

Taking the delectable Lady Madison was going to be easier than he anticipated, Chadwick grinned inwardly, if the lady was this willing, why he could have her by the full moon.  He will have her just once, Chadwick determined.  Once was pleasure, twice was courting trouble.  Chadwick rejected what his mind and body was in agreement about that the Lady Madison was like no other mistress he had ever lain with.  She excited him.  She made his blood become thick with lust.  He wanted to rip the gown off her body and ravish her.

The day started of warm.  It was hot now.  The sun was beating down their backs, but Madison was loving every second of it.  A thin trickle of sweat formed and slid down her spine.  Madison brushed her sleeve across her forehead.  She lifted the pitcher from side of the saddle and drank a mouthful of water.  Raising her face up into the air, she allowed the cool gentle breeze to sweep over her burning face.  Her bonnet dropped of her head and bobbed about on her back.

‘Is everything in order my lady?’ Rankin smiled.  Wisps of her gleaming hair had escaped from her braids and blew over her face.  She looked delightful.

‘Yes my lord.  I am having a time of it.  The weather is just so beautiful, is it not?’ she laughed.

‘I agree, it is a perfect day to be riding,’ he smiled.  ‘Would you care for some lemonade?’ he handed her a flask.  From the outside she could not tell whether the liquid would be cold or warm.

‘Thank you,’ she smiled, accepting the flask.  Madison tipped the neck of the bottle into her mouth and found the drink, cool and delicious.  Her water had become warm.  The lemonade was most welcome.

‘Thank you, that was refreshing,’ Madison handed it back to Rankin.

‘I would like you to keep it my lady.  I have another,’ he smiled.

‘Thank you.  May I share it with Lady Sarah?’

‘Off course,’ Rankin smiled.  ‘Let’s catch up with them.  Madison and Rankin had been trotting.  Anthony and Sarah had been going a little faster, together with Rankin’s sister Tamara and her companion, Mr. Edward Burton.

‘Sarah!’ Madison called out.

Sarah stopped her horse and looked over her shoulder.  She waited until Madison caught up with her.

‘Have some lemonade?’ Madison offered with a smile.

‘Oh thank you,’ Sarah reached out for it.  ‘Would you care for some my lord?’ Sarah offered Anthony.

‘After you,’ he smiled into Sarah’s eyes making her blush.  Madison watched with interest and grinned.

‘There you go,’ Sarah handed Anthony the flask.  Anthony kept his eyes on Sarah.   He tilted the flask to his mouth and handed it back to Sarah.

‘Thank you,’ he smiled.

‘Thank you Madison,’ Sarah’s cheeks were flushed, not from the hot weather as she handed the flask back.

‘Let’s race to that waterfall,’ Madison pointed, but she was speeding off before the others were ready.

‘Hey, that is not fair!’ Anthony shouted.  He smacked Sarah’s horse and kicked his own horse into a gallop.  Madison laughed over her shoulder and just sprinted even faster.  When she looked over her shoulder Rankin was close on her heels, so was Anthony.  Tamara and Edward were very close behind, and Sarah was the very last to reach the waterfall.

‘That was cheating,’ Sarah exclaimed when she caught up with Madison.

‘Was it?  How is that cheating? ‘ Madison led her horse to drink some water.  ‘We were all on our horses.  I got here first fair and square.’

‘I will show you fair and square,’ Sarah jumped off her horse and began to splash water continuously all over Madison.

‘Stop!’ Madison pleaded, but Anthony, Tamara and Edward joined Sarah until Madison’s riding habit and boots were drenched.  Rankin came to Madison’s aid.  Using his deep leather hat, he filled it and tossed the water at the four ganging up on Madison.  Eventually every single one of them was  drenched to the skin.   Laughing hysterically they jumped into the water, for they could not get any wetter.  After some time, they crawled onto the grass and lay on their backs under the sun, until they were a little dry.

Madison turned her head towards Rankin, ‘my parents must never know of this my lord,’ she directed a knowing glance at him.

‘Oh your secret is safe with me Lady Madison,’ he burst out laughing and Madison joined him.

‘Madison, whatever are we going to tell our mothers?  Our clothes look atrocious.’

‘We will tell them nothing Sarah,’ Madison smirked.  ‘Why, we had to ride on dusty roads, and over raging rivers, we were bound to get filthy and wet,’ Madison smiled.

‘Madison you are conniving,’ Sarah reproved.

‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ Rankin stood up.  ‘Just past that bridge is the Maple Inn.  I have arranged for luncheon to be served to us.’

‘Oh now you are talking a language I understand,’ Anthony laughed.  He helped Sarah onto her horse and hopped onto his own.  Edward and Tamara seemed to do the same.  Their rumbling tummies must have motivated them to ride like the wind.

‘My lady,’ Rankin smiled offering to help her onto her saddle.

‘Thank you my lord.  Oh dear---.’  Madison attempted to hop onto her horse but her foot slipped as she tried to mount again.  ‘I do apologise,’ she laughed as she caught Rankin’s shoulder to steady herself.

Rankin’s arms grabbed her, instinctively drawing her against his chest.   The smile froze on Madison’s lips.  She lifted her head, fear momentarily flashed in her eyes.

‘My lady please do not be afraid of me,’ Rankin pleaded.  ‘Though I would very much like to kiss you,’ his eyes dropped to her rosy red lips.

‘You may, my lord,’ Madison whispered and closed her eyes.  She lifted her head invitingly and when Rankin’s lips brushed hers, her lips parted.  Her palms lay casually on his chest.  She felt Rankin’s breathing increase.  His arms tightened around her.  She wondered when she would feel the ground moving or the stars dancing for her.  Rankin’s tongue pushed into her mouth.  When she did not feel the electricity, or the instant arousal, or the desire to return the kiss, she pushed at Rankin’s chest and stepped back.

‘I am sorry my lady---.’  He thought she was regretting his advances.

‘No,’ Madison looked away, feeling embarrassed.  ‘Do not be,’ she murmured.

‘Let us join the others,’ Rankin cupped his hands, gesturing to Madison to mount her horse.  This time with no mishap, she kicked hard that the horse galloped fast enough to reduce the gap between them and the foursome in front with Rankin close on her tails.

‘I reckon I have worked up an appetite,’ Edward raised his hat in the air and smacked his horse to get it moving faster.

‘Nothing gets a man moving faster than the mention of food,’ Tamara laughed.

‘I have to confess Lady Tamara,’ I am starving myself,’ Anthony groaned.

‘That goes for me as well,’ Sarah laughed as they galloped along.  She looked over her shoulder to see how far were Madison and Rankin were.