


'Yes,' her eyes lifted to gaze into his. Her finger traced that pulse throbbing at his throat.

'Do you know I've wanted you from the very first day I laid eyes on you?' he murmured against her lips. His warm breath stirred her desire again. 'I longed to hold you in my arms just like this.' He lowered his head. His lips teased hers mercilessly. She held his face bravely as she returned his kisses. Each time he tried to withdraw, she remonstrated loudly and tightened her grip around his neck.

'I should go before somebody becomes aware of my presence in your chamber.'

'You have to go?' she was devastated.

'I cannot stay till morning. You know that,' he groaned as his lips caressed her milky white satin smooth throat.

'I thought that you---that we---,' her eyes were pleading.

She heard his rich laughter, so sweet, so adorable. 'You want us to make love again?'

Madison nodded shyly.

'But it is too soon for you.'

'No,' she denied. 'I want to---again,' with difficulty she forced the words out. In a moment of weakness he yielded to her demand. This time he was more patient, rather seductively taking even longer than the first time to pleasure her until she climaxed. She clung to him breathlessly, panting as if it was her last breath. Chadwick smiled and cupped her cheeks playfully.

'That was amazing,' she smiled, resembling a contented cat that'd over indulged.

She saw his eyes become dark as charcoal. 'So you will end your betrothal to Swain?'

Madison's eyes shot to his. She searched his eyes, hoping to find common ground. 'I can't,' she whispered. 'Whatever should I tell papa?' She clutched the edge of the sheets tightly.

'That you have come to your senses and realized you made the wrong choice,' his tone was angry.

'I have to marry him,' she murmured.

'You told me you love me!'

'What of the promise I made to Rankin? It is legally binding.'

'You intend to marry that swine, when you do not love him! Why?' He demanded for the second time.

She wished she was not sandwiched beneath him and the bed. She wished she could get out and have some leverage over him.

'Are you going to answer me?' he gritted his teeth.

'Chadwick---please. We have had this night,' her eyes shifted away from his. 'It cannot happen again.' She struggled beneath him, but he refused to release her. He just glared at her as if she was speaking a foreign language.

'Why are you hell bent on marrying Swain?'

'He is a ---nobleman. Our children's birthright shall be secured.'

He did not want her in another man's arms. He could not fathom her having another man's child. 'So a damn title means that much to you?' He tossed the sheets away angrily and hopped out. Madison did not answer. She pulled the sheets up to cover her nakedness whilst Chadwick paced about nakedly. He was built so beautifully, like an athlete. With difficulty, she dragged her eyes away from his muscular frame.

'Is the title going to bring you happiness?' He growled as he shoved his sturdy legs into his trousers. Madison remained silent, stealing another glance at his well toned bottom. She remembered the erotic feel of his masculine chest against her breasts.

'I want my children to have their rightful heritage,' Madison dared to answer.

'I would have thought happiness would mean more to you than a damn useless title,' he growled. Madison was afraid one of her parents would come banging on the door at any moment.

'You do not understand,' Madison slipped out of bed and quickly wrapped the top cotton sheet around herself. The chilled sheet against her naked body made her shiver.

'That is something you and I agree on,' in his anger he was having difficulty buttoning his shirt. 'Well I wish you all the best with your betrothal then,' his tone was sarcastic, his eyes dark and glacial as he climbed out the window without another word or look in her direction.

          Dora placed the candle strategically at an angle for the wind to give the flame just a little push towards the bulky velvet curtains to accidently attract the desired result.

'Dora!' Rankin banged against the hardened wooden door. 'Open it,' he demanded. He ran to the window, looked down at the garden two floors below him and decided he was not going to risk any broken bones. Curse that whore! She will pay with her life. Some agonizing minutes later, the scent of the candle was stronger. Nervously he stepped towards his bedroom door. Even with the door closed, he could feel the heat from outside. It was uncommonly hot, too hot.

'Dora!---somebody---help! Rankin began to sweat. He felt claustrophobic. Smoke was now filtering into his bedroom from beneath the door and the crevices between the wall and the ceiling. He coughed, feeling the burning smoke congesting his lungs.

'Somebody---help!' He pummelled on the door repeatedly. He cursed himself for sending his sister to London. He had wanted her to attend some of the balls and events they received invitations for. Rankin realized his option were now very limited. He ran back to the balcony and opened it. He ripped all the bedding of the bed, curled it into a ball and gently dropped it to the garden. For good measure, he threw his pillows on the bedding. Shutting his eyes tightly, he climbed onto the rail and jumped.

'Oh! Oh! He yelped like a wounded animal, hopping about. The bedding cushioned his impact, but his ankle seemed to have suffered in the process. He limped back inside, screaming for the footmen and his butler. Rankin grabbed buckets of water and painfully negotiated the stairs. The curtain was ablaze, so was the furniture against the wall. Luckily the fire had not yet entered any of the bedrooms. The hired help came behind him with more buckets of water. A production line formed pouring out water to douse the flames.

Rankin examined the destruction with furious anger.


A few valuable picture frames were beyond salvation. Priceless antique furniture in the passage were also reduced to ashes. Rankin inspected his sister's chamber. Luckily the footmen had doused the flames before it entered her chamber. Rankin dressed for riding,  signalled for a horse and with single mind determination, left his home.

     Sleep did not come easy for Madison. Her body still tingled with the after effects of Chadwick's loving.

She could not erase the smile plastered across her face. She stretched lazily, and winced. Aching muscles deep inside her womanhood reminded her of her passionate indulgence. She did not realize the ways between a man and a woman could be so exhilarating and pleasurable. No wonder men lusted after women so greedily. Now she understood how harlots could make a career of it, she chuckled to herself softly.


Chadwick's furious accusation echoed in her mind like an earth shattering siren. It would never bring her the happiness she knew in his arms. But what could she do now? It was too late. Her papa would probably disown her. That would be too scandalous. She would just have to marry Rankin. He would need to be informed she was not coming to him as an innocent maiden. If Rankin rejected her, then she could re-examine her options if she had any. Her parents must never ever know of her secret liaison with Chadwick.