I would just like to be free from the conventions and obligations that princess life imposes on me.

The day is warm and cozy, I nestle into the strong arms of Hero who pulls me to his chest and kisses me with eyes still full of desire. Hero is a soldier and archery instructor from our kingdom, Lotus. His parents are ordinary people from the village, ordinary in the sense that they do not possess any sensory or mystical powers, just like most of the villagers. However, Hero is no ordinary person for me, he is my strength and my north, he is the love of my life. If my parents saw us now and knew how we loved each other all night, they would gouge out their own eyes, after disowning me.

- You are so hot. - I say, kissing his broad chest.

- You make me so. - he says, running his hand through the straight black hair that is the same color as his eyes.

- Hmm, that's good. - I say, laughing. I see his expression suddenly turn serious.

- What's wrong? - I ask.

- You need to get dressed, you've been out all night. Aren't you afraid your parents will find out?

- Actually, I wish they would. - his eyes stared at me in surprise. - I'm tired of hiding. - I shrug.

- I know, Olivia. I am too, but you know that they would kill both of us and your brother by association, don't you? - he says, stroking my hair.

Hero and I have been dating secretly for over a year now, no one but my brother Oliver knows about it, they only suspect it because of the closeness between us, which we both don't make a point of disguising. My parents do not approve of any relationship that is not also with a prince. Since I was 15, they promised Ariel's parents, Agnes and Augustus that one day we would get married. Not that I have anything against Ariel, he is a warrior prince, in fact, I could say that he is the most powerful of princes. He inherited from his mother the power of creation, control and movement of fire. He is also incredibly handsome, loyal and brave. His hair is brown and his eyes are green, just like his father's. Ariel is perfect, but he is not Hero.

- Livi? - his voice woke me up from my thoughts.

- Yes, I know, but we can't hide forever. At some point, this has to end. - he holds my face in his hands gently.

- I don't want to lose you. - he says.

- And you won't. My parents will have to accept and understand that I love you.

- I won't let anyone come between us. - he promises, looking into my eyes.

- I know. I have to go now, I have to get there before my family is up. I don't want them to hear about it like that, like they caught me doing something wrong. - I say, putting on my dress.

- And by the way, isn't it really wrong? - he asks, laughing.

- No, it isn't. - I answer, leaning in to kiss him. But of course I know it's wrong, nothing done in secret can be right. - See you in a little while at the training center.

- I'll be there.

With a smile, I walk away towards the door. Hero built a wooden hut in the middle of the forest so that we could meet whenever we wanted. Until today, no one has discovered it, and I hope it stays that way. Since my parents were elected rulers of Lotus by the democratic vote of the people, we have been living in the castle, which is entirely made of stone and has large rectangular windows.

The enemy kingdom in question is the kingdom of Regia, ruled with iron hands by King Eres, known to be extremely strong, cunning and cruel to his people and even more to his enemies. His wife, Edna, died in the last confrontation with our kingdom about two years ago. This served to increase even more his hatred and anger against us. With him, he was left with his twin sons: Éric and Écna, both skilled warrior princes. Éric possesses an incomparable talent for handling weapons and the strength inherited from his father. Ecna has the frightening power to foresee the future. But what they are powerful about, they are also cruel. Just like their father, the brothers are hateful, mean and vile. The only objective in their evil minds is to avenge the death of their mother, who, ironically, was killed by mine in a confrontation that I would like to forget.

The purpose of our kingdom, is to end the regal kingdom and make its ruler pay for all the evil and injustice committed against his people and also against "mere humans". Unfortunately, Eros' favorite pastime is to kidnap ordinary people from our kingdom and turn them into his servants, this is an iniquity and must be ended. We, the Lotus Kingdom, will make sure of it.

I walk with quick steps through the dense forest, the first rays of sunlight begin to break through the clouds into a blue sky. I smell the wild roses that, at this time of year, are more beautiful than ever, although dangerous with their long, sharp thorns.

I cross the cold corridor of the castle, taking care to remove my boots and carry them in my hands, trying to make as little noise as possible. I pass by my brother's room, it is still possible to hear the snoring of his breathing, who is still sleeping peacefully. Oliver is my younger brother, playful and good-natured, always making jokes with everything and about everything. I recognize in him the most loyal and hardworking person I have ever met, just like my father. Owner of an amazing power, he is able to control and torture with simple hand gestures. Oliver is also my best friend and accomplice. I am the only person who knows that he is secretly in love with my good friend, Liana.

I enter my room beautifully decorated with the most stunning flowers found in the forest. I love flowers, they are like a form of love. I pull aside the red curtains and open the window, letting the soft breeze touch my skin.

Today the new school year begins at the training center, this is where all the young people go when they turn 16 years old. We receive our first instructions from age 6 to 15 at the village school, after which we are sent to the center, where we receive training to perfect our talents and powers. I put on my uniform which is made up of extremely tight pants, long-sleeved blouses and a light but strong armor over it all. I tie my hair into a braid which helps to show off and enhance my oval face. I like to look nice for Hero, because I know that at the end of the day, I will be finished, since training is always intense and tiring.

- Good morning, stranger! - I find my brother coming out of his room with his golden red hair still wet, which is the same color as mine.

- Good morning, little sister. Did you just get here? - he asked me, not even bothering to speak in a low voice.

- Hey, keep it down, do you want them to hear? - I say, giving her a gentle nudge in the stomach.

- Wow Olivia! Sorry about that. That hurt, you know? - he says, squirming a little.

- Come on, I didn't even use that much force.

- But then? - he asks me, as we walk towards the dining room.

- So what?

- You were with Hero? - he says, this time taking care to speak in a low voice.

- Yes, I was. - I answer in the same tone.

- And the expression of happiness on his face, it seems that it was one of those nights!

- Don't be silly, the mere fact of seeing Hero already makes me happy.

- Imagine then doing other things? - he says, maliciously.

- Wow Oliver! You're no good. - I say, laughing.

Seated at one end of the table were our parents, imposing and majestic as only a king and queen should be.

- Good morning, children. I see you woke up in a good mood. - says mom, as kind as ever.

- May we know what you laugh at so much? - asks dad with curiosity.

- Good morning, it's just another one of Oliver's clueless jokes, Dad. - I answer calmly.

- But you like my jokes. - says Oliver, offended.

- We all like them, dear. - says my mother. - Sit down and have your coffee.

- Are you excited for another school year? - asks dad.

Oliver answers before me:

- Of course I am, I can't wait to see those delicious little princesses again. - he says, looking naughty.

- Oliver! - scolded my mother. I start to laugh at his shocked expression.

- You play the stud, but we all know that you only have eyes for a certain princess. - says Dad, not caring about my brother's words.

- I don't know what you're talking about, my king. - says Oliver, feigning innocence.

- Always playing the fool. - says mom - Isn't that right, Olivia?

- I don't know anything, mom. Don't put me in the middle of this.

- Always protecting your brother. - she says, shaking her head.

- That's what brothers are for, after all. - says Oliver with his mouth full.

- Please, my son. Have some table manners. - scolded my mother.

Both my mother and my father cherish the rules of etiquette and demand it constantly from us, especially after they became king and queen. "Princes and princesses should behave perfectly," they say.

- Oli, will you come with me? - I ask, getting up.

- Yes, sister.

- Until later, then. My king. My queen. - I bow in reverence to my parents. One should always bow when withdrawing from the same environment they are in.

- My king. My queen. - my brother repeats my gesture.