

‘You cannot!’ Madison instructed.

‘Why ever not?’ Sarah exclaimed.  ‘I want to.’


‘Because what?’  Sarah patiently demanded.  ‘We agreed to inform each other who we liked,’ she whispered.   ‘I know you loathe Mr. Rochester, so what is the problem?  Sarah asked in confusion

‘Viscount Anthony wishes to take you in to supper.’

‘He has not mentioned that to me?’ Sarah refuted.

‘Whilst we were dancing, he mentioned his intention.’

‘But Mr. Rochester’s company is so much more pleasurable, and I have already agreed.’

‘What about Anthony?’ Madison demanded.

‘Madison,’ Sarah sighed impatiently.  ‘I am not cancelling my supper appointment, in favour of somebody who has not invited me.  ‘Besides,’ Sarah giggled happily, ‘I am absolutely looking forward to Mr. Rochester’s companionship.’

‘What delights you so, Lady Sarah?’

‘Mr. Rochester has requested to take supper with me,’ Sarah eagerly related to Anthony.

‘Oh,’ Anthony directed a questioning look at Madison, who shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

‘Would you do me the honour of riding with me tomorrow morning?’ Anthony seeing the need to act with haste extended the invitation to Sarah.

‘I would love to, thank you my lord.  Will you be calling at eleven?’ Sarah smiled happily.

‘I shall call at eleven,’ Anthony agreed.

 ‘Lady Sarah, shall we go in?’ Chadwick offered his arm.  His eyelids were lowered hiding his eyes.  Madison could not tell whether he was gloating or thrilled to be escorting Sarah in to supper.

Madison watched beneath hooded eyelids as Chadwick seated Sarah, then walked to the buffet table.  He piled vegetables, ham, chicken and pastries onto two plates and returned to Sarah.  ‘Would you prefer fruit punch or champagne Lady Sarah?’

‘I think I would love some champagne, Mr. Rochester,’ Sarah smiled happily.

‘Very well, my lady,’ Chadwick strode off gallantly again to the drinks table.

‘May I escort you in my lady?’ Anthony offered.

‘Oh I do regret my lord.  I am promised to Earl Rankin for supper tonight.’  Anthony threw his head back and laughed. 

‘I guess it is not my night tonight,’ he bowed, as Rankin approached to escort Madison into supper.

     "It was a typical gloomy London day.  Unclear sky, dozens of dull grey threatening rain clouds.  A slight drizzle kept the crowds away from Hyde Park, but Madison was oblivious to the weather, or her chamber maid’s reluctance to be dragged out in the cold, inclement weather.   Dressed in a navy blue skirt, matching bonnet and bright yellow shirtwaist, Madison was not perturbed by the dreary weather.   Beth walked a step behind Madison attempting to hold the parasol over Madison’s head, but Madison seemed to favour the drizzle turning her curtain of brown curls into a mop head.  She walked aimlessly around Hyde Park.  She did not see the carriages trying to avoid knocking her down, or the gentlemen on horseback who gazed at the seemingly bedraggled lady with the strikingly attractive face.  Her mind was a muddle of thoughts, none that she wished to assess.   It kept replaying images of the picture of Sarah and Chadwick taking supper.  They seemed to have enjoyed each other’s company.  Chadwick had not seemed to have made any special effort to arouse Sarah’s attention, but then Sarah had admitted to finding the attractive even before last night.  What if he is also attracted to Sarah?  What if he makes an offer for Sarah? 

Then why did she feel that quickening in her heart?    Why did she hope that nothing develops between Chadwick and Sarah?

‘My lady, it is beginning to rain.  Perhaps we should head back home?’  Beth suggested.  Madison started, she looked over her shoulder at Beth, looked up into the lacklustre sky then around at Hyde Park.  There were just a handful of crazy people just like Madison, walking the park.  Had it been a clear blue, sunny sky, there would have been more than a hundred people about the park.

‘I guess you are right Beth,’ Madison turned around and proceeded to head back home.

‘Do you feel under the weather this morning my lady?’  Beth studied Madison.  She did not normally walk about aimlessly in inclement weather.  Madison had also declined her morning hot chocolate and refused breakfast as well.  Luckily for Madison, her mother had been occupied in the drawing room, and had not witnessed Madison leaving home without breaking her fast.

‘Shall I send an invitation to Lady Sarah to come and visit you?’ Beth assumed Madison’s favourite cousin would improve her countenance.

‘No!  I mean that is not necessary.’  The last thing Madison needed was Sarah giving her a glowing report of her supper with Chadwick or to hear Sarah serenading how charming the was.  What Madison would most dread was if Sarah were to inform her that she and Chadwick had made plans to rendezvous some where the following evening.

‘The weather is not favourable to travel to Lady Sarah’s home.  We shall arrange to see each other again, when we have more suitable weather.’

‘Shall I bring a breakfast tray to your chamber my lady?  I am going to take hot water up for your bath, and perhaps you can stay in bed for the afternoon.’

‘You know I just cannot stay idle in bed Beth.  I will die of boredom.  Besides I am not unwell to be saddled to my bed chamber.  I think I shall have a game of cards with papa,’ she smiled for the first time that morning.

‘Very good my lady,’ Beth was pleased to see Madison smile.  She adored her mistress.  Madison was a gentle, caring and a friendly young lady.  She never treated any of her father’s staff disrespectfully.  Occasionally she helped with washing the dishes or packing away the laundry.  It bemused Beth that Madison loved setting her own bureau drawer and dressing closets in an orderly fashion every day.  She liked her day dresses and evening dresses to be packed in a specific manner, often repacking her closets to her own liking.

‘Madison good morning,’ Rachael smiled.  ‘Dreadful weather for you to be out my dear.’

Morning mama,’ Madison forced a cheery smile.  ‘It was lovely and fresh outside, but I shall take a bath now,’ Madison escaped up the stairs.’

‘Oh before you go, Earl Rankin has sent a groom with an invitation,’ Rachael spoke to Madison’s back.  Her mother could have been resuming her conversation about the weather, for all the interest Madison felt, but she stopped, and turned around with an enthusiastic smile.

‘What does it say?’

‘He would like you to accompany him and his sister to the opera tonight.’  There was only one way to get the out of her mind, occupy it with somebody else.

‘I would love to mama.  Please send my acceptance,’ Madison replied.

‘Are you going to invite Sarah?’  If Madison invited Sarah, she would most probably want to invite Chadwick, and the annoying brute would delight in torturing her, flirting and lapping his attention on Sarah, and obviously Sarah would become pickle brained about him.