

Madison dragged herself out of bed.  She washed her face and put on a carriage dress  that could pass as a respectable day dress as well.  She stood in front of the mirror admiring the pretty paisley pattern on her cool cotton dress, oblivious of the pretty picture the user of that dress cast.  A striking face, attractive long lashes, beautiful bone structure, delightful rosy red full lips, an hour glass figure and appealing child bearing hips. 

Madison tried to think of the hundreds, no thousands of ladies that married out of love.  Surely she could do the same.   Why her mama and papa were a successful example of an arranged marriage, surely she could make a success of one as well.  Her passionate heart rejected that notion quite vociferously.   After all was it so difficult to know your place as a wife, to serve your husband, produce heirs for him and manage the household?  Madison knew the answer to that, or was it the rebellious spirit in her that screamed out that she could never serve a man.  No she would jointly manage with him, but no man would make her subservient to his whim.

It was a lovely day today.  The sun was shining brightly with not a cloud in the sky, a perfect day for a picnic, only Rankin was not the preferred choice of a companion.  Still she had given her word to him and so must honour her commitment.    Madison smiled at the reflection in the mirror, preparing herself for the day ahead and walked out of bed chamber to join her parents for breakfast.

‘Madison, you look lovely dear,’ Rachael smiled warmly at her daughter.  ‘Darling you will not believe the number of invitations that have come for you this morning,’ her mother beamed excitedly.

‘Morning papa, morning mama,’ Madison kissed her father’s cheek, before doing the same with her mother.  ‘I am attending a picnic lunch with Earl Rankin today mama.’

‘Oh,’ her mother looked up from the invitation cards.  ‘Look here,’ she read off the cards.  ‘There is an invitation from Viscount Michael to the theatre, another from Sir Gerald to go riding.  One from Viscount Theodore to some fancy ball,’ on and on her mother went reeling off the invitations.  Madison vaguely remembered who all of them were.  She knew Gerald and Theo.   Gentlemen who she’d befriended on many previous occasions, but the rest of the names were a blur.

‘Can we look at them after I return from lunch mama?’

‘But you need to respond to them,’ her mother replied.

‘Reply yes, to the ones for the next two days mama, the rest I will look at this afternoon.  Oh and Earl Rankin desires for us to go riding with him later this week.’

‘You are spending a lot of time with Rankin,’ Stanton observed.

‘He is a respectable gentleman papa,’ Madison smiled, helping herself to some tea.

‘Well just know Madison, that Rankin’s finances are not enormous.  He will be looking for a bride with a healthy dowry.  That may be his sole interest in you,’ her father advised, taking a bite of his toast.

‘Whoever I marry papa, will benefit from my wealth, would it matter if that gentleman is Earl Rankin? 


‘Your mama and I will be happy with whomever you choose, just make sure you do so with your heart,’ her father unwittingly added, as he poured himself some coffee.

‘Did you choose with your heart mama?’ Madison smiled at her mother.

‘Oh yes,’ Rachael laughed, directing an adoring gaze at her husband.

‘Your mother threatened that if I did not marry her, she would poison my food when I least expected it.’


Madison laughed knowing full well her mother would never had made such a threat.  She knew her mother and father adored each other, and that her mother recognised her father as the only head of their blissful home.  Rachael had been quite pleased to defer that role to her husband.

‘I had had three serious offers to consider Madison,’ Rachael smiled, but it was your papa that was most charming.  In my heart, he was the one I wanted to spend my life with,’ she smiled.

‘Will I feel the same way mama?’ Madison knew her heart already had the answer, only did not tick all the boxes in her wish list.   He set her heart ablaze yes.  He was breathtakingly handsome yes.  When she was in his presence or when she looked into his eyes, her heart started to pound like a racing stallion.  But she could not consider .   He laboured like a commoner.  She did not know if he owned a property.  Most crucial was he did not possess a title, yet he seemed to be wealthy.  He would have no need or desire for her dowry.  So what could Madison offer   He did not seem to care for titles; or her for that matter, and he certainly was not lacking female companions.

‘You yourself will know the answer to that question my dear,’ her mother broke into the contentious analysis going on in her mind.  Madison’s eyes momentarily locked with her mother’s, before she slowly let out a huge sigh and pretended to do justice to her breakfast.

    ‘I had not known of this recreational spot my lord,’ Madison appreciatively surveyed the beautiful botanical garden they were having their picnic lunch at.  Rankin had brought a sumptuous basket packed with smoked chicken, sausages, cheese, fruit and a bottle of white wine.

‘I happened on it quite by accident.  My mare was hurt so I stopped to tend to her,’ he smiled.  Madison laid out a picnic blanket under a shady tree.  She admired the natural grassland, with the pristine, landscaped gardens.  Water lilies assumed ballerina like stances in the middle of the pond in the wetlands amongst the reeds.

 The garden boasted a paved trail, lined with drooping bunches of orange, yellow, salmon and lavender flowers that attracted sun birds.   Madison wished she could take some of the colourful blossoms home.    

‘It is so close to Cricklewoods, I cannot believe it is not well known,’ she smiled.    Natural vegetation thrived in the park.  An abundance of exotic and indigenous flora attracted different species of active birds that imbued a cacophony of sounds as they busily went about, choosing their mates; pecking on the flowers or buildings their nests.

‘I shall bring you here again my lady if it delights you so,’ Rankin casually covered her wrist with his hand.   Madison shyly lifted her head to look at Rankin.  The sun fell on his blonde hair making it glow.  His eyes, bright like jade gemstones smiled back at Madison.  She slowly removed her hand, mindful of her maid Beth discreetly nearby, underneath another shady tree, enjoying her share of Rankin’s tasty picnic treats.  

  ‘I would like that my lord,’ Madison lied, offering what she hoped was an appreciative smile.

‘Would you walk with me Lady Madison?’ Rankin stood up, removing Madison’s plate from her lap.  Even if she wanted to refuse, it was too late.   Rankin was offering her his arm.  Madison turned her head to alert Beth, but she did not need to.  Beth was already walking in their direction.

‘How does this Friday suit you my lady, to ride up to the Friar Mountains?’ Rankin politely invited.

There were a ton of invitations that her mother had been trying to get her to accept, but if she agreed to go with Rankin, perhaps he would offer for her.