

'Do you love me Addinell Chadwick Busquent d'Angers?' she boldly asked. He had only ever uttered those words once, when Madison had all too cruelly rejected him. Madison searched his eyes now in anticipation. Even if he just nodded, she would feel whole, like she was legitimately Mrs. Chadwick Rochester.

Chadwick linked his hands in hers. His eyes held hers sincerely. 'I love you, Madison my dearest wife. You have managed to capture my heart when I allowed no other even near it.' He pulled her roughly into his arms and embraced her. Madison shut her eyes and offered a silent prayer. His body trembled in her arms. She heard his gasp for air. She lifted her face to offer him a comforting smile and was astounded to see tears rolling down Chadwick's cheeks.

'Darling?' she whispered.

'I do not deserve you,' his voice was muffled. 'I have treated you disgracefully,' he buried his face in her neck.

'That is nonsense,' she whispered, gently running her fingers down his head. 'You have loved me and taken care of me and provided for me since the day we wed.'

'What manner of man am I that I make my wife, a duchess work like a commoner and cook me meals each evening?'

'I enjoyed making our meals,' she smiled. 'You were always polite and gracious about everything I served you,' Madison lifted her heels and pressed a kiss to his lips.

'My darling wife, from today, you shall be a lady of leisure,' he stated. 'You shall take up your rightful place as Duchess of d'Angerville. I shall buy you many glamorous gowns. We will open up the ballroom and have many entertaining balls.'

'Oh you make me so happy Chadwick.'

'Are you not with child yet?' he demanded. 'I need an heir.'

Madison laughed, 'we have only been wed a month my love. Can I not enjoy you to myself before I give you  a heir?'

'I shall be your slave for eternity,' Chadwick promised. 'If you will love me for eternity.'

'I will love you forever,' she promised. 'For I could never love another as I love you.'

'Good now I need your opinion of this brand new bed I installed,' he carried her to it and dropped her on to it none too gently.

'Chadwick! You told Carlton to prepare refreshments.'

'I did not tell him how long a while is,' Chadwick ripped her skirt off. When Madison saw the ravenous desire in his eyes, as he gazed at her milky white unclothed body, she raised her opened arms to him invitingly.

Carlton had to wait rather a long while to serve the much needed refreshments to the Duke and Duchess of d'Angerville. Not that he minded.  The joy and contentment in the duke's eyes was reward enough for the faithful and loyal butler, enthralled to see the flag of the dukedom at full mast again. It just needed the pitter patter of tiny feet and gurgling laughter to complete the happy story.
