
Between love and power

Olivia is a powerful warrior princess of the Lotus Kingdom. The kingdom she lives in is under constant attack by the enemy kingdom, the kingdom of Regia, which has been trying for years to take possession of the Lotus kingdom by killing its rulers, King Octus and Queen Olga, Olivia's parents. Enveloped by the feeling of revenge for the murder of his wife and Queen of Regia, Edna, King Ectos is willing to avenge his wife, using any and all means to do so. However, the princes and princesses of Lotus will not surrender without a fight. Amidst the chaos, Olivia tries to balance her romance with the charming soldier Hero and her attempt to protect her kingdom against the enemy's attacks. However, is love and war worth anything? Romance, magic, supernatural powers, and epic battles await you in this fantasy trilogy with a dash of passion.

bruna_souza · Fantasi
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18 Chs

A burden too heavy


For one day, just for one day, I would like to be an ordinary villager and not the crown prince of the throne of the kingdom of Regia. However, since I can neither change my life nor my destiny, I continue to do what I can to prepare myself to uphold my father's legacy. Since my mother's death in the last battle with the enemy Lotus Kingdom, everything has changed drastically in our lives. My father's heart, as well as mine and my sister's, have been filled with hatred and sorrow, and the only motivation I have to live, is the hope to one day take revenge on those who took my mother from us, destroying our family forever. We were never again happy, never again was the sound of laughter heard in the icy corridors of this huge castle made of stones, stones, just as I feel my heart has turned to stone.

My father, Eros, commands our kingdom with iron hands; it is no secret that he imposed his rule on our people, that is, he was not democratically elected like the King and Queen of Lotus. However, I do not question his means or his way of ruling, I trust my father, I must trust him and Ecna, they are all I have now.

Our war with the Lotus Kingdom goes back centuries; our ancestors already fought against the ancestors of the enemy kingdom for the unification of the territories, our only goal was to make the two territories become one, or rather, our goal was to overthrow their rulers, take the lands of the Lotus Kingdom for ourselves and make their people our subjects. It may seem a bit cruel to those who don't know our history well. Many, many years ago the Lotus Kingdom was ruled by King Bartholomew, a disgusting pig, as my father tells it. The Lotus territory was very, very small compared to the size of ours at the time. Treacherous and unscrupulous, Bartholomew organized a surprise attack on our kingdom. At that time, we did not have enough warriors to stand up to theirs, and the people who did possess some power were few. Half of our population was wiped out that day, he took our territory and enslaved our people. In time, some people managed to escape, among them was my father's grandfather. My great-grandfather and half a dozen other people took refuge in a distant land, and little by little, the population grew, giving birth again to the kingdom we have and live in today. Since that time, generation after generation, we have lived in search of incessant, relentless revenge, and will remain so until our goal is achieved. However, I believe that we are close to achieving what we so much desire, because we have a spy in the kingdom of Lotus, and the best of all is that he is a resident of the village himself, my father did not want to reveal his identity either to me or to my sister, the reason is unknown to me. This spy, traitor to his own kingdom, is also responsible for facilitating the entry of our soldiers into enemy territory. For some time now we have been kidnapping villagers and bringing them to our kingdom, but contrary to what the rumors say, these people are not enslaved here, but live like the other villagers, just as they used to live in their kingdom. We do this as a sign of provocation, we wish to upset the king and queen who rule Lotus. All that our father has told us about this spy is that he is a person very close to the heiress to the throne, which makes it all the more interesting, because I wonder what secrets dear Olivia must have confided in our spy. Plans, strategies and much, much more, elements that could make us one step ahead of her filthy kingdom. Ecna and I have never been in a battle before, our first time will be in the confrontation that is getting closer every day, my hands itch just imagining myself taking the life of those who took my mother's. While this day does not come, my sister and I dedicate all our time in our training, I inherited the power of strength from my father and I am skilled in handling various weapons, my sister in turn, inherited from my mother the power to predict future situations, although uncertain, her visions change according to the attitudes of the people to whom the prediction is intended.

- Éric? Dad is calling for you in the throne room.

I took a deep breath as my sister left after giving my father's message, I wonder what he wanted? I just hope it's not some marriage talk again, he knows I never intend to marry, I could never love someone with a heart full of hate like mine is.

I entered the throne room and saw my father standing with his back to me, his gaze lost on the landscape through the window.

- Do you wish to speak to me, my father? - he slowly turned and sat down on the throne. I moved closer.- Yes, I am, my father.

- After everything is finished, after we take the Lotus territory, after those responsible for your mother's death have been duly punished, you must choose a wife and marry. You may choose a princess from here in our kingdom, or even a commoner from the village, but never, under no circumstances should you unite with an offspring of the Lotus Kingdom. Do you understand? - his voice sounded authoritative and harsh when he mentioned the last words.

- You know that I don't intend to marry anyone, my father. - I declared.

My father leaned forward a little and studied my face.

- I don't think that will be your choice, Eric. As the eldest son, you must marry in order to perpetuate our family name and legacy. I think you should get used to the idea and look at some possible candidates. We can have a ball and invite all the girls of the kingdom to make your choice easier.

- Do as you think best, Papa. - I said, before leaving with a curtsy.

I will not do as my father wishes, even if it costs me my title. If need be, I can abdicate the throne in favor of my sister, but I will not marry.