
Better Off Without Me

Across a chasm of forgotten millennia, two souls are destined to reunite. In a bygone era where magic pulsed through the veins of the world, Lyra, a warrior of unrivaled prowess, and Kael, a prince burdened by a five-hundred-year war, fell into a love as forbidden as it was fierce. But fate, a cruel jester, threatened to tear them apart. Looming on the horizon was another war, a tempest that promised to consume everything. Fearing oblivion's cold embrace, Lyra and Kael defied the ancient laws, delving into the forbidden art of reincarnation. It was a desperate gamble, a chance to defy the inevitable, but success hinged on a single, glimmering hope - a magical repository strong enough to preserve their memories across the eons. Lyra's essence was woven into a magnificent ring, a silent testament to their love. Kael, in turn, entrusted his memories to a jeweled necklace, a beacon in the swirling mists of time. Then, with a whispered plea and a surge of forbidden power, they surrendered to the unknown. Millennia bled into the present, a world devoid of magic yet brimming with its own mysteries. Emily, heiress to a veiled fortune, traded the gilded cage of her birthright for the grit and danger of the FBI. A master of disguise, she danced on the razor's edge, faking her own death to vanish from the clutches of the law. Fate, however, had a cruel sense of humor. A chance encounter in a grocery store, an undeniable pull towards a handsome stranger named Max - these were the whispers of a past whispering through the ages. Their connection was undeniable, a spark that threatened to ignite a firestorm. But the shadows of Emily's past refused to stay buried. A vengeful former partner resurfaced, jeopardizing everything she held dear. As Emily fought to shield Max from the darkness, a horrifying truth shattered the fragile reality she'd built. The ring, the undeniable pull towards Max - these were fragments of a love story etched across time. The shocking revelation - they were Lyra and Kael, reborn. Their forbidden love, a melody echoing across the centuries. Now, armed with the knowledge of their past, they must face a new battle, a fight not just for their love, but for their very existence. Will their love story defy the odds once more, or will they be forever prisoners of a tragic past?

ChrisBrainiac · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs


A mumbled "thanks" escaped his lips for the shirt. He fumbled with the neckline, surprised by the unexpected struggle. "Seriously?" he thought, frustration creeping in. Was getting dressed this much of a challenge? The once mundane act now felt like a herculean effort. He felt like a cosmic plaything, the universe actively toying with him. But the thought of asking for help… ugh, that just felt humiliating.

He looked up and met her gaze, and a surge of annoyance washed over him. A smug smile stretched across her face, her amusement at his predicament evident. "Can you help me with this?" he rasped, his voice hoarse and ragged. 

Emily's smile widened. "Help you with what exactly?" she purred, clearly enjoying his discomfort.

"This is the first time I've seen you smile," Max countered, his voice laced with sarcasm. "If it weren't for the fact that you might have saved my life, I'd be tempted to call the cops."

"what do you mean by might have saved your life?" she scoffed. "I actually did save your life. And here I was thinking you'd show an ounce of gratitude. Seems I was wrong then, I stand corrected."

Max gritted his teeth. "Just help me with the damn shirt, alright?"

"Sure, I'll help you with the shirt," she conceded, her tone patronizing. "But just so we're clear, I'm only doing this because I want you out of my house." She paused before adding, with a pointed glance at his bloodstained clothes, "Don't you think you should clean up a bit?"

"Honestly? Cleaning up is the least of my concerns right now," Max retorted, his breath catching as another wave of pain wracked his body. "I don't know if u have noticed but I am in lot of pain. I need to get to a hospital soon!" Max said out of breath.

"okay no need to yell at me. She said whiles helping him wear the shirt."

"No need to yell," Emily said curtly, moving closer to assist him. Her touch was cool against his burning skin. "Try raising your left arm a bit." She whispered into his ear, sending a jolt through him that had nothing to do with the pain. He forced himself to focus as she helped him into the shirt, his movements sluggish and labored.

The silence in the apartment was broken only by the soft hum of the refrigerator. It was still very early. She helped max to his feet and he leaned in on her. She could feel his breath at the back of her neck. It sent shivers down her spine. Thankful for the dim light, she hoped it concealed the telltale flush creeping up her neck. She tried her best to remain calm and collected.

As they got to the doorway, she reached out and grabbed the keys form the bowl at the entrance. Getting out through the door was a bit of a hustle because of Max's height. She had to go through first and then holding on to her he followed behind.

They had to take the elevator down to the ground floor. It didn't exactly look like max was in any condition to take the stairs. It was a quick ride and in no time the elevator doors sprang open.

Holding on to each other they walked out into the lobby.

As they emerged, arms linked for support, Max broke the silence. "Could you hurry it up a bit?" he mumbled.

Emily bristled. "Excuse me? Who's holding who up here? And you're no lightweight yourself, so just keep moving. We'll be at the curb soon enough."

He shot her a sideways glance. "And what's up with the cap? It looks ridiculous."

Emily opened her mouth to retort, but words failed her. She was out of words to say to this guy. The audacity of the man! Here he was, battered and bruised, and yet he had the nerve to critique her fashion choices? In what reality was that okay? She was speechless. He made her speechless.